Disappointed with slow weightloss.



  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    Slow weight loss is better than no weight loss right? You could stop what your doing, give up and go back to old habits but then you'd be right back in the same boat that made you want to start bailing in the first place. You're working hard and progressing, more slowly than you wanted, but progress is progress after all.
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    Open your diary, weigh your food (everything) Log everything. I suspect you are taking in more than you think. You should be able to lost 8 - 10 / mo pretty easy
  • KittiePerry
    KittiePerry Posts: 133 Member
    In my opinion, don't worry about it. You are still losing. My Grandmother tells me that it's good that I am losing slow because the slower you lose it usually means that it will be easier to keep off and stay thing instead of gaining it back.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I would go to your doctor and have everything checked out, just to be sure. As people have pointed out, your thyroid could be to blame or it's possible, since you've already lost an impressive amount of weight, that your hormones are mixed up or adjusting. I personally think you wouldn't have seen a 100 pound loss if either was the case, but I am not a doctor and it's always better to be positive.

    I know 3 pounds a month seems like nothing, but over the course of a year, that's 36 pounds. I know, I know -- you still have 100 to go but, you might as well figure now this is a lifetime thing. Slow progress is progress. You'll get there if you don't get discouraged and quit.

  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    your body might be taking some time to readjust after the impressive weight loss you have already achieved
    People say this out of one side of their mouth then out of the other side they say "there are no special snowflakes, TDEE-20%." Which is it? Do our bodies "need time to adjust" or is it just CICO?

    In the long run, it is CICO. When you take a short term snap shot, many different things happen with hormones and other bodily functions. Nothing guarantees that you will lose 2 lbs. every single week of the process.
  • dfranch
    dfranch Posts: 207 Member
    is that 1400 calories net minus exercise, or total? If it is net, you could be overestimating your calories burned.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited November 2014
    I agree with getting your thyroid checked. With what you have left to lose, you should be able to lose 1-2 pounds a week still.

    Also, it would help if we saw how much you are eating by opening your diary. I bet you need to get a little better handle on that. Maybe your measurements are off.

    I was doing about 90-120 minutes of cardio a day and kept gaining water weight and plateauing. I started reading a lot about cortisol and exercise. I lowered my cardio to only 45 minutes a day (seems to be about the ideal so as not to overproduce cortisol). I now make myself take one day off a week (which I didn't before). It really has helped with the water retention and helped speed up my weight loss again. (who would think less is better?)

    I also have learned that the fat burning level for cardio should be 60%-70% of maximum of your maximum heart rate. There are charts but yours should probably be about 120 to 140 bpm. Really intense workouts are not the best fat burning workouts. (Of course, at my age, 120-140 seems intense) :)

    I don't know much about insanity, but it is mostly cardio, right? Are you building muscle? Adding muscle will help you speed up your metabolism. How about some weights? (I preach this, but I'm not good about it. Hate strength training, personally, but do enough so that I don't feel guilty).

    Finally, you do look amazing and should be happy with what you have done so far! Great job!


  • Allisonfitness99
    Allisonfitness99 Posts: 128 Member
    Asherah29 wrote: »
    Slow weight loss is better than no weight loss right? You could stop what your doing, give up and go back to old habits but then you'd be right back in the same boat that made you want to start bailing in the first place. You're working hard and progressing, more slowly than you wanted, but progress is progress after all.
    Very true! This time I truly do not want to stop! I will open my diary.. I don't track every single day on here but my fitness journal at home.
  • Allisonfitness99
    Allisonfitness99 Posts: 128 Member
    And thank you all for the kind words!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    **Weigh ALL solid foods and measure all liquids!!** If you don't have digital food scale, GET ONE!!! This is one of the biggest things I find with a lot people who are having issues of losing/or not losing weight. Make sure you are counting those secret bites/tastes also, those add up quickly.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    3 lbs a month is good but with 100 lbs still to lose it is on the slower side but it's still moving in the right direction. It took me about 18 months to lose 118 lbs.

    Make sure you are logging as honestly and accurately as possible. You are losing so you are in a deficit but you may not be in as big of a deficit as you think.

    Do you use a food scale? Can you open your diary it would help with giving you better suggestions.
  • Allisonfitness99
    Allisonfitness99 Posts: 128 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    **Weigh ALL solid foods and measure all liquids!!** If you don't have digital food scale, GET ONE!!! This is one of the biggest things I find with a lot people who are having issues of losing/or not losing weight. Make sure you are counting those secret bites/tastes also, those add up quickly.

    I do have one but I don't use it enough !
  • Allisonfitness99
    Allisonfitness99 Posts: 128 Member
    3 lbs a month is good but with 100 lbs still to lose it is on the slower side but it's still moving in the right direction. It took me about 18 months to lose 118 lbs.

    Make sure you are logging as honestly and accurately as possible. You are losing so you are in a deficit but you may not be in as big of a deficit as you think.

    Do you use a food scale? Can you open your diary it would help with giving you better suggestions.
    When I log I log eveything I eat but there is a lot of days I go with out loging in any food. I don't always log in my workouts.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    **Weigh ALL solid foods and measure all liquids!!** If you don't have digital food scale, GET ONE!!! This is one of the biggest things I find with a lot people who are having issues of losing/or not losing weight. Make sure you are counting those secret bites/tastes also, those add up quickly.

    I do have one but I don't use it enough !

    That's your problem, now fix it!!

    Good luck. :wink:

  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    3 lbs a month is good but with 100 lbs still to lose it is on the slower side but it's still moving in the right direction. It took me about 18 months to lose 118 lbs.

    Make sure you are logging as honestly and accurately as possible. You are losing so you are in a deficit but you may not be in as big of a deficit as you think.

    Do you use a food scale? Can you open your diary it would help with giving you better suggestions.
    When I log I log eveything I eat but there is a lot of days I go with out loging in any food. I don't always log in my workouts.

    Use the food scale and log consistently. I'm also not saying you aren't logging everything but logging inaccurately is very common and takes learning. The entries you select in the database can be off, the measurement can be off, these all add up to eating away at your deficit.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Have you all looked at her diary? If she is logging correctly there are days she's eating in the negative. She admits so logging accurately on days she does log. You need to eat.
  • Allisonfitness99
    Allisonfitness99 Posts: 128 Member
    I know what your saying. Just trying to give an idea how I log..

    Also I have always had problem with food I go from wanting to eat everything to not wanting to eat at all. I know I don't get enough protein. I was thinking protein shakes maybe but I have NOO idea to go about picking the right one for me.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Only loseing like 3 a month.. I have over 100 pounds still to lose
    You didn't gain it quickly .. it will not come of quickly. End of story. Patience and then more patience, you will be fine in the end. The journey will be part of your victory in the end.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Thanks for opening your diary, I don't think you are logging accurately it definitely looks like you are eating more than you log.

    Stay away from homemade entries - you don't know what the person that created that recipe used.

    Stay away from generic entries

    Weigh out your portions

    Be consistent

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