6 week PUSH YOURSELF challenge, Week 5

TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
WOW, here we are starting week 5! How awesome is that? Our beginning list went from 60 something to about 8 of us so to those of us still here, and still PUSHING OURSELVES, I say AWESOME! This is what it is all about and if you are here you know that. I have watched some phenominal workouts go on, over the last four weeks, and I have watched each of you grow and PUSH YOURSELVES more and more. What a proud accomplishment and you should take a moment to be happy with yourselves. Be happy with your accomplishments and it will make you happy to continue on and PUSH a little harder.

I can not believe that we are starting our second to last week. So here we go everyone! Go out and make it a great week and see if you can PUSH YOURSELF to do more than you did last week.


  • Kforest0714
    Kforest0714 Posts: 93 Member
    Last week was rough...i didnt meet my 350 min of exercise. I did somehow manage to lose another .2 making my total loss in these four weeks 6 pounds...dont think thats to bad. I did get all my water and then some. I picked up some new workout dvds and im really ready to push these last two weeks.
  • jodik11
    jodik11 Posts: 64 Member
    This was the first week that I didn't meet the challenge! :grumble: I had some horrible news with my job last week as they let my department go and now we have to transition to a new job that I'm not so crazy about. However I did get in 300 minutes of workout and burned 2259 Calories. So it wasn't a complete loss. :smile: Thanks Tracie for pushing me! I plan on finishing this challenge and working harder than ever for these last 2 weeks. Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    bumping. I just posted yesterday's results on the other page. My computer never let me yesterday. I'm ready for week 5! And it's gonna be a busy workout month for me.
  • jeanaustin
    jeanaustin Posts: 101
    I'm ready for Week 5!! Last week I was able to do 529 minutes of cardio and 45 minutes of strength training. I didn't have any problem getting in my 10 cups of water per day.

    Today I ran 5k in 33 minutes on the treadmill plus 4 minutes of walking. I love the 5K loop option that the treadmills at Gold's Gym have. I feel like my running is getting stronger and my goal is to run a 5k in 25 minutes. There's a great 5k in Austin that I'm going to do at the end of June: http://www.runtex.com/web/2-3757.asp. We'll see if I can reach this goal by then.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    So, here we go week 5! Here are my results for Week 5, Day 1

    I did 80 minutes of run/walk intervals and burned, per my HRM, 1078 calories
    I did a 44 minute Hula Hoop class and burned, per my HRM, 661 calories
    I did a 44 minute Kettlebell class and burned, per my HRM, 688 calories

    I have had 17 glasses of water so far today.

    That puts me at 168 minutes of cardio, thus far.
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    Week 5 already! 80 minutes today and 12 8oz glasses of water.
  • 145Karen
    145Karen Posts: 80 Member
    I need a group like this if you start again I would love to be apart of it add me as a friend if you do please.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Missed my circuit training class tonight due to a very long staffing but on the plus side....it was long enough for the bike shop to get my bike repaired. Got out for my first actual road ride of the season-have about a 20 mile loop that I will try to run during the week. It is full of lots of hills which is what I need(plus it is so much fun to come down a hill at 29 mph)

    So for Monday:
    83 minutes-cycling
    10 minutes-walk

    9 glasses of water so far.

  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I know, crazy that it's week five! Way to go today, good job
    Week 5 already! 80 minutes today and 12 8oz glasses of water.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Nice job Jenn! Frustrating when something out of our control messes with our day! Had one of those days today too! The Dr's office screwed up my daughters appointment and three hours of my day were wasted! Ugh! Have been running behind all day! Good job though, to you, for getting in what you did!
    Hey everyone!

    Missed my circuit training class tonight due to a very long staffing but on the plus side....it was long enough for the bike shop to get my bike repaired. Got out for my first actual road ride of the season-have about a 20 mile loop that I will try to run during the week. It is full of lots of hills which is what I need(plus it is so much fun to come down a hill at 29 mph)

    So for Monday:
    83 minutes-cycling
    10 minutes-walk

    9 glasses of water so far.

  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Here is my results for day one, week five.
    - My strength lasted 38 minutes and according to MFP I burned 146 calories.
    - I did a Fitness walk that lasted 45 minutes and according to MFP I burned 311 calories.
    - I got in 8 glasses of water.
    Total: 83 minutes. 45 minutes is cardio and 38 minutes is strength.

    chickadee's week five progress:
    Total Weekly Minutes: 83
    Total Weekly Cardio Minutes: 45
    Total Weekly Strength Minutes: 38
    Total Weekly Water Intake: 8 glasses

    chickadees total 6 week progress:
    Total Challenge Minutes: 1650
    Total Challenge Cardio Minutes: 1213
    Total Challenge Strength Minutes: 392
    Total Challenge Water Intake: 200

    I'm testing out a new idea. One of my workouts says to do strength first, then cardio because it's supposed to melt fat better. So this whole month I'm going to do strength first and then cardio. I had to adjust my total 6 week count because somehow I've got higher numbers than I'm supposed to have.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Really it's week 5 already? :)
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member

    I'm testing out a new idea. One of my workouts says to do strength first, then cardio because it's supposed to melt fat better. So this whole month I'm going to do strength first and then cardio. I had to adjust my total 6 week count because somehow I've got higher numbers than I'm supposed to have.

    I just read this too! I keep meaning to ask my trainer about it. Good job today!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Really it's week 5 already? :)

    It is!! Crazy, huh??
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member

    I'm testing out a new idea. One of my workouts says to do strength first, then cardio because it's supposed to melt fat better. So this whole month I'm going to do strength first and then cardio. I had to adjust my total 6 week count because somehow I've got higher numbers than I'm supposed to have.

    I just read this too! I keep meaning to ask my trainer about it. Good job today!
    Thanks! I guess I'll find out if it really works lol.
  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152
    Hey Everyone : )

    I did okay last week but fizzled out at the end of the week. I finished out at 305 minutes ( 25 min of ST )

    I was very dissapointed but I'm back on the horse this week - I picked up a jogging stroller & a HRM ( Polar FT4 ) - I tried it out today but still getting used to it.
    I'll update later tonight because I think i'm going to walk some more - just wanted to let ya'll know i'm still in the race!
    Also did my monthly measurements - 14in lost in 4 months : )
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member

    Also did my monthly measurements - 14in lost in 4 months : )

    Heather this is awesome! Way to go!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Here are my results for Week 5, Day 2

    I did 45 minutes on the Elliptical and burned, per my HRM, 633 calories
    I did a 70 minute Muscle Pump class and burned, per my HRM, 711 calories

    I have had 19 glasses of water today

    My weekly results, so far, are 213 minutes of cardio and 70 minutes of strength for a total of 283 minutes

    I began feeling a head cold coming on, last night, during my second class, and by the time I got home my body was weak and I felt exhausted. I took tons of medicine before bed and felt slightly better this morning, but it was in my chest and head. It really hurt to workout today. So, while I put in the minutes I didn't PUSH it as hard as I usually do. I was glad it was a Muscle Pump class, on the schedule, for tonight, because it was just the speed that I needed to go with this cold.

    How are the first two days going for everyone else?
    So, here we go week 5! Here are my results for Week 5, Day 1

    I did 80 minutes of run/walk intervals and burned, per my HRM, 1078 calories
    I did a 44 minute Hula Hoop class and burned, per my HRM, 661 calories
    I did a 44 minute Kettlebell class and burned, per my HRM, 688 calories

    I have had 17 glasses of water so far today.

    That puts me at 168 minutes of cardio, thus far.
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    88 minutes in today and 14 glasses of water. I really dislike allergy season. Woke up so tired today. Could of fallen asleep through my workouts, bad when you don't even have to be still. So glad it's bed time!
    Feel better Tracie.
    Awesome Heather.
    chickadee heard that also, been doing that hope it's melting faster!
    Keep going everyone!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Hey everyone!

    So for Tuesday:
    30 minutes-elliptical
    25 minutes-Core Secrets
    30 minutes-walk
    85 minutes-cycling

    7 glasses of water so far but I will grab at least one more tonight.

    I am so tired of the wind--I wanted to bail after about 4 miles tonight but I ended up going about 18 out on the road.

    Hope everyone feels better!!!!
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