
I am:
struggling with being overweight (40lbs)

working on adding protein/ eating more regularly, and healthy snacking (seeing a specialist for this every week for a few weeks now).

I run 3km several times a week and include elliptical to this

I feel like the next necessary step to really push myself further would be to do some more fun and EXTREME exercising....My husband has been doing crossfit for a few months now and it seems to be paying off!!! (yummy biceps)

Should I cough up the cash and join CROSSFIT?

It would be about 5-6 times a week for an hour. My concern is literally only if it makes SENSE TO WORK ON STRENGTH while still being my brain I would need to burn the fat off with cardio befre building the muscles...Im probably wrong but need to here it from YOU PROS

ps. I love extreme races like: Spartan, Prison Break, and BootCamp!

Thank you 1000x for the input!


  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    It makes absolute sense to work on strength ALWAYS.
    Lifting while losing weight will help you retain lean mass so there's less jiggle the closer you get to your goal weight. Preserving lean mass means more food at rest and who doesn't want more food?

    You don't HAVE to do Crossfit if you don't want to or can't afford it. You can find a beginners lifting routine (Stronglifts 5x5, Strong Curves, New Rules of Lifting, etc) and do that on your own.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Now is always the best time to start!

    The previous poster mentioned some of the most popular beginning programs available, but you might also consider, given your love of extreme races, why not sign up for one and combine a more intense running program with a strength training program? I don't know about the others, but the Mud Run has a bootcamp schedule online that includes a lot of bodyweight and core exercises.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    As soon as I get bored with an activity I change it up. So go for it! Strength training can only help you.
  • SpinCyn
    SpinCyn Posts: 94 Member
    Now is always the best time to start!

    The previous poster mentioned some of the most popular beginning programs available, but you might also consider, given your love of extreme races, why not sign up for one and combine a more intense running program with a strength training program? I don't know about the others, but the Mud Run has a bootcamp schedule online that includes a lot of bodyweight and core exercises.

    Didnt know some races had bootcamps! Ill check that out for sure! Thanks!

  • aparent21
    aparent21 Posts: 3 Member
    I had the same dilemma as you! I eventually took a "cheaper" route and joined a kickboxing studio called HotBox! I think the only location is in Nashville BUT, there are many comparable studios out there. It's GREAT cardio (we burn about 800 cals/hour) plus so many strength exercises mixed in. Every class is different and by the end of it, I feel amazing. It's also an awesome way to relieve any stress/anger that you may have.

    I have a monthly unlimited membership and it costs me $80. I go 3 times a week and do a strength class that they offer (much like a bootcamp) 1 time a week. I have lost about 6 pounds over the past month and a half. I haven't been eating as well as I should so I hope to up that number over the upcoming weeks. I am in the same boat as you--hoping to lose another 15 pounds then really start toning up my body.

    I would definitely recommend doing some type of kickboxing class, especially if you're sick of running!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    To be clear, the bootcamp is just a schedule for you to follow, although I know where these races are popular, you can find bootcamps dedicated to specific ones.
  • SpinCyn
    SpinCyn Posts: 94 Member
    aparent21 wrote: »
    I had the same dilemma as you! I eventually took a "cheaper" route and joined a kickboxing studio called HotBox! I think the only location is in Nashville BUT, there are many comparable studios out there. It's GREAT cardio (we burn about 800 cals/hour) plus so many strength exercises mixed in. Every class is different and by the end of it, I feel amazing. It's also an awesome way to relieve any stress/anger that you may have.

    I have a monthly unlimited membership and it costs me $80. I go 3 times a week and do a strength class that they offer (much like a bootcamp) 1 time a week. I have lost about 6 pounds over the past month and a half. I haven't been eating as well as I should so I hope to up that number over the upcoming weeks. I am in the same boat as you--hoping to lose another 15 pounds then really start toning up my body.

    I would definitely recommend doing some type of kickboxing class, especially if you're sick of running!

    OMG the price is so sexy!!!! Before paying 170$ a month for crossfit I will check if my University offers kickboxing classes (if they do HOWEVER, it wont be as accessible in the sense of distance...I can jog 10min to the crossfit place, the school course would be a good 30 min bus situation.....BUT will check into that anyhow!) Really THANKS!!! you are doing great, keep it up!!!! SOUNDS FUN!