Question about anorexic diet



  • VerySpecialSnowflake
    edited November 2014
    All ED are in their core a psychological issue. Whether that is starving yourself to organ failure or gorging/bingeing on foods. It's a mental abuse that is manifested in a physical way.

    A lot of the scaremonger arguments vs. VLCD are inaccurate in order to scare. OP, you're right in asking questions.

    That does not mean going VLCD/conscious starving is a healthy weight loss. Although they can get to insane low body fat percentage, it also has a very high cost: At a certain point the scale weight loss is no longer primarily fat loss, it's loss of LBM. Hence that emaciated look many anorexia sufferers get.

    Apart from possible organ failure at point of no return, people who barf to prevent food intake, can damage their gastrointestinal health, not to mention can permanently damage their teeth.

    There are plenty of anecdotal stories about people recovering from ED. It can take a long while, though. Claiming that metabolism is destroyed forever due to ED is individual, therefore inaccurate.

    ED are different types of body dysmorphia. And should be addressed as such. Beauty is a very subjective value. Personally I wouldn't want to bonk someone that are looking anorexic. It's too bony for my taste.

    Clinging self worth and self respect onto body weight, whether that is over- or underweight, is not solving the core issue of feeling insecure and not worth a good life.

    When someone who has been overweight gets thin, they still have to teach themselves self worth, if they thought weight alone was their problem.

    If anyone is still in doubt whether starving yourself for a long period of time is smart, check out this article:
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    cherriegh wrote: »
    I was having a discussion with a friend about diet and question was, why do anorexic ppl who eat very little and exercise a lot lose weight but for non anorexic ppl we are told we wont lose weight if we don't eat enough to fuel our workout and our bodies will go into starvation mode and hang on to fat but anorexics dont?

    How does that work? I'm not condoning anorexia or any eating disorder but just want to understand science behind it...

    I suffer from an eating disorder. EDNOS - eating disorder not otherwise specified. This means I waffle between anorexia, bulimia, and overeating.

    When my anorexia is in full swing I can lose a pound a day eating probably 2000 calories a week. HOWEVER, it also ends with me in the eating disorder ward with a feeding tube up my nose and down my throat. Come to think of it the bulimia did that once.

    I also became malnourished at 240 pounds.

    I don't agree with "starvation mode" thinking. If you starve you lose weight. Period.

  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    jade2112 wrote: »
    cherriegh wrote: »
    I was having a discussion with a friend about diet and question was, why do anorexic ppl who eat very little and exercise a lot lose weight but for non anorexic ppl we are told we wont lose weight if we don't eat enough to fuel our workout and our bodies will go into starvation mode and hang on to fat but anorexics dont?

    How does that work? I'm not condoning anorexia or any eating disorder but just want to understand science behind it...

    I suffer from an eating disorder. EDNOS - eating disorder not otherwise specified. This means I waffle between anorexia, bulimia, and overeating.

    When my anorexia is in full swing I can lose a pound a day eating probably 2000 calories a week. HOWEVER, it also ends with me in the eating disorder ward with a feeding tube up my nose and down my throat. Come to think of it the bulimia did that once.

    I also became malnourished at 240 pounds.

    I don't agree with "starvation mode" thinking. If you starve you lose weight. Period.

    I need to add that this is a terrible and very unsafe method of weight loss. Make sure to eat a healthy diet every day.

  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    jade2112 wrote: »
    cherriegh wrote: »
    I was having a discussion with a friend about diet and question was, why do anorexic ppl who eat very little and exercise a lot lose weight but for non anorexic ppl we are told we wont lose weight if we don't eat enough to fuel our workout and our bodies will go into starvation mode and hang on to fat but anorexics dont?

    How does that work? I'm not condoning anorexia or any eating disorder but just want to understand science behind it...

    I suffer from an eating disorder. EDNOS - eating disorder not otherwise specified. This means I waffle between anorexia, bulimia, and overeating.

    When my anorexia is in full swing I can lose a pound a day eating probably 2000 calories a week. HOWEVER, it also ends with me in the eating disorder ward with a feeding tube up my nose and down my throat. Come to think of it the bulimia did that once.

    I also became malnourished at 240 pounds.

    I don't agree with "starvation mode" thinking. If you starve you lose weight. Period.

    I appreciate the fact that someone else has come out to say they were diagnosed as malnourished aka "starving" at a higher weight. People simply don't understand that you don't have to look like a skeleton to be critically ill from nutrient deficiencies. The body does not just need calories to survive!
  • elysedorm
    Starvation mode does exist in the sense that when you eat a really small amount of calories once you start eating normally again your body will have a much lower metabolism for a while and you will gain weight rapidly as well as be ravenously hungry once your hunger actually returns, you will feel like a bear coming out of hibernation, that's about how much self control you will have when eating fats and sugars.

    However, after a while your metabolism does return to normal if you give your body plenty of calories. Also, you do lose weight quickly on about 800-900 calories a day especially if you also do an hour of elliptical at the same time.

    I think its a personal choice, the main problem with it is you cannot do it for long you become exhausted from dieting and you will gain the weight back, trust me on that, it's no life style change.
  • justaboat
    justaboat Posts: 17 Member
    It's not a diet..........