Fit Bit: Is it worth it?

I am interested in purchasing the fit bit and I just wanted to know if it was worth it and it really worked for you? What are the pros and cons, would you recommend it or something else?


  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    edited November 2014
    I have a flex and love it. I love the sleep tracking because I was concerned about sleep apnea before I started losing weight and this assures me that my sleep is efficient enough (average about 97% efficiency). I also love the syncing with MFP. After coming back from a walk, I suddenly have extra calories I can eat if I choose to eat back exercise calories (I typically do about 1/2)! The website also has a log where I can log my heart rate, BP, and blood glucose numbers so everything I track is in one spot. I don't track my food there but MFP tells Fitbit how many calories I log here.

    All trackers and pedometers will count your steps and if you check it periodically, it can encourage you to get moving and up your count. This particular model is water resistant so I can wear it in my water aerobics class and shower without taking it off (I can be absentminded enough that I am likely to forget to put it back on if I take it off regularly). That was the main reason why I chose the Flex over the One

    The main downside for me is that it flashes lights, one for every 20% of step goal, rather than actually giving me my current step count without checking the website. I do love the vibrating when I reach my goal. It feels like a great accomplishment each day. I also wish it had a heart rate monitor. The new models coming out will, but they are not water resistant so they won't help me any more than my flex does, since most of my cardio is in the pool, either class or laps.

    What features are important to you?

  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    I have the One since i do a lot of stair climbing. Love it.
  • DvlDwnInGA
    DvlDwnInGA Posts: 368 Member
    edited November 2014
    It depends on what you are hoping to get out of it. I have found with mine it keeps me moving. I purposely park way out in the parking lots of stores to get extra steps in, take extra steps every where I can, and it is a fun motivating tool to compete with your friends and family with. I found with mine though, the flex, I did not like having it linked to my MFP account. I walk 15 thousand steps a day and I felt like it gave me to many extra Cals a day to eat. When I had them linked my weight loss slowed. I now have mine just for motivation. I use it that way and that makes it worth it to me.
  • missyjane824
    missyjane824 Posts: 1,199 Member
    So worth it. I've had the One for well over two years. I've found it so motivating to reach my goals. Be sure to do your research to figure out which one you want. There are some new ones coming out so if you want a wTch style be sure to check those out as well.
  • amf0324
    amf0324 Posts: 46 Member
    I have one and it is in my drawer...
  • harriyot
    harriyot Posts: 58 Member
    I have a flex and it is marvellous. I don't drive and walk everywhere so I make sure to walk my 5 mile target every day. The sleep tracker is also great - I thought I didn't have a sleep problem but I really do and seeing how you sleep can be great to fix those issues. The flex is particularly good because it goes around your wrist and you can forget about it then.

    In my opinion - a good investment!
  • lvbor
    lvbor Posts: 50 Member
    I'd say it depends on what you're looking for and what type of motivation works for you.

    I got a Zip a few months ago, after I noticed that I respond well to measurement and feedback in other areas, and having already started to up my activity levels. Since buying it I wear it every day without fail and have considerably increased both incidental and deliberate exercise. E.g. I used to cover 5,000 steps on a good day with intentional exercise *maybe* once a week. Since using the FitBit my activity has gone up so that over the past 6-8 weeks I hit 10k steps 5 or 6 days a week, as well as at least an hour of moderately strenuous activity 5 days a week.

    However, I've heard that a significant proportion of users give up after a few weeks. Maybe it depends on whether it is seen as a magic fix or part of a bigger strategy (e.g. I go for a walk in the evening with a 50 minute podcast, so exercise is tied up with something else I want to do).

    Personally I chose the Zip because it's discreet -- I don't want a watch or wrist band so that me getting off my *kitten* becomes a focal point for conversations at work, I just want to get on with things by myself. I considered a One but they were pulled from stock before I went shopping.

    The other thing to think about is the upcoming increase in other tracking devices--watches etc.

    In general terms, buying and using something better than a crappy $10 pedometer was a choice I'm definitely happy with.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I have the FitBit One and I love it. I keeps me active, since it's small I can always wear it. The bracelet one wouldn't work for me - just not my style.

    I have done several of the walking challenges on MFP and it works great for that, you can add friends and compete with them as well. Most of all I like it because it really does keep me accountable and active, I even started walking to work!
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    I have a fitbit zip and it is a glorified pedometer. I wish I would have saved my money and the burns are not accurate
  • fit_at_fifty
    fit_at_fifty Posts: 56 Member
    I loved my Fitbit Flex and all that it does, tracked my sleep, fitness levels and synced to MFP but had to send two back because they would not charge properly. I did everything right, checked contacts etc., but nothing helped. It has not been mentioned here but it is a common problem. You only have to look up the reviews on the internet. I miss my flex as I really enjoyed it but I would say don´t waste your money. I was lucky enough to get mine back.
  • KaroshiQueen
    KaroshiQueen Posts: 213 Member
    I was very very happy with my Fitbit Force. Unfortunately, I was one of those who developed an allergic reaction to the metal they put in the device. However, they announced the recall and gladly offered to send me a refund. Very nice about it. So, despite the allergy, I am confident that they have corrected the problem, as they claim they did, and will be purchasing the Fitbit Charge HR when it comes out in 2015. I'll have an updated device and I won't be out any additional money at all.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I have the fitbit one. I like that I can clip it on and it's hidden away from prying eyes. The first few weeks I got it, I walked like crazy. Now, not so much, but, I still wear it everyday and I like to try & aim for the amount of steps I set for myself. I stopped wearing it during my sleep, that stressed me out. It was saying I averaged about 4/5 hours of sleep a night. I felt like I was worrying about not sleeping enough which caused me not to sleep properly. Silly, I know! Not sure that it is that accurate, just like the calories burned. I'm definitely glad I got mine.
  • RubenAHarris
    RubenAHarris Posts: 5 Member
    If you activity level is generally low (sedentary), get one. If your activity level is already high, don't bother.
  • Knoxnurse93
    Knoxnurse93 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone, you've convinced me to get one and yes I do need the motivation! I need more activity in my life to ramp up my weight loss.
  • hehlh01
    hehlh01 Posts: 12 Member
    I love my FITBIT! Glad that you are getting one. :o)
  • hehlh01
    hehlh01 Posts: 12 Member
  • LACnessMonster
    LACnessMonster Posts: 25 Member
    It's fun to collect data on yourself. And if it motivates you, sure. Otherwise, eh.
  • Needachange84
    Needachange84 Posts: 310 Member
    I have a flex and I love it! It definitely has helped me push myself a little harder because I always want the 5 lights lit lol Its nice that it syncs with mfp also. I've had mine since March and I'd have to say it is definitely worth it!! Another thing I like about fitbit, you can add your friends so you can have someone to compete with and you can do daily/weekly challenges with them to see who comes out on top ;)
  • goodtwin_77
    goodtwin_77 Posts: 43 Member
    I use mine to motivate me to walk more steps and I like how MFP sends the data over to my fitbit account.
  • jamezln
    jamezln Posts: 182 Member
    I have the Fitbit One and it's odd how it makes you move. If i'm a mile away from my goal, I make myself get that mile. I too climb a lot of steps which is why I got the One. I can't speak on the sleep tracker since I don't use it, but the device itself is awesome.