Im on Day two...who else has just started?!?

Hello Im on day two, and looking for friends who also have just started so we can do this together :)


  • Day two for me as well!
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Well starting again for the umteenth time but posting here again after a long absence I am on Day 3 or 4. I need to lose about 60 pounds and then we will talk more on goals. I am trying to do the low carb and so far doing pretty well after I stocked up on supplies. First couple of days I was still in the lower calorie lower fat mode and that just does not work for me. Today I am 2 pounds down since Monday weigh in.

    Last August my doctor got in my face about being too fat and I have lost 10 pounds since then but it was the low cal low fat. It lasted about three weeks going off then started gaining right back and I had not changed the way I was eating. Then I was discouraged and gave up. Maintained the 10 pound loss but still need to loose another 60 more. OMG That is so much.

    So I am in with you all if you will have me.

  • It's day two.. of my return trip to the site. Does that count? I've been off for three or so months.
  • I'm all prepared to start tomorrow. Sick of fads. Lost 14lbs in recent times but at least 16 to lose before a healthy BMI. I would like to lose a few more. Feeling very motivated to get a lovely dress for New Years Eve.
  • dln1975
    dln1975 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm on day #2 of my "return trip" to the site as well!! I was "off the wagon" for a few months but am back in action and ready to get this weight off and keep it off for good this time!
  • k8dagr8
    k8dagr8 Posts: 12 Member
    I am on week two!
    Two years ago I started the process after having baby #3 and I lost 15lbs...gained it all back plus 15! The breaking point was weighing myself and the number was exactly the same as the day I gave birth to my 9lb son (baby #3)!!! not happening....esp with holidays upon us! Dropped 8 the first week (mostly water weight im sure) then down 2 this week!
  • Day 2 and motivated by the numbers. It's a powerful visual to see the calories and exercise like that for me. Gotta get ready for Mexico in January.
  • Wow well done k8dagr8. Inspiring.
  • sophomorelove
    sophomorelove Posts: 193 Member
    Hi, I'm on day two as well. Let's see how day three goes (THANKSGIVING with the family!!) Good luck to us all!
  • micheles234
    micheles234 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm on day 2 . . . for the umpteenth time as well. Seems every time I lose the lbs and think I can do it on my own I prove myself wrong. I'm back with 60 lbs to lose. Started back on couch to 5 k (actually couch to 10k) week 3 yesterday. Anyone can add me! The more friends and motivation, the better!
  • Day 2!!!!! on Jillian Michaels 30 day shred & trying to change my bad habbits
  • mumma2boyz
    mumma2boyz Posts: 109 Member
    k8dagr8 wrote: »
    I am on week two!
    Two years ago I started the process after having baby #3 and I lost 15lbs...gained it all back plus 15! The breaking point was weighing myself and the number was exactly the same as the day I gave birth to my 9lb son (baby #3)!!! not happening....esp with holidays upon us! Dropped 8 the first week (mostly water weight im sure) then down 2 this week!
    That is exactly the day I made a change. When I was just a few pounds shy of delivery weight, I freaked. Clearly I needed to make some changes. I have lots of helpful tips and tricks for getting yourself back on track. Friend me if you're interested.

  • missjazminenicole
    missjazminenicole Posts: 379 Member
    I'm on 2 months this week. The time flys by. Stick to it and you will be so proud. The process is a slow one but it's a meaningful one that yields incredible benefits. When you hit 2 months you'll look back and feel like wow, I remember my second day and how bewildering it felt, how afraid and lost I was with this whole process. But you won't feel that way forever. Consistency grows confidence!
  • I started 9 days ago, but fell of the wagon the last couple, and starting fresh again today lol Day 1 here I come :blush:
  • tonedby46
    tonedby46 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm on day 3 of returning again
  • salad_bar
    salad_bar Posts: 66 Member
    Technically Day 3 for me. Mostly been focusing on getting back into exercise and drinking water! So far, so good, but I've got a lot of stuff to work on.

    Feel free to add me!
  • I'm on 2 months this week. The time flys by. Stick to it and you will be so proud. The process is a slow one but it's a meaningful one that yields incredible benefits. When you hit 2 months you'll look back and feel like wow, I remember my second day and how bewildering it felt, how afraid and lost I was with this whole process. But you won't feel that way forever. Consistency grows confidence!
    for sure!* good words

  • iam on day 28 after hopping clearly off my wagon for 3 months any1 can add
  • vstraughan
    vstraughan Posts: 163 Member
    I'm 2hrs away from day 2 of my repeat visit. MFP kept me on the straight and narrow last time so hoping I'll stick with it again. Unfortunately had 18 mtgs of medical garbage (.... and cake) and piled all of the weight back on again. I've done it once, I can d
  • vstraughan
    vstraughan Posts: 163 Member
    *do it again (oops!)