Thanksgiving Day game plan!



  • tanowicki
    tanowicki Posts: 60 Member
    Like many others, I'm running a local 5k. I'm also running to the start and back home so that should add a couple miles.

    I'm not logging but have learned to only eat the things I really like. I have no need to eat everything just because it's on the table. I'm passing on the rolls and marshmallowed sweet potatoes but enjoying the stuffing and green beans.
  • Benevolay
    Benevolay Posts: 18 Member
    We're not going to have a traditional Thanksgiving this year. I would have liked to, but it's not my call. Still, I'm going to eat a seemingly endless amount of mashed potatoes. I am fully aware that it will be a ton of calories, and for the first time since I started my goals back in June I may actually gain weight over the course of a week, but life isn't worth living if you can't even enjoy special occasions.

    I don't have an eating disorder. Having one big meal isn't going to cause me to "slip up" and consume other big meals. And my family has never had a Christmas meal so it's not like I have to worry about doing this again next month.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Let's assume for a minute that there was something that you could do that could really get your metabolism revved up. Since you would be burning more calories than normal, you would be hungrier than usual. How the F is that going to help you eat in moderation?!

    My game plan is partly physical. You puts it on the plate, you sits down and eats it. This cuts back on the grazing, since the family we will be visiting covers their enormous kitchen counter with "appetizers" prior to the sit down meal.
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    Kandis29 wrote: »
    I saw on the news where a dietician was giving some advice. He said to eat eggs with hot sauce first thing Thanksgiving morning, to get your metabolism really going.

    Was this on Dr. Oz?

    Nope it wasn't, I believe it was on GMA but it was not Dr. Oz.... he had many suggestions including working out but his point was some chemical in the hot sauce that triggers you not to be as hungry, (which happens to be a proven fact btw) and revs up your metabolism.

  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    cheripugh1 wrote: »
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    Kandis29 wrote: »
    I saw on the news where a dietician was giving some advice. He said to eat eggs with hot sauce first thing Thanksgiving morning, to get your metabolism really going.

    Was this on Dr. Oz?

    Nope it wasn't, I believe it was on GMA but it was not Dr. Oz.... he had many suggestions including working out but his point was some chemical in the hot sauce that triggers you not to be as hungry, (which happens to be a proven fact btw) and revs up your metabolism.

    it does does it?

    I doubt you can find any science proving this
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Eat a moderate sized plate, repeat 6 times
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    cheripugh1 wrote: »
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    Kandis29 wrote: »
    I saw on the news where a dietician was giving some advice. He said to eat eggs with hot sauce first thing Thanksgiving morning, to get your metabolism really going.

    Was this on Dr. Oz?

    Nope it wasn't, I believe it was on GMA but it was not Dr. Oz.... he had many suggestions including working out but his point was some chemical in the hot sauce that triggers you not to be as hungry, (which happens to be a proven fact btw) and revs up your metabolism.
    HA!! That doctor has no idea what he's talking about. If that was the case, I wouldn't be fat, or hungry. Hot wings, hot sauce on tacos, burritos, the pupusas I make, Chinese food, and pretty much on anything. :-1: Hot sauce does not suppress the appetite.
  • xtiansalcedo
    xtiansalcedo Posts: 25 Member
    I'm basically going to eat and drink whatever is put in front of me, then go search out more things to eat and drink. It's only one day, so I'm not going to deny myself good food when I'm going to be surrounded by it all day.

    I'm going to log it as accurately as i can (have to eyeball dinner portions as I won't be at my own house). Don't care if it's accurate down to the calorie, I just want a ballpark figure. I'm almost certainly going to go over (maybe way over), but I've been keeping a higher than normal deficit going all week. I'll just get back on track Friday.
  • drabbits3
    drabbits3 Posts: 140 Member
    Doing a Flying Turkey 5K in the morning then eating everything. We are vegetarians so there will be lots of roasted veggies and a tofurkey, not a real bird, don't actually know if that matters calorie-wise!! I have done way worse at school last week and Monday/Tuesday with all the treats that parents bring us, so this one day is the least of my concerns!!!!!
    Gobble gobble!
  • locnlovely
    locnlovely Posts: 19 Member
    I am going to eat breakfast as I usually do. I don't have a Turkey Trot lined up, but I do plan on trotting around a track to help with my exercise calorie burn. I will log what I eat because I am cooking dinner this year and will know exactly what is in everything. Good luck to those of you who are going to log in your food. The thing that I love best about the day is being able to spend it with people that I love!
  • lsgibbs83
    lsgibbs83 Posts: 254 Member
    Moderation and yes I will be logging.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Thanksgiving marks my one year calorie counting anniversary. In that one year I've lost 33 pounds so I'm taking Thanksgiving as an EPIC cheat day. I'll probably log everything only to see how crazy over I go on calories.
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    I'm still logging but since we're mid-move, we're going to a friend's place for Thanksgiving which will help me because there won't be leftovers to take home AND I probably won't pig out with limited amounts of food for a larger group. If it was just my fam at home, then there's always too much food in easy access.

    Plus, thanks partly to the move, partly to seeing inlaws soon :neutral_face: , I'm very stressed and can't eat much without feeling sick.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    adowe wrote: »
    cheripugh1 wrote: »
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    Kandis29 wrote: »
    I saw on the news where a dietician was giving some advice. He said to eat eggs with hot sauce first thing Thanksgiving morning, to get your metabolism really going.

    Was this on Dr. Oz?

    Nope it wasn't, I believe it was on GMA but it was not Dr. Oz.... he had many suggestions including working out but his point was some chemical in the hot sauce that triggers you not to be as hungry, (which happens to be a proven fact btw) and revs up your metabolism.

    it does does it?

    I doubt you can find any science proving this

    It's my understanding that capsaicin has a tiny effect on metabolism. It's not practical to consume large amounts of spicy foods for a minuscule benefit.

    Here's some science:
    Hot sauce does not suppress the appetite.
    More science here:

    For the record:
    I think OZ is a quack. I dislike the expression "revs up your metabolism". I love all the spicy things. I eat them because they taste yummy, not because they will magically affect my weight loss. I plan on not counting calories and eating way too much on Thanksgiving.
  • Kandis29 wrote: »
    Anyone taking Thanksgiving Day off from logging? I think it will probably be difficult to log every single bite.

    I saw on the news where a dietician was giving some advice. He said to eat eggs with hot sauce first thing Thanksgiving morning, to get your metabolism really going. Then just eat lunch and dinner, with no extras in between, and of course to stop when you are full. I think I am going to try to go this route.

    Anyone else have some good ideas? We are going to two different family meals, and it is going to be crazy!!

    I expect to eat a lot (and log it). Hitting my calorie target this week should not be too hard. I ran 30 miles today

  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    Kandis29 wrote: »
    Thanksgiving Day game plan!


  • jillianajones
    jillianajones Posts: 9 Member
    I am going to log the basics of major meals, but not weigh stuff on the scale and go ahead and overestimate, since my estimations on portions tends to be off anyway. I know I will go over calories, but I am going to eat what I want to and enjoy it, but I will try to watch the portion sizes.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    My game plan no alcohol or dessert. Anything else is mine.
  • fitandsparkly
    fitandsparkly Posts: 4 Member
    Tomorrow morning I am going to the gym as usual, eating a normal breakfast, just pretending the entire day is normal up until my family starts showing up. It is one day out of the year, and it is my favorite holiday, so I am going to enjoy myself and indulge a bit. It's a day I get to spend with my entire family under one roof and I savor that gift and we celebrate how lucky we are in this world! I am taking small servings of my favorites (mom's homemade stuffing and maple ham) and having some desserts from the Italian bakery we go to twice a year. Friday morning I am back on track! Don't beat yourself up if you indulge more than you wanted to, just eat until you're satisfied! Hope you have a great holiday!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    My plan:

    -Eat a large bowl of oatmeal for breakfast with cinnamon & brown sugar
    -Wait about 1hr (get high chair ready to go, pack diaper bag)
    1. 54 mins Cardio
    2. 54 mins Core *** if there is enough time after cardio ***
    - Take a shower/get dressed/do make-up ect
    - Wake up my husband (he works nights)
    - Cook Sweet Potato Souffle
    - Help finish getting the boys ready to go (hopefully my husband will have them just about ready to walk out the door)
    - Go to my Grandmother's house for Thanksgiving and stuff my face
    - Comeback home
    - Do 54 min Core workout if I wasn't able to do it in the morning