Finding it extremely hard to eat. Please I need help



  • BushidosQueen
    In my opinion I would cut your water down to 8 glasses and see if it makes a difference. In my opinion I believe it could just be your drinking too much water. In usa 8 is glasses is the goal. If I drink more than that I could go all day with out eating anything and it is a bother. Call your doctor though just to make sure there is nothing else going on. Food is a mysterious thing sometimes. Write down what you eat and when and also the amount of water you consume and give that to your doctor and it'll help him see the picture and get a better understanding of what could be going on. Good luck to you. <3
  • HanreCornelius
    HanreCornelius Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you guys. Was at the doctor and its the multi supplement I'm taking, he recommended that I only take half the dosage. I also ate some peaches for breakfast and feeling a lot better I finished my breakfast ;) Thank you so much
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    is that one of the side-effects of this multi-supplement - did he actually do any tests

    glad you're feeling better but if it continues, please go back
  • HanreCornelius
    HanreCornelius Posts: 32 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    is that one of the side-effects of this multi-supplement - did he actually do any tests

    glad you're feeling better but if it continues, please go back
    yeah he believes so it's got like 350g caffeine in per serving. And I drink it twice a day. Its taking my hunger away. That's what's causing me all the trouble ;)

  • HanreCornelius
    HanreCornelius Posts: 32 Member
    I also started drinking it when I started too eat less. I'm such a idiot.
  • Ethereal_Whisper
    Ethereal_Whisper Posts: 70 Member
    I'm glad you found what was up :) like another poster said, make sure to go back if it starts up again!

    Don't beat yourself up over not realizing or knowing, because it happens to the best of us. We're fallible.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    is that one of the side-effects of this multi-supplement - did he actually do any tests

    glad you're feeling better but if it continues, please go back
    yeah he believes so it's got like 350g caffeine in per serving. And I drink it twice a day. Its taking my hunger away. That's what's causing me all the trouble ;)


    stop taking it - it's not helping you
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member

    didnt realise there were 2 identical threads - copied and pasted what I wrote in other thread......

    So this has been happening for 3 days?
    before that you had a normal appetite and ate a reasonable amount?

    Most likely you have a viral gastric infection making you nauseaus - or you are pregnant.

    I would wait and see if it sorts itself within few days.
    If it does, dont worry about it, just carry on as normal
    If it doesnt ,do a pregnancy test - if that is negative see your doctor for a medical check up.