after gastric bypass

calmnj Posts: 4 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
In 2002 september 12th I had gastric bypass surgery I walked into surgery that morning and never walk again. At the time of my surgery I weighed 558 pounds, today I weigh 385 pounds it's been a long journey has anyone out there have any interesting experiences with gastric bypass surgery are weight loss surgeries I am enjoying this tool for the first time I am journaling and I can see exactly what I'm eating I'm using a wheelchair I'm very active. anyone have any good ideas on burning calories using a wheelchair?


  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!sorry about you not being able to walk.proud you are doing something to change your life and be healthy.
    This is an awesome tool to be accountable and for the support.
    I `ve heard and seen success stories after the surgery.
    Just wanted to welccme you
  • JeanineLaymon1970
    JeanineLaymon1970 Posts: 44 Member
    What happened to cause you not to be able to walk. I am schedule for bypass on 05/04/2011 and am interested in hearing about the complication if you don't mind. I am not limited to a wheelchair, but mobility is hard due to my weight. There are lots of exercises online for sedentary adults. Do a search for them. Good Luck!.

  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    Welcome to mfp and I wish you well on your journey. Will you ever walk again? I was offered a bypass when I was at over 300 lb but the thought of it was just too scary but I have a friend who is just about to have one.
  • lreedcm
    lreedcm Posts: 5
    Hi, Sorry to hear that you are unable to walk. It is great that you are still able to lose and remain positive I applaud you for that.

    I had Gastric Bypass Surgery myself on 2/14/11 but have not had any problems so far. I just started using this website to keep track of my protein and calories as I have been at a plateau for about 5 weeks now. This also makes me accountable for the exercise as it is there every time I log in to log my food and make me feel guilty if I don't exercise.

    Feel free to add me as a friend so we can be a support system to each other.:happy:
  • Mary_Burris
    Mary_Burris Posts: 120
    Im so sorry to hear that you are not able to walk again! I had the LapBand on 03/30/2009 like the bypass it is a TOOL to help you as long as you use it correctly it will help you!
  • Inkchick
    Inkchick Posts: 31
    Hi. I am sorry you had something happen that caused you to not be able to walk again. Congratulations on your weight loss - I know from personal experience what a hard road it is.

    My niece is in a wheelchair and she does many exercises, including some in a pool. If you google "wheelchair exercises" you will find many videos and information available. But please be sure to check with your doctor prior to beginning any exercise program.

    I had Gastric Bypass (RNY) four years ago 4/26/2007. I'm here to lose the last 50 pounds :) If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask or add me as a friend.
  • calmnj
    calmnj Posts: 4 Member
    We will see with time what Gods plan is wheather i walk again our not. But im trying to stay focused and loose the rest of the weight in the You seem to be doing well in your journey keep the faith.
  • jessie580
    jessie580 Posts: 87
    I wish you luck in your journey! you can do it!!!

    I had wls over 10 years ago 8)
    I wouldn't change it for the world! I wouldn't be here today, I honestly believe that!

    my only issue is loose skin from losing weight so fast lol but it'll tone up eventually!

    I am here trying to lose weight because I became a "grazer" which is a big no no!
    I cant eat too much at one sitting but give me a day and I will eat every hour. know what I mean? :)

    so, I have commited to changing this bad habit and hopefully lose the weight that I put back on
    (about 60 in the past 12 years, not too shabby! I lost over 250 pounds originally)

    add me if you want to! anyone! :)
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    did you ever try the upper extremtiy bikes? boxing also, various puches etc/ wheelchair sports? basketball, baseball ect. racing around a track great cardio!
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