Looking for Slim-Fast 3-2-1 buddies

Hi there,

I'm Kate and I've just started Slim-Fast 3-2-1 plan and looking for some buddies on the same plan or similar.

I know it's not for everyone but it is the only diet which has worked for me in the past. I kept all of the weight off for a good few years after reaching my goal weight but put a bit back on throughout pregnancy. (So I'm proof it DOES work!). I had a huge food aversion to vegetables when I was pregnant and couldn't eat fruit as I was a gestational diabetic - hence the couple extra stone I'm now carrying!
Anyway, I'm now almost 5 months post partum and back on the plan as of Wednesday to lose the baby weight.

Not really interested in hearing negativity from people regarding my choice in diet, so please scroll on by. Thanks! :)


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • HappyHealthyMe87
    HappyHealthyMe87 Posts: 22 Member
    Is something genuinely funny or are you trying to troll?
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Is something genuinely funny or are you trying to troll?

    It's funny when someone tries to control responses on a public message board.
  • HappyHealthyMe87
    HappyHealthyMe87 Posts: 22 Member
    Well now that would be stupid wouldn't it.... Because there always has to be that one person who can't help themselves but to go off topic regarding my post
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
  • pursuittofit
    pursuittofit Posts: 97 Member
    Well, call me rude or whatsoever, but yo-yo effect proves this diet isnt the greatest one to choose, not to mention healthy...
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    good luck, sounds like a great way to blow a lot of money on groceries and not be very healthy doing it. The visitor suggested meal plan was 800 calories at best when I calculated it. I hope for peoples health no one joins you.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm Kate and I've just started Slim-Fast 3-2-1 plan and looking for some buddies on the same plan or similar.

    I know it's not for everyone but it is the only diet which has worked for me in the past. I kept all of the weight off for a good few years after reaching my goal weight but put a bit back on throughout pregnancy. (So I'm proof it DOES work!). I had a huge food aversion to vegetables when I was pregnant and couldn't eat fruit as I was a gestational diabetic - hence the couple extra stone I'm now carrying!
    Anyway, I'm now almost 5 months post partum and back on the plan as of Wednesday to lose the baby weight.

    Not really interested in hearing negativity from people regarding my choice in diet, so please scroll on by. Thanks! :)

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You might want to join or create your own Slim Fast group if you want to control responses, otherwise...welcome to a public forum. :flowerforyou:

    I'm with FaylinaMeir. I tried this diet years back and I ended up failing miserably after a few months and binging (during and after) because the plan was extremely restrictive. If you like the products, that's fine, but you could just eat at a reasonable calorie deficit and not only achieve great results, but be able to sustain your success as well (bonus: saving lots of money).
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm Kate and I've just started Slim-Fast 3-2-1 plan and looking for some buddies on the same plan or similar.

    I know it's not for everyone but it is the only diet which has worked for me in the past. I kept all of the weight off for a good few years after reaching my goal weight but put a bit back on throughout pregnancy. (So I'm proof it DOES work!). I had a huge food aversion to vegetables when I was pregnant and couldn't eat fruit as I was a gestational diabetic - hence the couple extra stone I'm now carrying!
    Anyway, I'm now almost 5 months post partum and back on the plan as of Wednesday to lose the baby weight.

    Not really interested in hearing negativity from people regarding my choice in diet, so please scroll on by. Thanks! :)

  • HappyHealthyMe87
    HappyHealthyMe87 Posts: 22 Member
    Bottom line: This plan works for me for so many reasons. I am certain I would bore you all by going into the details about why it works for me and why I chose it. All I am asking for is if anyone else is ALREADY doing it, then add me as a friend.

    Maybe it was stupid of me to think that people would actually respect my decision and not go into the reasons why the plan didn't work for them or why they don't agree with it. I guess I thought I could save people their time by asking them to scroll on by... My bad!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Bottom line: This plan works for me for so many reasons. I am certain I would bore you all by going into the details about why it works for me and why I chose it. All I am asking for is if anyone else is ALREADY doing it, then add me as a friend.

    Maybe it was stupid of me to think that people would actually respect my decision and not go into the reasons why the plan didn't work for them or why they don't agree with it. I guess I thought I could save people their time by asking them to scroll on by... My bad!

    I'd love to hear why it works well for you, as opposed to eating real food.
  • HappyHealthyMe87
    HappyHealthyMe87 Posts: 22 Member
    Bottom line: This plan works for me for so many reasons. I am certain I would bore you all by going into the details about why it works for me and why I chose it. All I am asking for is if anyone else is ALREADY doing it, then add me as a friend.

    Maybe it was stupid of me to think that people would actually respect my decision and not go into the reasons why the plan didn't work for them or why they don't agree with it. I guess I thought I could save people their time by asking them to scroll on by... My bad!

    I'd love to hear why it works well for you, as opposed to eating real food.

    Everybody is different. We all have different buttons, different temperaments, and are all wired differently in a million ways. Physically, one diet may be better than another. A well balanced meal may well be better than a meal replacement shake.... But it's the mental aspect of how you cope with it or whether you can see it through which will result in success or not. I cope better on meal replacements than I do on real food because I end up making bad choices. My temperament makes me an all or nothing kind of girl. If I make a bad choice then I will think "*kitten* it" and make bad choices all day long. A meal replacement diet takes that away from me. I rarely *kitten* up my evening meal if I've done so well during the day.

    I lost almost 9 stone doing it before and maintained that loss for 5 years. I had no negative side effects and my overall health had improved. I went from morbidly obese to healthy. I had 3 portions of fruit, 2 x Slim-Fast, 1 evening meal per day. When I came off Slim-Fast I found it easy to stick to healthy balanced meals because I seemed to have found a happy more confident place within myself, but after gaining weight from my pregnancy it affected my mood negatively and so I find it harder to diet when I'm low in mood.

    It's hard to explain it briefly, but basically I find it easier to stick to healthy eating when I have a slimmer figure to eat healthy for! When I'm overweight I want to eat like an overweight person!
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    I imagine the the shakes are convenient for those on the go with little ones in tow. I get that. Why not drink something like a Pure protein shake & eat an apple instead? Slim Fast has more sugar than a Hershey bar & the same cals - if I ate milk chocolate I'd rather have that.
  • HappyHealthyMe87
    HappyHealthyMe87 Posts: 22 Member
    GiGiBeans wrote: »
    I imagine the the shakes are convenient for those on the go with little ones in tow. I get that. Why not drink something like a Pure protein shake & eat an apple instead? Slim Fast has more sugar than a Hershey bar & the same cals - if I ate milk chocolate I'd rather have that.

    In all honesty it's because I know nothing about protein shakes. Slim-Fast seemed like the obvious choice because it's so widely known and available. I honestly wouldn't even know what to look for when it comes to protein shakes or where to buy them.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Bottom line: This plan works for me for so many reasons. I am certain I would bore you all by going into the details about why it works for me and why I chose it. All I am asking for is if anyone else is ALREADY doing it, then add me as a friend.

    Maybe it was stupid of me to think that people would actually respect my decision and not go into the reasons why the plan didn't work for them or why they don't agree with it. I guess I thought I could save people their time by asking them to scroll on by... My bad!

    I'd love to hear why it works well for you, as opposed to eating real food.

    I cope better on meal replacements than I do on real food because I end up making bad choices.

    You cannot replace real food with meal replacements for the rest of your life.

    It's best to learn how to eat in moderation and control yourself now. If you wait to do it later, it'll probably never happen and you'll end up gaining back all the weight you lost.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    edited November 2014
    GiGiBeans wrote: »
    I imagine the the shakes are convenient for those on the go with little ones in tow. I get that. Why not drink something like a Pure protein shake & eat an apple instead? Slim Fast has more sugar than a Hershey bar & the same cals - if I ate milk chocolate I'd rather have that.

    In all honesty it's because I know nothing about protein shakes. Slim-Fast seemed like the obvious choice because it's so widely known and available. I honestly wouldn't even know what to look for when it comes to protein shakes or where to buy them.

    IsoPure and Optimum Nutrition are both great protein powders. You can buy them from GNC or Vitamin Shoppe.
  • HappyHealthyMe87
    HappyHealthyMe87 Posts: 22 Member
    edited November 2014
    Bottom line: This plan works for me for so many reasons. I am certain I would bore you all by going into the details about why it works for me and why I chose it. All I am asking for is if anyone else is ALREADY doing it, then add me as a friend.

    Maybe it was stupid of me to think that people would actually respect my decision and not go into the reasons why the plan didn't work for them or why they don't agree with it. I guess I thought I could save people their time by asking them to scroll on by... My bad!

    I'd love to hear why it works well for you, as opposed to eating real food.

    I cope better on meal replacements than I do on real food because I end up making bad choices.

    You cannot replace real food with meal replacements for the rest of your life.

    It's best to learn how to eat in moderation and control yourself now. If you wait to do it later, it'll probably never happen and you'll end up gaining back all the weight you lost.

    Like I said, I maintained my weight loss for 5 years. I know myself better than anybody and I know what works for me. I know that when I'm slimmer I am more happy and confident, which in turn leads to positive change. I already know how to eat healthy, I just don't stick to it when I'm low in mood.
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Now you're getting somewhere! Check out the nutritional content on different products. Slim fast does offer a high protein shake with very little sugar. That one is much more preferable than the regular. BUT... I agree with the masses here that there are better choices out there. I totally understand if what you are looking for is a strict set of rules. I'm a list person too. But check out your options. There are healthier ones that are much more nutritionally sound and won't leave you grouchy from hunger. Also, you may want to consider a lifting program. Building up muscle is always a good idea. ;)
  • ejosborne14
    ejosborne14 Posts: 18 Member
    I have been on slim fast for 7 days and lost 4lbs. I am looking for friends doing the same to help motivate and keep me on track