433 calorie breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas and 100 calorie snack ideas - 1,2,3 - GO!

Balaru Posts: 203 Member
Does anyone else break up their food by the number of calories per meal? Newbie here (well on do-over number 1,010) and thought I would try it this way.

If I get 1500 calories and I do three meals and two snacks then it breaks down to approx. 433 calories per meal and 100 calories per snack.

What do you think? Any ideas for this calorie range? o:)


  • SamLD88
    SamLD88 Posts: 111 Member
    I aim for around 400 calories for breakfast, then either have a larger lunch or dinner (600 vs 300 or something along those lines) with whatever is left over for my snack, which is usually dessert.

    I do peanut butter banana oatmeal w/ whole milk and flax for breakfast; also do toast+peanut butter + fruit on the side; waffles + fruit; granola bar or grain + greek yogurt...

    I get free lunch most Mondays so those days, it's pizza and/or sandwiches for quite a bit of calories, then I do a light dinner. Normal days, I'll have leftovers or a sandwich.

    Dinner we often have pizza, breadsticks, eggs, pasta... pretty much anything that's in reach and is easy to cook.

    I'll usually have some ice cream for my snack :)
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    My days seem to be based on how hungry I am when I get up, lol. If breakfast is huge, then it will probably be two or three meals. If breakfast is tiny, it'll be more like five or six.

    I play it by ear. I never know what I'm going to eat until I decide it's what I feel like eating, I put more thought into it now, remembering my fiber, working on eating protein. But I take it as it comes.

    A LOT of people pre-log. They decide a day or a week ahead of time what they're going to eat and then they eat that.

    You have to try different things and find out what works for you. :)
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    Try a smoothie for breakfast or lunch, like this one for 430 calories:
    Mrm - Veggie Protein, Vanilla, 1 scoop 130 cals.
    Bananas - Raw, 110.0 g 98 cals
    Bob's Red Mill - Golden Flax Seed - Whole Ground, Organic, 2 tbsp (20g) 90 cals
    Strawberries - Frozen, unsweetened, 1/3 cup 26 cals
    Almond Butter, 2 t. 64 cals
    Organic baby kale, 1 cup 22 cals
  • kendalslimmer
    kendalslimmer Posts: 579 Member
    And 300 calories is a lot for breakfast. You can do yoghurt + granola + fruit, porridge + fruit, weetabix + fruit + milk, or even a large egg with a slice of toast cut into soldiers, for 300. You could then use the extra 100 calories however you wished...

    100 calorie snack ideas... yoghurt, fruit, laughing cow cheese + bread stick pack, popcorn, carrots etc.

  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    I just made this but substituted a bag of frozen spinach for the peas. Comes to around 400 calories for a big serving. Would work well for lunch or dinner

  • peachy48161
    peachy48161 Posts: 17 Member
    My breakfasts I like to keep lower than that, but I good snack is 10 cherry tomatoes and 1 babybel cheese and I think it comes to 90 calories. I eat it daily as a snack, you could add almonds to bulk up protein if you used higher calories on snack
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You have to find what works best for you. For me it's a 400ish calorie breakfast, a 200 calorie snack (if I get hungry), a 400-500 calorie lunch, a small snack if I get hungry, and a small dinner (dinner is typically a protein and a lot of veggies... typically 300ish calories).

    A 100 calorie snack would never do for me, frankly... if I'm hungry between meals, I typically need a least 150 calories (typically some Greek yogurt with either fruit and stevia, or some PB2, or a Quest bar). But again, I've never eaten less than 1600 calories.

  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    400 cals gives you plenty of leeway. I make quite a few dishes which are right at 300 cals a serving, like turkey chili, posole, or shrimp in Mediterranean spaghetti.
  • Balaru
    Balaru Posts: 203 Member
    What if we have to eat out at Wendy's or Subway?
  • Personally, I aim for a 200 calorie breakfast, 300 lunch, 400 dinner, and 600 to snacks. Because I love snacks and have no self control when it comes to them.

    I like having a small breakfast because if something unexpected happens (fast food for dinner/lunch etc.) then I've got some leeway. I'm also not usually very hungry in the morning. My typical day looks like this:

    Breakfast: Boiled egg and fruit (banana usually), or a smoothie, or a fried egg on a slice of bread, etc.

    Lunch: Sandwich, leftovers, salad with fruit or egg, yogurt, assorted veggies and cheese, etc.

    Dinner: Anything from soup to lasagna to chicken to pork chops. Doesn't matter.

    Snacks: Whatever fits into 600 calories, I also log OJ, milk, etc. into this category.

    It works for me.

    It's really what works for you though. :)
  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    Balaru wrote: »
    What if we have to eat out at Wendy's or Subway?
    Then choose wisely and remove most of the bread or eat less... You can still eat out at times and stay under your calorie goals.
    I am short and old, not nearly as active as you younger people so I am only at 1200 calories a day. I eat three meals a day and always try to keep each meal right around 400 calories. (No snacks every) I didn't get fat by eating meals - I got fat from snacking. So I never, ever, ever allow myself to snack.
  • Balaru
    Balaru Posts: 203 Member
    Usually don't have this big of breakfast but the kids are home from college and I figure if they like the food they might come home more often - LOL - I was trying to divide the calories up so I didn't spend them all at dinner - we tend to have oatmeal or smooothies for breakfast - leftovers or salad/soup for lunch and then a big dinner. So I'm trying to change that up a bit.
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    Balaru wrote: »
    What if we have to eat out at Wendy's or Subway?

    Get very familiar now with the nutrition information of places you are likely to eat on the run and eat accordingly. Plan ahead.

    I think you will very quickly make yourself crazy if you try to plan meals based on dividing your calories equally. Seriously crazy making. And you will be on to do-over 1,011 in very short order.

    My meal calories vary depending what I have decided to eat each day. Each evening I think about what I want to eat the next day and log that into my diary. Usually one or two meals are pretty much fixed in place because I've menu planned for the week and any other meals or snacks flex in the mix depending on how many calories I have left after the main players are logged. My breakfasts range anywhere from 250 to 500 calories. Snacks are most often a piece of fruit or some yogurt.

    Eat what you like and plan your calories for the day around food you enjoy.

  • Balaru
    Balaru Posts: 203 Member
    Thanks Annie - I just went to the websites for Wendy's and Subway and I have sticker shock - OMG. Usually if I go to Wendy's we get the Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger and a small Dr. Pepper. For Subway I'll get the Tuna on 6" Italian bread - other ones that I like are the 6" meatball which they have a special on right now and the Sweet Onion Chicken Terriyaki which "Jared" recommends and a Dr. Pepper. We rarely but sometimes go to Taco Bell where I usually get a Cheesy Potato Burrito or we get 2 Chalupas or 2 Taco Supremes with a small Dr. Pepper. We don't eat out much anymore - THANK HEAVENS! I usually plan my menu by what we still have in the house and then we go to the Farmer's Market and sometimes Whole Foods and finally Walmart to get the food for the week. This week is off because the kids are home for college. Hubby and I are still getting used to the Empty Nest in regards to the menu planning too. Dinner has always been our big meal. So we usually do leftovers for lunch the next day. I did get my hour at the gym in and am about to go for a bike ride so I think I'll be okay for dinner just hate not knowing. And you're right I don't want to be obsessing about the calories for every meal. So far so good today.....we'll see how it goes. Want to make this a lifestyle change and I know that eating out will be a part of that. Can't plan everything even though the OCD side of me would like to - LOL
  • my calorie goal is 1,550. And what works best for me is eating four meals per day with maybe a small snack or 2 in between if I feel like it. Best snacks are a piece of fruit, string cheese or a tablespoon of nutella. I don't plan ahead I just eat what I feel like and then log it.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    At Wendy's get a kids meal, a regular burger with salad, grilled chicken and salad or baked potato with chili. At subway there's plenty of 6 inch subs that work, just skip the chips.
  • NewLeaf_13
    NewLeaf_13 Posts: 18 Member
    Balaru wrote: »
    What if we have to eat out at Wendy's or Subway?

    Wendy's and Subway are my go-to fast food places when I have to grab something on the road (I travel a lot for work). Wendy's I get the Grilled Chicken Sandwich meal (no sauce on the sandwich) and I substitute a side salad with ranch dressing instead of fries (I only use half the packet of dressing and don't eat the croutons) (Total: ~400 calories). Subway I get a 6" turkey on wheat bread with lettuce, tomato, pickles, green bell pepper, and light mayo. If I get the meal I get apples instead of chips usually (Total: ~300 calories). If you get a drink (other than water), do either a diet soda or Light minute maid lemonade.

    Most fast-food places have healthier options now. Like others have said, go with grilled chicken or turkey instead of beef, limit bread and sauces, and avoid sides unless it's salad or fruit.
  • Silverdracos
    Silverdracos Posts: 110 Member
    Subway's website actually has a really cool feature where you can "calculate yours" and find the nutritional value for your sandwich with the ability to add or remove the regular toppings to customize it. And Taco Bell's "Fresca" menu has some very managable options.
    When I know I'm going to be headed out, I'll pull up the menu first so I make smart choices.
  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    I like a fried egg with 2 table spoons of salsa in a whole wheat wrap for breakfast which is under 400 cals and hits the spot! I have one of those small one egg frying pan that works perfect.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Honestly, I haven't eaten at a fast food place in ages because it's just not worth the calories to me anymore... I can do something much better at home.