To track Christmas or not?

I'm torn about tracking my intake on Christmas day.

If it were just the actual meal, I wouldn't be terribly worried, but it's the chocolate etc. I've already spoken to my parents and they've agreed not to get me any but there's always some around at Christmas and for me it's a food that once I eat, I crave for days and normally overeat. So I might track just for accountability with that.

Are you going to track (if you celebrate it obviously!) or just take the day off and get back to it on Boxing Day?


  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    I am not planning on tracking this year. I did last year, but I was still in the process of developing better eating habits, and needed to do it to keep from having one day turn into 2 days, or a week, or a month of not tracking. Now that it's a firmly established habit for me, I know that not tracking that one day won't be a big deal for me and I will jump right back in the next day.
  • lsgibbs83
    lsgibbs83 Posts: 254 Member
    I track everything...good, bad, or ugly. Not tracking doesn't make it go away.

    That said, if logging the goodies is discouraging to you, don't do it. I personally NEED to know where I stand.

    It's just one day in the grand scheme. Don't sweat it and enjoy your holiday either way.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    Aemiliana wrote: »
    I'm torn about tracking my intake on Christmas day.

    If it were just the actual meal, I wouldn't be terribly worried, but it's the chocolate etc. I've already spoken to my parents and they've agreed not to get me any but there's always some around at Christmas and for me it's a food that once I eat, I crave for days and normally overeat. So I might track just for accountability with that.

    Are you going to track (if you celebrate it obviously!) or just take the day off and get back to it on Boxing Day?

    I think what counts the most is not what you do on the actual holiday but what your do between the holidays themselves.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I dunno. I'll probably track any protein to make sure I'm not low, but otherwise I plan on eating our regular meals. I doubt I'll log most of it, and I'll most likely not be stuffing my face anyways. Normally i'd eat like all the chocolate I received on Christmas, this year I won't.
  • smichhertz
    smichhertz Posts: 3 Member
    I plan on tracking. It's okay to go over every now and again. The thing that concerns me is that if I stop for one day, I'll start making excuses for other days and then not track at all. I'd rather just keep tracking and go over then stop tracking.

    It's really up to you but just be aware of the possible pitfalls if you stop tracking for a day.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    It is a very individual thing, based on your own individual status and position on your healthy lifestyle journey. I will not weigh and measure , but I will log all to the best estimate I can. I am also planning about three fitness challenges - the C25k, the ab challenge with my husband and 31 days of Barre3 without a break. It's December day after tomorrow and it's time (for me).
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I'm logging. Don't see a reason not to.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I won't log Christmas Day, will throw in a 3000 cal quick add and be done... Mainly because I can't be bothered trying to remember and log every single little thing I eat!
  • MadamMina
    MadamMina Posts: 82 Member
    Absolutely! For some odd reason I seem to do much better during the holidays, I can stick to my diet and workouts easier, maybe because I am more determined NOT to let a holiday ruin my goals.

    Next to that I don't see why not either, it feels a bit like fooling yourself, like if I don't log it it's not there and never happened. But that is how I feel of course.
  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    I log one big entry for the day that probably overestimates what I actually ate.
    I won't log Christmas Day, will throw in a 3000 cal quick add and be done... Mainly because I can't be bothered trying to remember and log every single little thing I eat!

    Same here. it's one of the few days where I'm mindlessly eating throughout the day. For Thanksgiving I logged one big 4,500 calorie entry with a high estimate of carbs and fat and called it a day.

    Then I started logging again the next day.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited November 2014
    yes ofc track it imo, its just information. By not tracking it doesnt mean it didnt happen.
    The same strategies as people had available for Thanksgiving can be used if you want to minimise the calorie impact i.e burn some calories beforehand, moderate, just record but dont worry as its just one day etc.

    Logging is good imo because it gives you knoweldge of what you are consuming. I just like information, but no need to worrt and juts make reasonable estimates.

  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I'll log, just not as accurately as I would any other day.

    I'll get back to accuracy and stuff after the Xmas parties and Xmas day.
    Other than that, any sweets/foods I get for Xmas I'll just fit into my calorie goal until they're gone.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'm visiting my parents for a few days and not bringing my food scale so if I log it will be rough estimates. I'll probably do it anyway but not stress about the inaccuracies, but I might take it as an opportunity to see how I do without logging.

    For just one day I wouldn't worry about it. I did log Easter since I cooked everything but decided not to log Thanksgiving and didn't eat any more than I would have if logging.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    I track every day. It's important data to me.
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    Aemiliana wrote: »
    I'm torn about tracking my intake on Christmas day.

    If it were just the actual meal, I wouldn't be terribly worried, but it's the chocolate etc. I've already spoken to my parents and they've agreed not to get me any but there's always some around at Christmas and for me it's a food that once I eat, I crave for days and normally overeat. So I might track just for accountability with that.

    Are you going to track (if you celebrate it obviously!) or just take the day off and get back to it on Boxing Day?

    I track... if I am not sure about the actual calorie count I give an HONEST est. of calories and put that in for the meal or snack in question.... I try to pre-enter what I know my basic meal will be and that I try very hard to stick to, plus by doing that ahead of time I can decide if there is something I have often enough to cut for something special so I don't go too far over. like maybe I'll take off corn because I know I'm going to have mashed potatoes AND stuffing, sometimes I cut the mashed and just have stuffing. If I have no idea ahead of time, I will est. the calories at a straight 600 (for ex.) for each meal. If you've been doing this long term and/or are at goal maybe you don't need to do this, but for me I still have a long road ahead and I need to keep it upfront, I won't limit my calories on a holiday to 'diet mode' but I won't go overboard too far.
  • TheTiagooo
    TheTiagooo Posts: 53 Member
    I'm going to give a rough track, but I'm not going to weight my dinner or anything like that. It's just for a ballpark estimate of the damage I know I'll do, so that I know where that puts me afterwards.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yep I track it all.
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    I'll be logging, but also accepting that I'll definitely be in the red for the day. I like to log to keep myself right, but I don't mind going over for the day, not at Christmas.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I am going to record as best as I can (even thinking of taking my kitchen scales along to Christmas dinner!). I'm not concerned about staying at my calorie-goal, but I am very interested in the numbers and long-term tracking of calorie-intake, body weight and performance at the gym.

    In terms of over-indulging outside of Christmas dinner, I'm thinking of planning it beforehand. I mentioned this on another thread, but for instance, eating 5 mince pies over the season seems about the right number for me. It neither feels greedy nor a number so low that I'm denying myself pleasure.

    In terms of food presents, I have one or two very close relatives who always buy me X that they know I love. I've just asked if they are thinking of doing this this year, would they just buy me smaller boxes.