Ho many calories do you eat and burn for the week to lose weight

My names Kristin. I am 23 years old and my start weight was 185lbs.Im 4'11 and a stay at home Mommy. I workout in the morning after breakfast. I eat around 1200-1700 calories a day and burn 1000-1200 a week. Ive lost 5lbs in 2 weeks and went to 180. Then the 3rd week I didnt lose any. My Dr prescribed me iodine pills for my thyroid which is supposebly suppose to take weight off quicker. Yeah right. So how many calories do you eat a day and how many do you burn a week???


  • rhody_
    rhody_ Posts: 18 Member
    I have a fancy scale that when I weigh in, it tells me how much fat % and muscle % I have, etc. But the best part of it says my resting metabolism number. That has seriously helped me tons when it came to how many calories to eat. I'm 23, 5'2", and I went from fluxuating between 110-120 up to 150. I'm down at 137ish now. I weigh myself every Saturday morning.

    This is the scale I have: http://www.amazon.com/Omron-HBF-514C-Composition-Sensing-Monitor/dp/B0020MMCDE/ref=pd_bia_nav_t_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=0QXB890BC9WNFKV3MK7D
  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    I eat 1650 per day to put me at a 750 deficit (2400 maintenance)
  • bonjourjackie
    bonjourjackie Posts: 27 Member
    Maybe make your workout more intense? Or maybe it's what you've been eating? You need to make sure to load up on the veggies and fruit! You may also be underestimating what you're eating, so make sure you check labels and calculate accordingly through the serving size.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    The last 7 days I have eaten 12927 calories and burned 14783 calories giving me a 1856 defecit in line with my 0.5lb a week target
  • hamoncan
    hamoncan Posts: 148 Member
    If you're like me you start eating a lot of the same things every day to make it easier to manage the calories and stick with what works - when I plateaued a while ago I changed some of the foods I was eating and the numbers started dropping again - lately some dense complex carbs and a lot more fruit and raw veg seemed to do the trick - eating better and less I guess
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Hamoncan do you include bananas in your fruit quota?
  • JaydensMama418
    Ive been eating around 1200-1600 calories a day. I usually have a protein shake for breakfast, lunch is soup, snacks are usually eggs and a piece of cheese. And dinner is whatever my Fiance brings home but I dont over do it. I eat dinner in moderation if its not healthy. I workout in the morning after my protein shake. I burn around 1000-1200 calories a week. I do the youtube bikini body mommy challenge on days 1 3 and 5 and on days 2 4 6 I do fitness blender cardio videos. The bikini body mommy challenge burn 80-300 cals and fitness blender I can burn anywhere from 300-700 calories.
  • SteveMFP123
    SteveMFP123 Posts: 298 Member
    I have 1780 calories a day for a 2lb/week loss, it's working remarkably well.
  • MamaP47
    MamaP47 Posts: 94 Member
    edited November 2014
    I'm barely 5' tall and I consume around 1000-1200 calories a day (it's hard cuz I'm rarely hungry). I run, lift weights and do the JM 30DS. I take my protein shake plus powder vitamins every morning. Sometimes I take another protein shake after a hard workout for recovery (but I make it a smoothie in my blender). I've been losing on average 1-2 lbs per week.

    I burn between 1500-2500 calories a week I think.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    I eat anywhere from 1300 to 1800 depending on the day. I don't track calorie burns anymore because I use the TDEE method but I burned about 400 to 650 depending on the work out. So 1600 to 2600 per week from exercise.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,001 Member
    It's one week. You shouldn't get too excited. Weight loss is not linear -- especially not for a woman in her reproductive years. Most women retain water (which disguises fat loss) just before and during their period, so you might want to check the calendar and consider that possibility.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    It's one week. You shouldn't get too excited. Weight loss is not linear -- especially not for a woman in her reproductive years. Most women retain water (which disguises fat loss) just before and during their period, so you might want to check the calendar and consider that possibility.

    If you eat 500 calories less than a normally active person does in a day, you can lose a pound a week. That is affected by your activity level. If you are more active, you'll lose faster. Yes, water weight is a factor, but it balances out after a while. I only weigh myself once a month.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I wouldn't worry about one week, as you're going to have normal weight fluctuations and things like water retention *(TOM), can affect this. Keep doing what you're doing and it will come.
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    you need a deficit of 3500 cal to lose 1 lb
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Annnnd no guys. Man. I really feel like a minority here sometimes. Where the fellas at?

    Sedentary days i eat 1500. Days where i get my 10,000 steps and a moderate amount of exercise, i consume a delicious 1800. On days where i get more exercise than usual, i'll up it to 2000. But thats pretty rare. I typically lose 2 lbs a week. And i eat whatever the hell i want. Love them marie calendars meals. And angus burgers from costco. Oh man

    30/m/230 lbs
  • JaydensMama418
    Im eating between 1200-1600 a day. It says I burn 2520 on any giving day and I always burn 1000+ calories a week for exercise. I use to eat whatever I wanted but that didnt work for me. Breakfast lunch and snacks are healthy and dinner I eat whatever I want but in moderation. I drink around 4 or 5 16oz bottles of water a day too.