How i ran 5 km for the first time ever in my life

raman78657 Posts: 2
edited November 2014 in Success Stories
3 months ago....

My stamina was so awful that barely a jog of half a kilometer would force me to start panting heavily and eventually i had to bring my body to rest.

Sometime ago in past, i had come across a running schedule 'C25K (Couch to 5 K)' that was designed to help complete beginners to leave couch and run 30mins within 2 months. It is a 9 week schedule of 27 workouts, each workout contains alternate jog and walk periods. As the weeks pass, the jog to walk time ratio keep on increasing and eventually the last workout contains jog of 30 mins without any walk. The C25K schedule looked well planned . So, i decided to follow it.

One of my colleagues also showed interest and decided to start this schedule. But we were to run at different places as his home is quite far from my place. So, that evening i went home, completed the first day of the C25k program and sent him a message, "Workout 1 done". Very next morning i received his message, "Workout 1 done". This is how it all got started.

2 months ago....

During initial few weeks, the running periods of the workouts were quite uncomfortable. We shared our progress and experiences with each other and that kept us motivated to keep running. I do not think we would have come this far without each other's support. Meanwhile, i also happened to read Christopher Mcdougall's book 'Born to run' that completely changed my approach towards running. I had now started to believe that Humans are evolved to run and running long distances is one of our basic qualities. I would recommend this book to anyone who has interest in running.

A month ago...

Few more weeks passed. This period i believe proved to be the turning point. Running was becoming more and more natural. Initial days of uncomfortable runs were getting over and i had started to enjoy running. I was experiencing tremendous difference in my moods before and after run. Post run moments felt so blissful that anger, jealousy, frustration,etc seemed to be unknown emotions. Running felt like a great stress buster. Running was becoming a kind of obsessing hobby. I started hating rest days and waited for workout days to go and enjoy the run.

I have never been a runner. All my life i have been a lazy boy. During all those college athletic meets i used to see runners running lap after lap and not showing any sign of tiredness on their faces. All those runners looked so formidable that i used to feel that running was not my cup of tea.

November 15,2014:- Few more weeks had passed, I had slowly kept progressing and increased the distance of my runs gradually. when i was running, only thing in my mind was to run 5km without stopping. When i finally completed my first ever 5km i felt elated and confident. I was not tired at all and could have run some more distance. I jogged the whole distance very slow (i.e. in 42:23 min) . I am concentrating only on covering more and more distance at easy pace as this has been recommended for beginners all over the internet.

I have only been running for 3 months now and it is incredible to observe how the body is adapting physically and how running has influenced my overall attitude and lifestyle in such a short span of time. My resting heartbeat has come down from 85-90 to 70-75. Running form has improved. I feel more confident not just while running but also during all other daily activities. I am more disciplined. Will power has increased. I have never loved and respected my body the way i love now. I take more care of how and what i feed to my body. I stay more active and aware while talking to others. The list can go on and on... I have learnt endless number of things from running. Running has brought a big transformation in my lifestyle and overall behavior. I recommend running to everyone as I myself wish to keep running for the rest of my life.

I wish to run atleast one half marathon in 2015. Now that i have run 5km, i am looking forward to run upto 10km in next 3 months...


  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Great work. Keep it up!
  • sweetyedie
    sweetyedie Posts: 104 Member
    thanks for your time in sharing your experience/
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited November 2014
    It's amazing what our bodies are capable of if we just try, isn't it? I used to joke that the only way you'd see me running was if I were being chased. I hated running all my life even when I was young and fit. I started my running journey in April 2011 at the age of 45. I actually still run and walk in intervals and I've completed over a dozen half marathons and many more shorter races using that method. My average speed is faster using intervals than if I simply run. I'm in the process of training for another half marathon after taking some time off for a foot injury. This time around I'm working on increasing my run intervals and my average speed. I ran 6 miles last night in 67 minutes and I'm still on a high about it. It has me looking forward to my next run tomorrow.

    Good luck and wishes for much success as you continue your running!
  • Local_Atlantis
    Local_Atlantis Posts: 262 Member
    Well done you!! I cannot wait to start my C25K program in a few months. I've decided to lose a bit of weight first, and then really focus on running as my cardio rather than stationary cycling that I'm doing at the moment. I hope I love it half as much as you seem to ! :smile:
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    lisajo89 wrote: »
    Well done you!! I cannot wait to start my C25K program in a few months. I've decided to lose a bit of weight first, and then really focus on running as my cardio rather than stationary cycling that I'm doing at the moment. I hope I love it half as much as you seem to ! :smile:
    Is there a reason you've decided to wait? You'll burn more calories doing a run/walk than stationary cycling since your whole body is more involved in the movement.
  • dshearrer
    dshearrer Posts: 25 Member
    That is awesome! I to just recently started the C25K program (on week 2) and I am starting to love it! I have also noticed that i feel better after a run- and look forward to my next one!
    Keep up the great work!
  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    Congrats! It felt so good to complete the c25k program. I am running my second 5k next weekend.
  • merisaOct3
    merisaOct3 Posts: 197 Member
    Boom! Way to go! Doesn't it feel great? I personally love the 10k-15k distance (half marathon training gets a little too time-consuming for me), but it is SO awesome to know that you can do it. Pretty soon, 5ks are going to be your evening workout - something just to do because it feels good to get in a "quick run." :)
  • chesnity3
    chesnity3 Posts: 960 Member
    Great job!
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    that's great. i've always vehemently hated running growing up (mostly cuz i was so bad at it), so I've recently made it my mission to become a runner. my goal is a half marathon in Spring 2015. You got this!!
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    That's awesome!

    I started running about a month and a half ago. I was going to try to come up with my own plan, but decided to go with a training app instead, so I downloaded Zombies, Run 5k trainer and am in week 3 of it.

    I am doing it because my 11 year old needs a running partner this summer. So far, it isn't as bad as I thought it would be, and I am actually looking forward to the days I run. I never thought I would ever see that day. I am have always been a "I-only-run-for-self-preservation" type of person.

    Thank you for sharing your story! It's a great motivator for those of us that are still trying to get that first 5k in.
  • Faithhopenlove
    Faithhopenlove Posts: 85 Member
    wel done!!!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    So cool. I am on week three of a ten week learn to run and it has been a very gradual and very positive experience. Even with the arctic temperatures here, and even with a cold that set me back. I am already doing so much more than I thought I could.
  • raman78657
    raman78657 Posts: 2
    edited November 2014
    Thanks everyone,

    Last week when i was running, i started to experience mild pain in the Achilles after first 2-3 laps. I, being an immature runner, ignored it and kept running. The pain kept on increasing and eventually i had to stop after 9 laps when it became unbearable. Next day it kept paining even when i walked. I searched on internet. All the Symptoms matched that of Achilles tendonitis. I believe i got it because i tried to change my running form to forefoot running too aggressively.
    Now, I am not experiencing any pain after 10 days rest, but i doubt if i should start running as i read suggestions on internet for months of rest in case of Achilles Tendonitis.

    I am hating these rest days :(
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    Excellent story!! That's awesome! I just finished week five of C25K! It felt great. I'm excited to get to the point that you're at! Thanks for sharing!
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    That's awesome. The first of many to come.
  • meryl135
    meryl135 Posts: 321 Member
    raman78657 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone,

    Last week when i was running, i started to experience mild pain in the Achilles after first 2-3 laps. I, being an immature runner, ignored it and kept running. The pain kept on increasing and eventually i had to stop after 9 laps when it became unbearable. Next day it kept paining even when i walked. I searched on internet. All the Symptoms matched that of Achilles tendonitis. I believe i got it because i tried to change my running form to forefoot running too aggressively.
    Now, I am not experiencing any pain after 10 days rest, but i doubt if i should start running as i read suggestions on internet for months of rest in case of Achilles Tendonitis.

    I am hating these rest days :(

    Hey congrats on discovering the joy of running and well done so far. Sorry to hear about your set-back, though injuries are common when you're running.

    You can try to take the pressure off your Achilles tendon by strengthening the intrinsic (small accessory) muscles of your feet. This will help support (and in some cases build up) your foot's natural arches, which will also improve your forefoot strike.

    Take a look at how to do this with a really simple exercise that I've seen do wonders, I call it the "all-powerful towel curl":

    I strongly urge people start out very slowly with these - they are actually much more strenuous than they seem and your foot will be sore. Aim for 30 seconds to 1 minute at a time, twice per day (you can do it while you're watching TV). Then after that becomes easy and pain-free increase by 30 second increments to reach about 3 minutes or so.
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