My scale is stuck!!

hiphop10 Posts: 135 Member
edited November 2014 in Motivation and Support
I decreased my calorie intake to what MFP suggest.
I lost fast 9 pounds first few weeks!! Now in my second month my scale seems stuck!!
I am doing everything the same as when I lost the 9 pounds.
Am I plateauing? Every day on my food log it says in 5 weeks I will weigh 5 pounds less.
How can that be if my scale is stuck? (stuck at the same number)
Any suggestions?

I wish I could just wash away the adipose tissue! scale is old


  • Annabear3
    Annabear3 Posts: 92 Member
    I can't see you diary, so not sure what your calories are or how accurately you are tracking. That's the main thing. Being accurate with your calorie count. I usually see that my slow weeks are the weeks I'm not as dedicated at tracking.

    On a side note, that's a great picture of Camelback Mountain
  • hiphop10
    hiphop10 Posts: 135 Member
    Before I joined MFP...I was taking in 3,450 calories a day!! And I am 5'4'' female.
    When I joined MFP...made me realize what I was doing by logging my calories.
    Now I'm taking in between 1,050 calories to 1200 calories a day.
    And I work out everyday...about 20 mins.
    I drink 3 bottles of 33.3 ozs of water a day.

    Maybe I eat dinner to late at times? 8 or 9 pm sometimes? (within my MFP calorie intake)
    I think I am plateauing.

    on side note...thanks for comment on Camelback Mountain picture.
  • IHateThinkingOfAUsername
    I think your body is catching up with the loss you experienced in your first month.

    Assuming you've been here for exactly 2 months, = 8 weeks.
    9lbs in 8 weeks is a good average.

    The quick loss you experienced at the start of your weight loss journey would not have been all fat loss. It would have been mainly water loss. But now your body is catching up with that.

    Assuming you are measuring your food accurately, and logging everything (or near to) you eat, I would carry on regardless for another month and see what happens.
  • Magemisty
    Magemisty Posts: 87 Member
    I used to go to a trainer and she always said to me that if you lose a lot of weight fast at the begining it boost you through your whole journey so it can be good. she said eating 1200 cals is okay but for no more than 2-4 weeks. i think for your height it may be too low and your body might just be storing it. try eating more and working out, the same. remember eating more cals might not be a bad thing as long and your not eating extra fatty and sugary foods.

    its down to you but i think eating more cals might help

    good luck :D

    Im also in a similar situation, lost 10 pounds not the scales are stuck. Just had a binge day yesterday and proabably ate 2500 cals on junk food but im gonna try and get back on track today.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    When I am in a deficit I lose weight sporatically. Lose a couple of pounds, gain a few, lose a few more, gain some. After a few weeks, what I lost stays off and then I go back to that pattern. I only weigh myself every other week in weight loss and once a month in maintenance.

    Water weight, injury, stress, overeating, lack of exercise, too much exercise. It all affects you.
  • hiphop10
    hiphop10 Posts: 135 Member
    Relooking I am on day number 39. There has not been a day go by that I have not recorded accurately my food. That sounds right that my body is trying to catch up with the first 9 pounds I lost in the beginning. I forgot to meantion that my doctor said my thyroid was too active and he had to adjust my thyroid med. I think this also has something to do with it.
    Best advice keep doing what I am doing.
  • chucktate
    chucktate Posts: 6 Member
    Stay the course. Especially if you feel good. Our minds and scales are our worst enemies. When I feel stuck, I change around my diet. Also, eating after 7pm or so is bad for me. I go to bed early.
  • hiphop10
    hiphop10 Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks chuck! Yes I do feel lots better!! I feel I have a glow about me.
    Just eating right & working out daily is a real boost in life! Great idea to change my diet around. I noticed if i have dinner late..that affects me. 9 down & more to go!
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    What does MFP suggest for calories? You should be eating at least 1200 a day. Are you weighing and measuring your food?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    How long is this plateau?
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Your thyroid issue and your age may both be contributing to the plateau. It typically becomes more difficult to lose weight as you get older. Do you use a food scale?
  • hiphop10
    hiphop10 Posts: 135 Member
    Plateauing about a week so far. I agree with you frolicking, my age & my thyroid, guess I just got to keep on going! No I don't have a food scale, maybe I should get one. I use a measuring cup & spoon..but a scale might be better.
  • hiphop10
    hiphop10 Posts: 135 Member
    ty magemisty inspirational words are so helpful! and your trainer has good advice!
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Just a week? I think that is normal. You can have fluctuations but your weight trends down over time. I would keep doing what you are doing.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    A week is not a plateau, just a normal stall. Weight loss is not linear.

    Definitely get the food scale though. Measuring cups can be extremely inaccurate.
  • fearlessleader104
    fearlessleader104 Posts: 723 Member
    As long as you are eating at a deficit it will all work itself out. Try not to think about it too much and maybe weigh yourself once a week. Also if you can, start tracking your measurements.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    hiphop10 wrote: »
    I decreased my calorie intake to what MFP suggest.
    I lost fast 9 pounds first few weeks!! Now in my second month my scale seems stuck!!
    I am doing everything the same as when I lost the 9 pounds.
    Am I plateauing? Every day on my food log it says in 5 weeks I will weigh 5 pounds less.
    How can that be if my scale is stuck? (stuck at the same number)
    Any suggestions?

    I wish I could just wash away the adipose tissue! scale is old

    Been there with stuck scales. :)

    LolBroScience posted the link below that helped me to understand scientifically why we can hit plateaus and how some of our 50 hormones and brain actually controls our weight more than just what we eat.
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    Plateaus are when you eat more than you burn.... Weigh your food, open your diary, honesty log and eat at a deficit. You should have no problem losing 9 lbs a month using MFP's calculation. Also, make sure you set your activity level correctly. If you do all that, you will lose weight :)
  • Haythen
    There are 2 tools that can help break any plateau: first you need a recovery day every 2 weeks where you eat a surplus of calories and lots of cabs and healthy fats.

    Second is intermittent fasting. I like to fast one day every 2 weeks when trying to lose body fat and you'll be surprised how fast you see results. Remember to drink lots of water and green tea on the day you fast.
  • hiphop10
    hiphop10 Posts: 135 Member
    great ideas & support ty. I want to get a food scale & yes I ran out of green tea!!