Why is my belly fat not burning off?

I am relatively new to this site. I started controlling my diet and has been involved in soccer, swimming and occasional strength training everyday. However I started to look bit leaner than before but my belly fat does not reduce. Why is it taking time to burn fat from my belly? Kindly Advice.


  • harlequin0318
    harlequin0318 Posts: 415 Member
    you can't control where your body burns fat aka "you can't spot reduce". keep going, itll happen eventually
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Yup. You can't target fat. Just keep burning it all. Add me if you need a friend!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    losing weight is like drying out a sponge - you can't dictate where the weight comes from - you might be one of those, and there are a huge proportion, who find that their stomach is the last to go

    just keep on keepin' on - it will happen eventually
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Have you been taking measurements? I would hazard that it is burning, just not at the same rate as other places.
  • trombacco
    trombacco Posts: 2 Member
    I am having a similar problem. My belly has definitely reduced but it seems to be going much slower than the rest of me. Overall weight loss is good. Started going to the Gym at the end of October to give me the extra boost. Feel pretty good overall but the Belly is bothering me. Nothing to really do but wait it out. It will go eventually
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    You are apple shaped like me by the sounds of it. Don't worry too much just keep going and it will happen. You will likely find that you notice the top reducing first. I found that the spare tire area was the slowest to reduce but just keep at it.

    Unfortunately, genetics is the key factor in where you reduce and how quickly but in the end you'll get there. Best of luck and keep up the good work.
  • c_aw
    c_aw Posts: 128 Member
    diet diet diet.
  • I thought the same thing. I do an hour of cardio EVERY day with 30 min of weight resistance machines. I did not think I was ever going to lose my belly......then one day I tried on a pair of jeans and realized I had a flat stomach!!!! I almost cried in the dressing room...it seemed like it just happened over night all though it had been 8 months of hard work!!!! Kind of like the day you realize your thighs dont rub any more...OH HAPPY DAYS... Never give up those days are coming :-)
  • mistermardi
    mistermardi Posts: 7 Member
    Eat clean and train dirty. The results will come!
  • Spocky
    Spocky Posts: 62 Member
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    Have you been taking measurements? I would hazard that it is burning, just not at the same rate as other places.
    +1 I am in a similar situation but as my belly gets smaller I am the only one that can see it. The last 2,3 kg-s are hard. I will get there soon so will you.
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    It takes time - how long have you been at it? I am 6 foot 3 and lost 60 lbs over the last 8 months but still have a belly and love handles but they are just smaller than the blob I used to be. Much less noticeable in clothes but it's depressing when I bend over brushing my teeth and see gravity taking hold of my belly. I look and think I still have ways to go. My diet is not the best either.
  • KayBallin
    KayBallin Posts: 111 Member
    You just have to keep at it. Where it comes off first/last is largely based on genetics. I happen to gain most weight in my stomach area and it's been the most stubborn. Just don't give up. Results will come.
  • leadslinger17
    leadslinger17 Posts: 297 Member
    c_aw wrote: »
    diet diet diet.

    This. Like everyone said, you can't spot reduce, but you might notice a particular food (lots of salt, sugar, carbs, etc) cause you to bloat or carry a lot of water weight in your belly. It's not the same thing as losing belly fat but you can reduce bloating by being strict on your diet. Plus a consistent calorie deficit will help you reach your goals faster than just exercise anyway.

  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    In addition to the above recommendations, look into your posture. Some people complain about their "belly" when it is really just poor posture.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    For many people, and most guys, the belly is primary and deep fat stores. It is where fat is accumulated first...and unfortunately comes off last.

    I'm pretty lean everywhere and sitting around 15% BF...but I still have a little spare tire I'm working on...and it's been a couple of years now.
  • LookAWalrus
    LookAWalrus Posts: 52 Member
    My belly looks exactly the same as when I started, yet I've lost two pants sizes. It'll go eventually. Stay positive!
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    They say that abs are made in the kitchen, i.e. diet is key for a flat tummy. I know that big meals and drinking fizzy pop both give me a bloated look. My PT reckons that stress leads to higher cortisol levels which leads to the body storing fat around the middle, but he's on a bit of a hormone thing at the mo.
  • Well, drinking 3-4 (or more!) cups of green tea aids with weight loss, expecially in your stomach. It is also a diuretic and clears out your system, and the caffeine in it speeds up your metabolism :blush: I hope that helps somehow :smile:
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Also, OP, have you read the "So you want a flat stomach" post? (It's worded something like that).
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Well, drinking 3-4 (or more!) cups of green tea aids with weight loss, especially in your stomach.

    This does not appear to be true, unfortunately. Well, fortunately for me because I can't stand tea.