May 30DS Group :) :)

JessieAnneMarie Posts: 105
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Alright Im going to measure and weigh myself tommorrow morning May 2nd.. Its a monday so i figured it would be the best time to start.. I lost 10 lbs in April and would like to lose 10 lbs in May!! :) Im going to do the 30 day shred level 1 until I feel comfortable to go to level 2.. Im also going to try and continue to go to the gym while doing the 30 day shred! I would like to keep this page for motivation and support; I heard 30 DS is hard to keep up with:) Please feel free to add me so you know I start a new thread.. But for now Ill keep this one open so we can update on here! Ill tell you how my first day went tommorrow! GOOD LUCK LADIES! So excited to lose another 10 lbs:) Love Jessie


  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I will join you! I only made it 8 days on 30DS...I'm ready to hop back on the wagon!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    While I'm just trying to tone and maintain my current weight, I totally need some accountability. I'm doing Level 1 Day 1 again tonight...and I'll post in the morning!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I am on day 2 already but I will join in this group. The workout is hard and I could use some motivation!
  • I'm starting today, not sure if in the am or pm, I will let you know how I feel

    Go get 'em!
  • ptillison
    ptillison Posts: 15 Member
    I completed level 1 today and it was tough!!!! My goal is to also lose 10 pounds this month.
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    I am starting this today and will do my first workout tonight after I get home from work. I also plan to continue my powerwalks that I take almost everyday in addition to this. Joining in this group for some accountability. I wish us all luck with the workouts. I tried this once before and only made it to day 5. I will not let soreness stop me this time.
  • Im going to start tonight when i get home from work:) i will let you guys know how it goes:) :)
  • alainaroseg
    alainaroseg Posts: 8 Member
    Hi All!

    I was planning on starting 30DS tonight, so this thread is perfect! I've been really lax about this losing weight/dieting thing, and althought I've lost inches just from dieting alone, its been slow-going and I need to crack down if I want to ever fit into my jeans again!! I plan on doing the 30DS along with a half hour of additional exercise. So hopefully I'll make some progress by the end of the month!!

    I've done a couple weeks of 30DS a month or so ago, but got off track. It was tough but a great SHORT workout. Just my style!

    Good luck to you all!
  • So i finished my first day of 30DS!! OMG!! My thighs are killing me.. I thought I would work up more of sweat though.. but i am soo tired and my muscles hurt for sure! How is everyone doing..? I really hope I get good results with this.. but i think ill be needing to go to the gym to to try and lose my 10 lbs this month..I hope im not to sore to do both:D haha!
  • elksy
    elksy Posts: 45
    Hi! I'm new to the site and this seems like a good place to start. :) I started the 30 Day Shred about a week and a half ago, but it's been sporadic since I've been busy with moving and such, so I think I'll start over.
  • jude666
    jude666 Posts: 231 Member
    I got to Level 2 of the 30DS about a month ago, then kinda stopped! Mad at myself for giving up so soon and today I am totally back on it as my jeans were starting to get tight which FREAKED the hell out of me!! (they had started to become nice and loose!!)

    I go away on a family holiday at the end of June and I really wanted to slim down and tone up by then. I want to be able to wear nice summer clothes rather than just hide myself under baggy clothes that keep me cool! I wanna be able to show some flesh and feel good about it!

    I weigh approx 154lbs now (11st) and I would like to lose about 1.5 stone (21lbs) I think this is achievable if I work at it so today I am starting over.

    Gonna try and take some measurements before I start this time to give me some motivation when i feel like giving up again. I didn't do this last time and i really let myself down by not measuring myself up.
  • Nottm1984
    Nottm1984 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm on my 2nd day of 30 Day Shred, it's tough going!
  • I did my 2nd day of 30DS today.. It was harder b/c i was soo sore!!! But Its crazy I can already tell by the way my body feels that you have to have some kind of results with this program:) geeeezzz!
  • ptillison
    ptillison Posts: 15 Member
    Day 2 down. Thank goodness!! I am so sore!!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Can I still join?:smile: I want to start tomorrow. I did 8 days previously but never kept it up.
  • of course lady!! come back to this thread so you can get motivation and support and see how everyone else is doing.. im only on day 2.. i feel it.. alot!!! haha:) but i can tell that i will get results after 30 days!! Add me as a friend we can keep eachother motivated! :) goodluck!
  • day 3 finished.. it was actually alot easier than the first 2 days:) :) !!! I didn't do any other working out.. besides some tai chi at school but other than that just 30dayshred!
  • kecmorgan
    kecmorgan Posts: 24 Member
    I have just finished Level 1 of the 30DS (but I spent about 13 days on it, instead of 10) and have really seen the inches come off! No weight loss but I can definitely tell the difference in my clothes! I am also continuing to go to the gym at least 3 times a week since just the 30DS isn't burning enough calories for me.

    I need to take pictures, even though I've already lost a few inches! Good luck, looking forward to hearing your success!
  • day 4 was much easier than the first 3!! I think ill be ready to start level 2 in a few days!! :) The last 2 days I haven't done any other exercise besides 30DS hopefully ill still get good results!
  • so I was planning on doing level 2 yesterday but used that as my rest day and did level 2 this morning soo its day 6 for me.. Level 2 was tough.. but im a little upset at myself for not gettting to the gym more.. i still have like 800 calories left ot burn for the week.. and that ends today. normally im way over..!
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