Not eating breakfast first thing? Is this bad?



  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,501 Member
    Can someone link a study/paper that supports skipping breakfast isn't horrible? My SIL seriously scolded me because I don't eat breakfast saying that I need to eat it to lose weight. I've lost over 15lbs since September and I rarely eat breakfast. I like saving those calories for a slightly larger lunch or dinner. Sure if I'm hungry in the morning I'll eat but otherwise no.

    Yeah, my mother in law got onto me over Thanksgiving over not eating breakfast. Like the 100+ lbs I have lost would magically double if I made myself eat early in the day. Yeesh.

  • serafinelaveaux
    serafinelaveaux Posts: 45 Member
    If I eat breakfast I'll wind up snacking all day long. For whatever reason, if I eat before 11 AM, I feel like I'm starving all freaking day. If I just have my coffee and eat a big lunch, I'm in good shape. And it isn't what I'm eating that's triggering the endless munchies; half the time I eat the same thing for lunch that I would for breakfast. YMMV
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    Personally I can't imagine NOT eating to get my day started, but that's just me. Do what works for you. If you normally eat breakfast, and are thinking of skipping it to help "lose weight" you will probably hurt yourself in the long run by making poor food choices later in the day.

    If you don't normally eat breakfast, then there isn't any reason to start doing so, unless you want to experiment with spreading your calories out through the day more in order to attempt to feel less hungry.

    But NONE of that has anything to do with "metabolism"
  • Christi102012
    Christi102012 Posts: 87 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    Can someone link a study/paper that supports skipping breakfast isn't horrible? My SIL seriously scolded me because I don't eat breakfast saying that I need to eat it to lose weight. I've lost over 15lbs since September and I rarely eat breakfast. I like saving those calories for a slightly larger lunch or dinner. Sure if I'm hungry in the morning I'll eat but otherwise no.
    Here is a good article on the subject that links 12 research references. You can check the individual studies that the author links at the bottom of the article.

    Thanks Vismal. I'm going to read and bookmark that for next time she's over.