Monday after Thanksgiving

Starting all over again is gonna be hard, sooo hard, but we're gonna make it... :-)
I confess I gained 4lbs


  • misskarihari
    misskarihari Posts: 104 Member
    Not really gained, but not lost anything either (for the last month).
  • InnocentLunatic
    InnocentLunatic Posts: 35 Member
    I gained like 3 lbs overnight on thanksgiving, but most of it was water weight, and I'm back down now. You gotta keep in mind to actually gain a pound of fat, you gotta eat 3500 excess calories. So to really gain 4 lbs on thanksgiving, you'd have to have overeaten 14000 calories, which I'm pretty sure is damn near impossible unless if you ate your whole family's dinner for them ;)
  • Tia_N_Mac
    Tia_N_Mac Posts: 181 Member
    I'm back on it. My mac and cheese was soooo good. And the sweet potato pie wasn't bad either....I'm in trouble :(
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    i maintained.
  • TenderMoon
    TenderMoon Posts: 29 Member
    Haven't weighed in over a week. Down a pound as of this a.m. At 5'6" and 136 I'm pretty much ready for maintenance mode which I frankly find daunting.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I gained 1.6 pounds on Thanksgiving, but it was all water weight and it fell off today.
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    Scale said I gained 5# between Thursday morning and today. Drinking water water water today!! No more stuffing/dressing so THAT temptation is gone, thank God!! :wink:
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Yep, the scale told me I'm up 5 lbs this morning, too. Thanksgiving plus my birthday was Saturday. I overindulged both days but I don't think I went over to the tune of 17,500 calories. Hopefully those 5 will fall off as fast as they appeared. Back on track today.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    odds are all that gain is water weight- don't worry about it- go back to your regularly scheduled program and if you're feeling extra saucy- do 10 min extra to every cardio session you would have normally logged... if you do cardio.

    if you don't do cardio- and you are THAT worried- Deign your self to do some actual cardio.

    If not- just go back to whatever it is you were doing before hand.
  • feetmayfail
    This thread helped. Thank you for posting! I was wondering if anyone else was feeling this way.... Haha! I saw 158.4 on Thursday morning. 162 today! I thought I did really well over the last four days....
  • AmandaAnne307
    AmandaAnne307 Posts: 113 Member
    So glad I'm not the only one! I didn't track anything since last Tuesday (visiting family out of town) and was thrilled to see I only gained 2 pounds.
    Back at it today - just keep chugging along!
    I believe that u have to be festive every now and then, but overindulgence cannot become a frequent pattern. I realize some may call this undisciplined...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    odds are all that gain is water weight- don't worry about it- go back to your regularly scheduled program and if you're feeling extra saucy- do 10 min extra to every cardio session you would have normally logged... if you do cardio.

    if you don't do cardio- and you are THAT worried- Deign your self to do some actual cardio.

    If not- just go back to whatever it is you were doing before hand.


    I mean there s 3500 calories in a pound - give or take - so that means you would have had to have consumed 14,000 calories OVER maintenance to gain four pounds….which if you really did that is an EPIC thanksgiving..

    more then likely most of that will fall off when you weigh in, in a week ..just drink lots of water to help with the bloat...
  • allieallieoxenfree
    allieallieoxenfree Posts: 114 Member
    Skipping my weekly weigh-in this week because I don't want to depress myself! Wednesday-Sunday was just basically eating whatever the heck I wanted, whenever I wanted--driving like 30 hours, visiting family and friends from college, Thanksgiving AND my birthday...ouch. But now back on track and looking to have a solid couple of weeks until Christmas, lol.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    PHDJACK wrote: »
    I believe that u have to be festive every now and then, but overindulgence cannot become a frequent pattern. I realize some may call this undisciplined...

    the way I look at it there are about five days in the year to just go all out…Thanksgiving, christmas party at work, Christmas day, New Years, and Birthday ..and a few more random days for good measure …ten days out of 365 is not going to kill you …

    log it, own it, and move on ...
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    For this holiday season, I am focused on two things:

    1) indulging on the holidays without gorging myself. I don't have a problem with going over my calories on those days, and I didn't even attempt to track my second Thanksgiving, but I also *stopped* before I was stuffed
    2) getting back on track right away. Since my two Thanksgivings were at friends' houses, I was back on track by the time I got home. Christmas, which involves a week with family and lots of travel, will be more difficult, but come January 2nd, I will be back on track. (January 1st is our wedding anniversary)
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I admit i've probably held steady since it was a chore of epic proportions to log my mom's cooking. Now that left overs are nearly gone except for turkey it'll get back to normal except for the last pie. Now next week i start baking for xmas.
  • SquatNSparkle
    SquatNSparkle Posts: 477 Member
    Since I spent Thanksgiving evening and the day after VERY ill (NOT pretty) I didn't gain an ounce. Actually lost a pound last week. So...onwards and upwards (actually downwards I hope)
  • Isabelle_1929
    Isabelle_1929 Posts: 233 Member
    I don't even want to weight myself. :-( Three days of overeating in a row. I'll wait until next Friday to see the damages.
    I don't even want to weight myself. :-( Three days of overeating in a row. I'll wait until next Friday to see the damages.

    I just wanted to face the music... glad I did :-)