Quitting all sweets in May...who's with me?!!



  • I was so thinking about doing this... I haven't exactly decided yet.... but I am tempted.

    I know I need to do SOMETHING!
  • jescadet
    jescadet Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in! I've been trying to quit sugar for weeks but committing with a group may help me to make it more than a day or two at a time. Thanks for the motivation!
  • Ok -- I'm in to support Luvs2pugs! How about 90% dark chocolate???? Is that ok -- other than that I should be alright.

    I'm not even going to let that one in. I know they say dark chocolate is better for you, but I'm not going to do it since it's still chocolate and a (dessert). =) But that's just me. Do what is right for you! =)
  • luvs2pugs
    luvs2pugs Posts: 52
    It looks like we are all in the same boat. How about if we find something that helps us with our sugar addiction, we post that tip for others? Here are some that I've learned about recently:

    Stevia/truvia - If you haven't tried this, you need to. People say it tastes EXACTLY like sugar; it doesn't. It does taste like a sugar substitute, but without the chemicals. Chemicals are bad because they are stored in your fat cells. So chemicals = fat.

    Agave - This tastes more like sugar, but it has calories. It doesn't spike your blood sugar though, and you don't need as much to sweeten your foods. The dark one reminds me of maple syrup! It is good.

    True Lime - This is my new favorite thing. I found this stuff at Fred Meyer in the baking section. It is a box of little packets. It has no calories, no artificial sweetner. It is just dried lime. I love it. Makes me drink my water. : )
  • Holy cow! I just picked up ANOTHER cookie, but put it back down again, and ate a pretzel instead! Yay! This motivation thing is working!!! =) lol
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I'm in! I started this past Tuesday! We need to look at EVERY thing because MOST packaged items have sugar, fructose or sucrose. They are the SAME! Read the labels on anything you open! Once in awhile I have used Stevia, a VERY little amount goes a LONG way!
    I am scheduled for a six day therapy session for sugar addiction at the end of May. That is how severe my sugar craving are! I have found that coffee & sugar go hand in hand so I have gone to decaf and will ween from that before I start therapy!
    It is proven that sugar is as highly addictive as cocaine and other drugs! Think about it,,, we start giving it to our babies by form of juice at infant age, no wonder we are addicted!! Sorry for the long post but I am serious about this addiction!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Holy cow! I just picked up ANOTHER cookie, but put it back down again, and ate a pretzel instead! Yay! This motivation thing is working!!! =) lol
    Good job!!!!!!
  • I'm with you on this one.. I'm slowly weening myself off (it's like an addiction lol) and I'm realizing that when I do eat candy and sugary things of that sort nowadays I start to feel sick and bloated..
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Where are you group? Hope NOT eating sugar, oh that's right the official day starts tomorrow!!! Have a fun day!
  • I am in - I will give this a try -
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Today is MAY 1st!!! Come on all you sweet things we can do this!!!! Drink lot's of water when you want to eat some thing sweet!
  • I'm doing great!! First day on no sweets went really well, although it was very tough for me. I'm not cutting fruits, so they're pretty much saving me right now. I know I need to watch it with those too, but so far my diet has changed completely! I knew it would though, because sweets and carbs were all I was eating....I can't believe I was living that way!!! I hope everyone else is doing well! Remember, if you fall off, get back on the train. =)
  • luvs2pugs
    luvs2pugs Posts: 52
    I'm off already. I completely spaced that we were starting this and I just ate a sugar cookie with M & M's. It was soooooo good. But, Ugh!
  • I am definitely in! I have a HUGE candy problem and being that I'm a teacher I always keep sweets around. I'll give it a try starting tomorrow...no candy, cookies, cake, etc.
  • swilliams26
    swilliams26 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm with you. As of Today???
  • swilliams26
    swilliams26 Posts: 46 Member
    That does sound good. Its hard, but a process
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    I want to give it a shot too! Count me in.
  • ckncj
    ckncj Posts: 183 Member
    I caved already. Quitting sweets & coffee (because of the sweetner) was tough - cold turkey style.

    Still staying off all sweets, refined sugar, etc... EXCEPT for 1 cup of morning coffee and fruits.

    I'm weak...and I admit it.
  • I'm off already. I completely spaced that we were starting this and I just ate a sugar cookie with M & M's. It was soooooo good. But, Ugh!

    Get back up, girl!
  • I'm with you. As of Today???

    Never too late to start....for those of you who are just now finding this post, start right now. Give away/throw away the sweets that you've stashed...get them out of sight!
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