Is daily walking and yoga good enough?

I'm 5ft8 and 124lb. I'm not trying to lose weight but if it happens then I don't care as I'm eating very healthy and not restricting calories.

I am planning to walk 1 mile in 15 minutes (which is a fast pace) 5x a week- when I've done this I lose my breath slightly but can still talk, I also feel my body get warmer
Also, I will be doing yoga/stretching daily for 5 minutes- which should help tone my body.

I don't enjoy fast cardio and weight training is not fun for me. Has anyone found like this much exercise has improved health?


  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    At 5'8 and 124 you definitely shouldn't look to lose more weight, that's already very light for your height! I think walking is great for general fitness and yoga too. You could always look at doing some Pilates, which is fantastic for core strength and muscles :)
  • Maaike84
    Maaike84 Posts: 211 Member
    edited November 2014
    Honestly, if you are going from a completely sedentary state, it might be a small improvement but you will very quickly stall as you get used to this exercise. Also, while yoga can be very beneficial, 5 minutes daily of low impact stretchy poses are not going to provide you with much in terms of toning - you need to improve your muscle strength for that and possibly also decrease your bodyfat. As you say you don't like lifting, I'd look into pilates, or more high intensity forms of yoga, or HIIT. For cardio - probably you're going to need to increase your distance if you want to keep results improving, esp. if you don't want to increase your pace.
    Edited for typo
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited November 2014
    It would help to know exactly what your goal is here, honestly. I know you said you don't care if you lose weight (which is good because as was pointed out, 124 at 5'8" is super low already), but what DO you want to achieve? If it's "improved" health you're after then it's probably not sufficient, truth be told.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Phrick wrote: »
    It would help to know exactly what your goal is here, honestly. I know you said you don't care if you lose weight (which is good because as was pointed out, 124 at 5'8" is super low already), but what DO you want to achieve? If it's "improved" health you're after then it's probably not sufficient, truth be told.

    Agreed... What are your goals?
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Phrick wrote: »
    It would help to know exactly what your goal is here, honestly. I know you said you don't care if you lose weight (which is good because as was pointed out, 124 at 5'8" is super low already), but what DO you want to achieve? If it's "improved" health you're after then it's probably not sufficient, truth be told.

    Agreed... What are your goals?

    I have seen a lot of people with borderline or real weight issues on this site and it is always upsetting. My suggestion is always that you should seek out professional help.
  • PinkyQT
    PinkyQT Posts: 56 Member
    At 5'8 and 124 you definitely shouldn't look to lose more weight, that's already very light for your height! I think walking is great for general fitness and yoga too. You could always look at doing some Pilates, which is fantastic for core strength and muscles :)

    I never said I wanted to lose weight. It just does not bother me if I do as I know I'm eating healthy and about 2000 calories.

    Thanks :) I may consider pilates
  • PinkyQT
    PinkyQT Posts: 56 Member
    Maaike84 wrote: »
    Honestly, if you are going from a completely sedentary state, it might be a small improvement but you will very quickly stall as you get used to this exercise. Also, while yoga can be very beneficial, 5 minutes daily of low impact stretchy poses are not going to provide you with much in terms of toning - you need to improve your muscle strength for that and possibly also decrease your bodyfat. As you say you don't like lifting, I'd look into pilates, or more high intensity forms of yoga, or HIIT. For cardio - probably you're going to need to increase your distance if you want to keep results improving, esp. if you don't want to increase your pace.
    Edited for typo

    I don't want to lose weight, the yoga is to improve stretching and work my muscles.
  • PinkyQT
    PinkyQT Posts: 56 Member
    Phrick wrote: »
    It would help to know exactly what your goal is here, honestly. I know you said you don't care if you lose weight (which is good because as was pointed out, 124 at 5'8" is super low already), but what DO you want to achieve? If it's "improved" health you're after then it's probably not sufficient, truth be told.

    I want to achieve
    -The benefits of exercise: better sleep
    -More toned body (yoga poses can help)

    Thats it really.
  • PinkyQT
    PinkyQT Posts: 56 Member
    Phrick wrote: »
    It would help to know exactly what your goal is here, honestly. I know you said you don't care if you lose weight (which is good because as was pointed out, 124 at 5'8" is super low already), but what DO you want to achieve? If it's "improved" health you're after then it's probably not sufficient, truth be told.

    Agreed... What are your goals?

    Just to enjoy the benefits of exercise (better sleep) and a more toned body from yoga poses and stretches.
  • PinkyQT
    PinkyQT Posts: 56 Member
    Phrick wrote: »
    It would help to know exactly what your goal is here, honestly. I know you said you don't care if you lose weight (which is good because as was pointed out, 124 at 5'8" is super low already), but what DO you want to achieve? If it's "improved" health you're after then it's probably not sufficient, truth be told.

    Agreed... What are your goals?

    I have seen a lot of people with borderline or real weight issues on this site and it is always upsetting. My suggestion is always that you should seek out professional help.

    Why should I seek professional help?

    If I didn't mention my weight and height, you wouldn't have said that. Someone will a bigger weight than me could have an eating disorder.

    Last year I was 145lb and did not feel healthy. I now eat 2000 of clean healthy foods and I am now 124lb any my body is still reducing my weight gradually. I never went on fad diets or starved myself. I do not have any anorexia signs, I have regular periods, my skin is clearer than ever, nails grow quick etc

  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    I would say no, it's not enough. Most medical studies and even government guidelines call for a minimum of 30 mins per day of exercise to lower risks of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension etc, etc.

    I'm not sure you can really do 5 mins of yoga? 5 mins of stretching is insignificant and will certainly not 'tone' you body at all.

    Of course before you embark on any exercise regime you should ensure you are healthy enough to do so but your comments would suggest that is not an issue for you.
  • shano25
    shano25 Posts: 233 Member
    I'm 5'7" and used to be 124lbs...and yeah, walking and yoga are good exercises for maintaining health and you're not going to lose weight from doing it if you're eating that many calories (I used to eat a bit more than that at that weight and maintained.)

    Even now at 5'7" and 135lbs, walking and yoga is what I do at a base level (during the periods that I'm not lifting weights) and I have no issues maintaining my weight.

    However, I don't think you're doing enough for health. 15 minutes of walking is pretty basic. It's like you're stopping when you just get warmed up. I'd increase it to 30. And 5 minutes of yoga isn't going to do anything to tone up. Back when I was at the same weight as you, I was able to tone up well doing 20-30 minutes of yoga each day. You'll also sleep much better if you do more. Regulating your breathing during yoga is excellent for sleep and you won't get that change in just 5 minutes.

    What yoga poses are you doing in just 5 minutes?
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    if you walk that daily you will be in pretty good shape as long as you don't way over eat
  • PinkyQT
    PinkyQT Posts: 56 Member
    shano25 wrote: »
    I'm 5'7" and used to be 124lbs...and yeah, walking and yoga are good exercises for maintaining health and you're not going to lose weight from doing it if you're eating that many calories (I used to eat a bit more than that at that weight and maintained.)

    Even now at 5'7" and 135lbs, walking and yoga is what I do at a base level (during the periods that I'm not lifting weights) and I have no issues maintaining my weight.

    However, I don't think you're doing enough for health. 15 minutes of walking is pretty basic. It's like you're stopping when you just get warmed up. I'd increase it to 30. And 5 minutes of yoga isn't going to do anything to tone up. Back when I was at the same weight as you, I was able to tone up well doing 20-30 minutes of yoga each day. You'll also sleep much better if you do more. Regulating your breathing during yoga is excellent for sleep and you won't get that change in just 5 minutes.

    What yoga poses are you doing in just 5 minutes?

    I've decided to do 15 minutes yoga, I just do it of youtube.
    On Sunday/Saturday mornings I will do cardio (fitnessblender on youtube) for 50 minutes.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    good enough for what??
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Good enough for who? For me it wouldn't be, but you're the one doing it. You decide.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    good enough for keeping lightly active and possibly improving flexiblity? CHECK?

    Good enough for marathon training? not so much
    Good enough for power lifting training? not so much

    i mean- context and relativity matter!!!
    - just sayingizall.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Just going by the exercise guidelines, I agree with veloman and shano25. You should bump it up to 30 mins 5x a week if you are focused on health benefits.
  • PinkyQT
    PinkyQT Posts: 56 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    good enough for keeping lightly active and possibly improving flexiblity? CHECK?

    Good enough for marathon training? not so much
    Good enough for power lifting training? not so much

    i mean- context and relativity matter!!!
    - just sayingizall.

    Good enough to get the benefits of exercise.
    Good enough to get a tighter body
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    PinkyQT wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    good enough for keeping lightly active and possibly improving flexiblity? CHECK?

    Good enough for marathon training? not so much
    Good enough for power lifting training? not so much

    i mean- context and relativity matter!!!
    - just sayingizall.

    Good enough to get the benefits of exercise.
    Good enough to get a tighter body

    no and no