Vivofit - Useful or Gimmick?

I've been seeing a lot of fitness trackers on people's wrists at the gym. Ever the lemming, I did a little research on the various models and have decided that Garmin's Vivofit would be the best fit for my personal idiosyncrasies (stays charged for a year, only $75, doesn't look too girly). But before I hit the purchase button, just wanted to see if there are any long term users out there that also purchased a Garmin Vivofit (or any activity tracker for that matter).

I have a personal tendency to get really interested in something, and then fall off after a couple of weeks, then completely ignore it (done this multiple times with MFP, running, lifting, nutrition, and on and on). Do any of you 6-month-plus fitness tracker wearers still actually use it after six months? If so, is it doing any good (can you see a marked change in your fitness habits, are you walking/exercising more)?


  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    I really want to say that my fitbit is awesome and I love it and it has really helped up my activity. But it hasn't. I just don't care that much about my steps in a day. I care about getting on track with my calorie goal and getting in 45 minutes of cardio and some weight lifting. I don't find that it has added anything useful to my attempt at weightloss. I disconnected it from MFP because it was giving me outrageous calorie adjustments.
  • version45
    version45 Posts: 35 Member
    Hmmm. I have a strong suspicion that I would feel just like you do. I think I'll take the $75 and buy a gym membership instead. Thanks for the advice.
  • Lickma
    Lickma Posts: 3 Member
    My vivosmart has helped me immensely. A constant reminder.
  • pwebster2
    pwebster2 Posts: 2 Member
    Vivofit used with a heart rate monitor has been very useful for me. I like that it's user friendly since I own other Garmin products. The sync with fitness pal is easy and I think the calories it says I've burned is pretty accurate. I use mine every day.
  • dcc56
    dcc56 Posts: 172 Member
    Wait....I have a Vivofit and love it. It nags me every day to get moving! (with the big bold red lines that appear when there is low activity) It never needs a tells me the time in large enough numbers I can read...I use it with Connect software on my iPhone...I paid more for it than it costs now...maybe an new model coming soon? Give it a try. I have logged over 1 million steps with mine, working to increase to 10k per day.
  • ninadrunner
    ninadrunner Posts: 14 Member
    I have had a garmin vitofit for 4 months now. I also like the design of it as I am a chef, and it doesn't get in the way of cooking all day. And, it doesn't look to girly for me either. The only thing I wish it had was a stop watch, but I have another stop watch, so it is ok. I have really enjoyed this product. I wear heart monitor with it, and it is comfortable and tracks well. I am a long distance runner outdoor girl, so this product really suits my needs completely. Also, being on my feet all day from cooking really shows me how much I burn and move around at work. You can hook it up with your phone, and it provides even more options. Some people have had issues with syncing, but I haven't. There is a manual and video that helps you with any issues. There is a lock that comes with, so if you are doing really vigourious activity, you can clamp that on, and it prevents it from going anywhere. I haven't had to use mine yet, but nice they have that. I am guessing other people had problems with it coming off, but not me. Anyways, not sure if this helped, but I am satisfied with mine. I can denefintely see where I need to improve, and how much I have with the graphs and records of my workouts. When I see it in front of me, I get more motivated, and I don't want to miss a day.
  • pwebster2
    pwebster2 Posts: 2 Member
    Checking "enable calorie adjustments" gives a more accurate calorie count for exercise.
  • ninadrunner
    ninadrunner Posts: 14 Member

    Just so you can see an example
  • kellys1984
    kellys1984 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't have a Viviofit but I do have the Polar 4 with heart rate monitor... for me it provides extra motivation to work harder while working out. I love seeing calories burned at the end of my workout.

    If you don't think it will provide that extra motivation to push yourself harder, then it probably is a waste of money for you
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited December 2014
    I've been using a Fitbit since April 2013. I went from a lazy day being less than 3000 steps to 4000-6000 steps (unless I'm sick...then my step count generally sucks). At first I had to actually think about getting up and moving to get the extra steps, but now I do it without thinking about it. One of the biggest motivators is that if I'm too lazy Fitbit will actually subtract calories from my MFP goal. :grumble:
  • jeffla05
    jeffla05 Posts: 1 Member
    I have used my VivoFit for about 8 months (1.9 Million steps). And I find that it very useful as a daily reminder to get off my rear and move. The addition of MyfFitnessPal has helped been a good addition to the VivoFit. I have yet to change the battery and I tend to sync it through my phone about 3 or 4 times each daily. Together these two tools have enabled me to track Net Calories and that has made a world of difference in managing my weekly fitness regiment.
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    I got my Fitbit last March and I still use it daily. Before my Fitbit I probably used to walk about a mile or two on a typical day. I now average around 7 miles. The calorie estimates are relatively accurate and along with keeping me motivated to stay active throughout the entire day, I now get to eat a lot more food and still lose weight.

    And it's not an either/or thing. Walking a lot does not mean that you can't do other exercises. Each morning I strength train or run on alternating days. Cycling usually happens at night or on the weekends. (Or at least it did when the weather was warmer.)

  • IamMCM
    IamMCM Posts: 122
    I've had Fitbits for years but didn't replace my Flex after I lost it. With the original Fitbit, I would forget to clip it on sometimes and I had a habit of losing it. I loved the Flex being a wristband, and being waterproof, but I eventually managed to lose that one, too. However, when I had them, I used them regularly and they really motivated me to walk more. Now I just bought a Basis Peak last week because I wanted to HRM but didn't like the fact that neither Jawbone nor Fitbit has a firm release date for their HRM models. It's superior to the FitBit in many ways, like the way in which it tracks sleep and its large display. I'm already getting up off my butt more and am very happy I have a fitness tracker again. It gives me that extra little nudge.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    If you're a casual runner w/out any running watch, it's great (with the hrm strap). For me it's also great for showing me that on a normal day I get ~11,000 steps, but on rainy days when I get lazy and say, "Oh I'll just stay home with my daughter and let my husband pick our son up from school", etc, I may get like 2k steps!!! (or less!!?!!!??) I definitely don't do that as often now that I know. The integration with MFP helps too. BUT, if it were between the tracker and the gym, I'd go with the gym membership, but I'm someone who goes as often as possible (still not nearly as often as I'd like). If you're only going to go to the gym for a couple weeks and then quit when it loses it's novelty, then that might be a waste of money--but so would ANYthing if that's your trend. You might want to spend some energy or resources into somehow overcoming that trait (trainer?? life coach?? idk).
  • sarahsmiles2013
    sarahsmiles2013 Posts: 42 Member
    I love my VivoFit! I don't really use it for the activity tracker. The heart rate monitor has helped me immensely to see what workouts give me the best burn. Using it along with logging my food helps me to see what my calorie deficit has been for the day/week. It's user friendly.........I can get whatever information I need. I love that I can sync it to my phone and have it sync to MFP at the same time. Overall, it's been a great purchase for me!
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    I am 4+ months wearing my fitbit now and must say that I plan on upgrading to the newer model with the HRM once it comes out. It is a motivator for me to be more active and move more each day. When I started wearing it I only averaged about 7000 steps a day - 4 months later and I am now averaging 12 - 13,000 steps each day. It has made me find ways to be more active. Plan on wearing one for a long time. BTW I do not sync it to MFP and I wear a Garmin 220 Forerunner for regular running (in addition to the fitbit).
  • HornedFrogPride
    HornedFrogPride Posts: 283 Member
    Add me to the vivofit lover list! Love that it links with my Garmin watch. I've become much more active since having it. My wife has a Fitbit Flex and that works best for her. But not for me. If you google "vivofitting" you will find my review of the Vivofit from my Running Groove Shark blog ( Love the step competitions I can have with friends & people I don't even know! Vivofit is worth every penny. Wouldn't use anything else now. B)
  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    I've had a Vivofit basically since they were released. I used the Fitbit One and Fitbit Flex before that. I like the Vivofit quite a bit more for a few reasons:
    • Doesn't require a charge.
    • Isn't as easily "fooled" as the Fitbit Flex was, i.e. in my experience it's more accurate
    • I like the "what have you done for me lately" bar that grows as you sit
    • Integrates with Garmin Connect, which I use anyway with my bike computer

    All in all, I like the Vivofit a lot. I have been and continue to be very happy with it.
  • version45
    version45 Posts: 35 Member
    Wow, pretty compelling case to go with one. Okay, I've changed my mind. A little Vivofit jewelry might be nice. I truly am a lemming, but maybe in this case it will do me some good.

    Now, should I get the heart rate monitor, too? I've got a hairy chest and I'm not too keen on having them yanked out while I run. The running is misery enough. I suppose I can do a little manscaping.
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    version45 wrote: »
    Now, should I get the heart rate monitor, too? I've got a hairy chest and I'm not too keen on having them yanked out while I run. The running is misery enough. I suppose I can do a little manscaping.

    HRMs are nice for things like running or cycling. They can help you push yourself to the limit or to hold back at an appropriate pace on recovery days. But there's no need to shave anything. Wet the contact points of the HRM and your chest with a little water. The HRM will then maintain good contact while you run.

    PS: Use warm water. Cold water works too, but it's no fun.