Tall girls!

Hi everyone - I really need motivation. I have tried to lose weight for about a year and half now and I always lose a few lbs then give up. Tried WWers online, attempted low carbing but I can't stick to anything :( This is a new MFP account for a new and fresh, positive start!
I'm a female, 5'10 with about 40lbs to shift. I find having people with a similar height and stats on my friends so helpful, so please feel free to add! :)


  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I'm 5' 10 1/2" and lost 45 pounds this year. Oh yes, you CAN do it! Sending you a FR now! :)
  • daisy_janinex
    daisy_janinex Posts: 20 Member
    Inspirational! :)
  • LaurenCheek
    LaurenCheek Posts: 34 Member
    Add me as a friend!

    I'm 5'10.5 and I've lost 93 pounds (currently on a very low carb diet and loving it!)

    I, too, have encountered many setbacks along the way. I've tried and failed at losing weight for most of my life. MyFitnessPal and low carb (and consistency) seem to be my golden tickets.

    High weight: 280 pounds, Low weight: 187 pounds, Goal weight: 150/160 pounds

  • Feel free to add me, too. I'm 5'10" and I've currently lost 98lbs. I haven't had any setbacks if only because the last 10 years were a setback and my determination is strong this time. I was around 350 (not sure exact weight I just know it was over 340 because I could no longer use the wii Fitboard) when I had a complete breakdown and figured I wasn't going to live much longer because my heart was going to just give out on me. I didn't even want to leave the house. However, I started on here, counting every single calorie and getting support and now it's just habit, I don't even have to use much willpower anymore.

    Starting weight (when I started logging) 345lbs, Lost so far 98lbs, goal weight 175
  • 5'10" gal here. Just reached my goal weight this week and am going on maintenance. Feel free to add.
  • adnaram
    adnaram Posts: 44 Member
    5 ft 9 here. I weighed 256 on October first and am down to 234 now. Every time I have a kid, I gain 50 lbs! I'm done with that, though and ready to loose all of it! Goal weight- 170. I like short-term goals so I'm shooting for 225 by Christmas.
  • 5'10 . Weighed 210 last year. Maintained at 160. The upper half I am anorexic and wear size small.however the bottom I wear size 13 pants. I want to go down to 145-150 to even out the large bottom.
  • spikrgrl503
    spikrgrl503 Posts: 247 Member
    6'1" here, maintaining around 175. Trying to get to 165 but no rush. Size 10
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    the change will have to start inside your heart.

    let it fill your heart and your feet and brain will get on board.
  • Hello! 6 foot tall and hovering around 194 lbs.....got down to my goal weight about 4 years ago, and then gained it all back after I quit smoking 2 years ago. For some reason it seemed easy last time...this time...nothing but struggles!! :) REALLY want to get back to down to about 165 lbs.....but not being able to find the motivation or will power!
  • Im 6' and 178 lbs rocking a size ten. I used to be 198 lbs and my goal is 155-160
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    5'11" here, and all legs! I need a 34" inseam. The problem, jeans made in plus size, seem to be for petite women. Like, if you are fat, you must also be short!

    Yes, I do find pants eventually....would love to just go in a store, and get a pair of jeans....I wear a size 16w.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    5'11 here. A tad older than yourself though at 36. I'd like to get back into my size 8s. Which I'm assuming is a weight goal of about 157ish. This time last year I was around 150. Today I weighed in at 165. I'm typically the only one that notices when I "pork up" (which is a benefit of being tall).

    In 2011 I was 193. In the summer of 2013 I got to 143 and a size 4. My boyfriend told me I really needed to consider gaining a bit back, I took it very literally...LOL

    It's very possible if you stick to the plan, log everyday, move a little more and eat what calories the program gives you that you will be at goal in no time.

    As you can tell I Yo Yo. I got cocky after losing all that weight and gave myself a pass. Hello 20lbs in a year. Now my goal is to get to and stay around 155-157.

    Good luck, hon. We are all here to support you!
  • Feel free to add me as well! I'm 5'10 also.

    SW: 282+
    CW: 238
    GW: 180
  • KjierstynR
    KjierstynR Posts: 3 Member
    6'0" here too! I grew up as a bit of a chub, but then played sports through high school and college. I gained weight after stopping sports freshman year, and I've graduated now. I'd really love to join this feed and stay motivated to lose and then maintain weight- Your stories are awesome and thank you for posting them!
  • msmichydo
    msmichydo Posts: 55 Member
    5'9" here. I've always hovered around 160-170 lbs throughout my adult life, but wanna lean the eff out and look sexy. Current weight is around 167, goal weight is 145. I'm working out 4x a week for at least a month now and the scale has hardly moved, but I'm feeling stronger! I like that feeling. It's slow but we'll get there!
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'9", and 22 years old. I've lost about 20lbs and am at my goal weight (125lbs) Now I'm focusing on lifting/resistance training, but add me if you're looking for an active friend who posts about healthy recipes a lot!
  • likehlikeo
    likehlikeo Posts: 185 Member
    185cm (I guess that is 6 foot and 1 inch), currently at 140, GW 130. Add me, I'm also on a plant based diet, so in case you are looking for some inspiration regarding that (or not) peep my diary :)
  • las07s
    las07s Posts: 150 Member
    I'm 6'0" with about 40 lbs to kick. I'll add you!
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Zombie thread! Would love updates from the other tall ladies.

    5'11 and 27 yrs old
    SW: 215
    CW: 145
    GW: 139 (though I might rock the 139-143 range)