Back in the saddle

Hey there! I am back on my "diet" (I loathe that word) and I am trying to build a support group. I have always found, that when I am accountable to others, it is easier for me to stick with it. Anyone interested in joining me?


  • Rikuya
    Rikuya Posts: 15 Member
    I too am trying this "diet" thing. I have never counted calories before so idk how I'm going to do but I don't mind joining in.
  • jenna_mikewolf
    jenna_mikewolf Posts: 31 Member
    Yay! I have found that if I tell my self I can't have it, I eat a ton of eat. One thing that has helped is to not limit myself to what I eat, just how much I eat. All about portion control. I have a cookie every But I always track my calories and if I had a splurge day, I don't have the cookie. I also don't count calories on Sundays (but I don't binge eat)! My cheat day!
  • jenna_mikewolf
    jenna_mikewolf Posts: 31 Member
    Would you be interested in doing fitness challenges from Pinterest??? @Rikuya
  • Rikuya
    Rikuya Posts: 15 Member
    I don't have a pinterest. What are these fitness challenges you speak of? Is that what those "hundred days of squats" things I see floating around on the internet sometimes???
  • jenna_mikewolf
    jenna_mikewolf Posts: 31 Member
    Yes, or the 30 day squat challenge...I could always post the day's challenge here and we could tell each other when we are done.
  • anna_jewel
    anna_jewel Posts: 127 Member
    Hi, I have started a lifestyle change. Anyone can feel free to add me for extra motivation and accountability :)
  • jenna_mikewolf
    jenna_mikewolf Posts: 31 Member