Can i just ask..



  • cfriend48
    cfriend48 Posts: 4 Member
    if you deprive yourself of pleasures once in a will give up and gain all that you've worked so hard for. Just keep track of the calories and don't go over what you are allotted. It is a whole new life style but it's mindful eating and exercise that will keep the weight falling off and staying off. Great book to read Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life by Thich Nhat Hanh.
  • racergirl1991
    racergirl1991 Posts: 422 Member
    My opinion is "everything in moderation", a little treat now will keep you from binging later. Personally I try to put one "treat" in each day, that way I dont feel deprived.
  • I think the consensus is pretty well on target! No confusing messages here! :-)
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    Agreed to the taking things in moderation posts. It shouldn't be every day, but completely depriving yourself of things you want is a good way to get frustrated and fall off the wagon.

    Reading a book by Tom Venuto at the moment, and he has the concept of 90/10 - eating healthy and nutritious food 90% of the time, and having things like processed carbs and refined sugars the other 10% of the time (if you feel like you need it). You build it into your nutrition plan and so it's not actually cheating - you're budgeting for it and not allowing it to get out of control.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    No No junk. lol another girl asked if she could eat chips. no no no.
    This is a new lifestyle you want right? and where did it go when you ate what you ate before?
    why give it to your body again? Look at it this way..
    It's your old self telling you to give in to the bad things, and your body's telling you that you can't do it. and that you're weak.
    Are you Weak?

    Never give up!! Eat a JINORMOUS bowl of FRUIT!!!! trust me... and keep doing that till you dont want that other stuff anymore!

    um, disagree with this. My motto is everything in moderation. If you have a craving and have the calories AND it won't send you into a death spiral of eating treats non-stop I say have the treat. What I have found is some of those treats aren't worth it anymore either in the calorie cost or that they don't taste as good but saying you will never have another chip or candy bar is setting yourself up for failure IMHO.

    I stopped eating donuts because they are my downfall. I could eat 3 or 4 or 5 of them at a time. So, I stopped eating them for awhile. Now, I don't want them anymore. I had a bite of a friend's donut at work and it just didn't taste good anymore. I'm not telling myself "No, you can't have it" -- I don't want it anymore.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The only way I'll ever stop enjoying treats, sweets and goodies is when you pry them from my cold dead fingers.
  • ang16
    ang16 Posts: 91
    Thanks to you all for the messages.

    I was never big into chocolate and sweets, it was my portion sizes and stress eating carbs when studying that got me this way. Just cause someone is over weight it doesnt mean that they sit about and eat loads of sweeets!LOL (addressing first post)

    I have always been very keen when it comes to exercise, I just fell along the wayside with my course coming to an end and its been a stressful two years due to that and i planned a wedding, I volunteer and have a young child. I will get back to my pre pregnancy weight because I have a want within me to do this.

    Thanks again everyone and good luck in your individual weight loss goals. You all can do it :)
  • ang16
    ang16 Posts: 91
    The only way I'll ever stop enjoying treats, sweets and goodies is when you pry them from my cold dead fingers.

    This made me laugh my *kitten* off!
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I have the odd bar of chocolate or piece of cake or whatever. This is meant to be a lifetime change right? Well are you prepared to give up those things completely for the rest of your life? I know I'm not and to try to tell myself I can never have them is just setting me up for failure. I log when I eat them and make sure they're within my calories for the day. I lost just over 40lbs doing this a few years back and maintained it for around 18 months before meds made my weight sky rocket.

    I did find that things like chocolate, pizza, fried foods etc became less appealing as time went on though so the amount I ate decreased without me really trying to cut down on it. It's happening again this time.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Of course you can have it.

    Just remember that unless you are going to put all the weight back on when you have reached your goal, the changes you're making now are going to be for life - so yes you can have chocolate, but no you can't have full size bars and no you can't have them every day. You need to get out of the habit of eating unsuitable food on a regular basis.

    But never having chocolate again? Can't see that happening. I don't have cravings for it, and as I'm eating more healthily I'm going off sweet things, but it is nice as a very occasional treat. :)
  • cdoane
    cdoane Posts: 11 Member
    I say go for it! You earned it. When i have the calories, and i want something sweet i definetly don't deprive myself and i have not seen a negative effect on my weight loss by doing that. Like everyone else says, its all about moderation. As long you are not having that every day, and you are still eating healthy and getting the fruits and veggies you need, why deprive yourself of a treat? After working hard and being good, its nice sometimes to have a little reward!
  • stinastudios
    stinastudios Posts: 117 Member
    Eat it, but do it the right way. Sit down, and eat it slowly. Don't watch tv, do stuff on your computer, nothing. Just savor the taste of the awesome thing you're eating. Then when you finally finish, go back to your normal calorie-watching, exercising self. It's good for you.
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    I agree with all things in moderation! Of course you want to try to avoid the empty calories as much as possible and eat healthy. But, really? Are you going to never have a candy bar the rest of your life? If so, wow, great for you! But if that's not realstic for you then you have to work it into the plan! I eat one small square of chocolate almost everyday... keeps me from eating a gallon of ice cream on a whim! :laugh:
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    Eat it, but do it the right way. Sit down, and eat it slowly. Don't watch tv, do stuff on your computer, nothing. Just savor the taste of the awesome thing you're eating. Then when you finally finish, go back to your normal calorie-watching, exercising self. It's good for you.

    Great advice!!
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