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5'2" -ish women under 120 lbs: How did you get there?



  • mommy2626
    mommy2626 Posts: 32 Member
    edited December 2014
    This is me right now. I do try to eat less and am tracking but probably not as well and working out pretty hard about 6 days a week. As well as running some days. but still not losing any weight, sometimes a couple of pounds, down then up. frustrating!!!!!!
    oh and I am 5 1.5 and about 120 lbs give or take!
  • Kellyfitness128
    Kellyfitness128 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm 5'2. I got up to 131lbs around summer of last year from drinking way too much and binge eating. Because of the binge eating, it was so difficult for me to lose the weight, but I managed to. I started working out and cut back on the drinking. I was counting calories and eating ~2,000 a day. I pretty much worked out 5 days a week (lifted weights about 3 times a week which I think was a huge factor in the weight loss). What got me to stop binge eating though was when my boyfriend of the time moved in with me... I used to binge eat from boredom/stress but with him there, I never really felt that. So with cutting out the binging and all the working out, I was able to get down to 112 lbs. I'm back up to 118 now though and still trying to get back to 112 (I was super happy at that weight), but it's been a difficult process (binging is back, but not as often as it used to be). I don't know if you ahve the same problem, but now that I don't live with my boyfriend I've learned to find other ways to entertain myself when I'm bored/emotional rather than turning to food and that's helping me with the weight loss.
  • Wills820
    Wills820 Posts: 32 Member
    Great post. Struggling at 5'2" and 111ish lbs
  • LindaMc6262
    LindaMc6262 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5'2", very small frame, 52 years old. I reached 142lbs over the summer and got fed up with myself. I was 105 in early adulthood, gained over 35lbs in a year when I got my first job due to sitting on my butt all day. A few years later, I lost it and maintained 108-110 for 15 years by calorie counting, adjusting my intake downward as needed. By age 40, even though I exercised 3 times a week, I couldn't eat more than 1400 calories without gaining weight.

    Then came an early menopause at 43 and my metabolism tanked again. I gained, lost, gained, gave up, thinking it was either starve myself or stay pudgy.

    At the end of June I joined weight watchers online. One of the best things about that program is the ability to eat varying amounts (with a daily minimum) throughout the week. I followed up with MFP because I was always a calorie counter. I now dual log.

    I average 1200-1300 a day, but it's not the same every day. I eat way more on the weekends and one day during the week. The other four days are around 1100 calories. For me, the easiest way to eat that little is to break it up into 5-6 tiny "meals," more like snacks, and eat every three hours. I only have to do this for two days in a row at most, then I get to eat more.

    But by far the biggest help for me is my fitbit. I love that thing! I've been doing at least 10,000 steps a day, usually more. Every single day. Given the extremely low amount of calories I had to eat to maintain my weight 10+ years ago, I shouldn't be losing much at all, but I am! I'm convinced the daily exercise is the difference. It's giving me at least another 200 calories a day to play with. I find fitbit overestimates calorie burn, so I only eat back some of my calories.

    I'm now slightly above 120, with a goal of 115. I will re-evaluate at that point. I'm not losing fast, but the weight is coming off.

    Good luck and much success! Weight loss is tough when you are small!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I'm 5'2 and started MFP at 150 lbs, currently at about 122 and in between losing and maintaining. I use a Fitbit, eat back exercise cals, don't restrict any foods and lose at 1700 net. I eat around 1900 most days and Fitbit says my TDEE is around 2100. It really is about eating less than you burn but with less.to lose.the margin of error is lower as well.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    edited December 2014
    5'1, 101lb (105 in my avitar)

    At Christmas 2009 I was 128-130 lb, I saw a picture of myself, didn't like what I saw, started counting calories and doing a bit of exercise.

    I have always used 1200cal as my baseline but never treated it as though it is written in stone. I eat back calories burnt when hungry.

    BMR=971, TDEE (sedentary)=1165, TDEE (x3)=1335), TDEE (x5)=1419, BF 20.1

    Unfortunately the site that I used no longer exists, but from what I remember of my year of weight loss I concentrated more on calories than macros. That being said, I cook most of my food from scratch and do not like fast food, so even if my micro breakdown wasn't perfect It would have been high on veg, low on carbs (except for my cake at weekends), and average on protein.

    I had always claimed to be alergic to exercise so that was a hard one until I discovered aquafit, I did it 60minx3 per week (still do in the winter). In the spring I staeted walking and competed in 2 10km races, then in the winter did pilates and core body toning as well as upper body work on the machines at the gym.

    By New Year 2011 I was 105 and have stayed between 102-107 since then. I exercise at least 60x3 per week and rarely more than 60x5 per week in the winter. During the summer I am active outside and garden so don't persue any formal type of exercise, although I am learning to swim at the moment because I would like to add a daily swim to my summer activities.

    I didn't weigh my food when losing the weight and now, in retrospect, I think I would have lost my weight a little faster. I did mesure it but that just isn't as acurate.

    I maintain my weight by portion control mainly and do a 2-3 month weight adjustment in the fall when I start up in the gym again. At the moment I am under eating a little so am shifting around my food a little and have added protein powder to make sure I am getting enough.
    My exercise routine for this winter is: aquafit 60x3, Zumba 60x2 and swimming lessons 45x1. I find that amount of activity is plenty for me, and more than I ever thought I would do.

    Sorry it is so long, and hope it helps,
    Cheers, h.

    Before and after pics


  • itsjustmish
    itsjustmish Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 33 years old, 5'2" and currently weigh 104 lbs. I've gained 2lb in the last month as I started bulking, so I was at 102lb before that. I've dropped 5 dress sizes and a total of 35lbs over the past 7 or 8 years and (aside from a blip at the start of this year where I gained 7lbs) I've pretty much maintained any weight loss for that entire time.

    Most recently, I lost the 7lbs I gained earlier this year by eating at a 250 cal per day defecit to lose 1/2lb per week, combined with Jillian Michaels programmes (Ripped in 30, followed by Body Revolution) and bodyweight strength training (You Are Your Own Gym). I invested in a Fitbit, which I personally found extremely useful as it meant I knew what I was burning each day with a little more accuracy, and it encouraged me to move more. I did a *lot* of walking over the warmer months and that meant I actually got to eat quite a bit even when I was losing (I averaged about 1800-1900 cals per day)!

    I have found that for me personally *what* I'm eating has a big effect on my body composition so I've been careful to hit my macros for protein and fat every day.
  • jadeblue14
    jadeblue14 Posts: 182 Member
    I don't have anything to add because I'm still a work in progress. But I love reading all your stories.
  • eychenn
    eychenn Posts: 64 Member
    jadeblue14 wrote: »
    I don't have anything to add because I'm still a work in progress. But I love reading all your stories.

    In the same boat - so inspiring!
  • balvis3919
    balvis3919 Posts: 60 Member
    im 5'2 1/4 and i started at 232 pounds. i am between 142-148 (depending on if i cheated or not) lol i know this is not exactly what u ask for in weight range but i am right height and small/medium frame and am supposed to be in the 106-136 range so close enough. lol i do not eat clean. i do not burn more than i eat. i simply eat smaller portions and stay within my 1200 calorie goal. i make sure to get my fiber and protien in and do not go over the recomended fat, sugar and carbs. i eat lots of veggies, not so much fruit. i eat alot of fiber full bread and wraps and quinoa but hardly any pasta. i also cut cereal out. and dessert. i have not changed my habits much more than that, just got smart and found alot of good products that r in the right calorie range. i do walk everyday anywhere from 2 miles-7 miles. and i do go to the gym. on an average day i burn anywhre from 200cal-1200cal. just depends on how crazy i get walking or wii dancing. lol
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    You gals are making me feel heavy! I've been at my goal weight of 133lbs for a few years now and perfectly happy here! (Ok so I'd prefer to be under 130 but don't care enough to make any more sacrifices than I currently do) Maybe my frame is larger...anyway the scale number is a personal preference, for me it's all about the stats.

    I maintain on 2200 cals gross. I workout alot so I can enjoy that amount.

    I've enjoyed reading this post, lots of great feedback :smile:
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I am 5'2" and stayed at 105-110 all my life, except during pregnancy. I smoked cigarettes. When I quit smoking at age 51, I gained weight, going all the way up to 169.8 pounds as of last year. I'm down to 140 now, with another 30 to go. I will not start smoking again, but if you want to be skinny and stinky, start smoking.
  • fobs13
    fobs13 Posts: 1,080 Member
    I'm 5ft 2.5 and currently 108 pounds. List 33 pounds through tracking and exercise slowly. No more than a pound a week!
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    5'2" currently 121. It takes me about a month to drop a pound (up during my week and then down again but average makes for a lb a month). I do HIIT training and weight lifting all at home. I am set to 1200 but with eating back some exercise I average between 1300 up to 1600 and some days I can eat to 2000 (special occasions or what not. I suppose you could call them cheat days but they are not scheduled as such. I just consider it part of life
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Runrutheerun, if I looked as good as you do at 133, I would be happy. Unfortunately I looked more like an un-set jellybaby.

    Cheers, h.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I am not currently under 120, but when I was, it was a product of a low fat diet, daily cardio and strength training. I don't believe the low-fat diet is strictly necessary. It was the big "thing" at the time and I am sure the same thing can be achieved with a calorie deficit, however you choose to achieve it.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Never been really overweight, but I've been bigger than I am. I am afraid, it is eat less than you burn... Macros don't really matter, or they kind of exercise. Just pick whatever suits you.

    Pretty much. That, patience, and consistency.

    I'm 5'3", stayed at 117lbs for a while before deciding to do bulk/cut cycles. To get there, I averaged 1450 cals per day. No exercise, ate a serving of dessert regularly and just compensated by eating leaner meats and leafy and cruciferous veg instead of higher cal meals. For the last 5 lbs I lost 1 lb/mo. like clockwork. I'd go the whole month bopping up and down by a quarter to a half of a pound, and at the very end suddenly the scale would drop a pound and stay there.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Runrutheerun, if I looked as good as you do at 133, I would be happy. Unfortunately I looked more like an un-set jellybaby.

    Cheers, h.
    @middlehaitch lol 'unset jellybaby'. ..I have a bit of that going on in my belly area but I don't let myself get hung up about it any more.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I'm around 120 right now (I hover between 120 and 123). I'm 5'1.5" and haven't been able to maintain lower than 120. I have a "base" of 1000 calories and eat back exercise calories that get calculated by my fitbit HR. I do 10,000 steps a day, plus I do zumba or kickboxing twice a week and an over-50 strength training class twice a week. I also do yoga 2-3 times a week. I ended up "settling" for 120 and basically reshaping my body because to get below 120 I would have to give up all "cheats", the dinner out on week-ends or the church luncheon I attended today (yeah, I went way over my calorie limit). It would be nice to be even thinner, but I've decided I want to enjoy my life. Also I'm more of a medium build (6" wrist, size 7.5-8 shoe).
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Update on my previous post: I'm still 5'1" but I'm down from my starting weight of 155 (from last October) to my current weight of 105. It can be done, folks!