Super stressed out, and eating

What do you do when you realize your stressed out and cant control your eating?

I have been stressed out all weekend long and today went south in a hurry.
I was doing so good until Friday night and then it all went to sh!@#
Been eating sweets and cant curb my appetite at all.

Please give me some advice.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    If you can get rid of anything that is not healthy. If It's not there you can't eat it. Especially candy and refined sugars.
    Take a walk or do some cardio exercises. Cut up some fresh veggies and eat the hell out of them. good luck!
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    I go for a walk or exercise and think about how no one is gonna de-rail me not even myself. I don't win all the battles but I am gaining ground in the war!

    Good Luck, Be Strong and We know you can do it!
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    Whats stressing you? The eating is a symptom...address the cause.....

    Aside from that, load up on water/protein....overhaul the kitchen and get rid of the salty/sweet "bad" snacks. If nothing else, record everything.

  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    That happens to me too a lot. Actually all weekend was a food fest! All you can do is get back up on the wagon and move forward. When you think you're hungry, try drinking water. A lot of times you are thirsty, not hungry. And when you get the urge to eat, maybe take a little walk or something to keep your mind off of it (and the stress) for a minute... then re-evaluate things. :smile:
  • Brady_
    Brady_ Posts: 108 Member
    its ALLLL in your head. you literally have to sit and THINK everyday every food you pick up, is this healthy? am i hungry or am i just trying to take my mind off something. you just REALLLY have to be mentally strong.

    I truly think dieting is all in the head, eating healthy isn't hard, working out isnt hard, but being mentally strong to resist temptations and to mentally stay focused on your goals is the hardest part.

    I am a VERY big emotional/stress eater, and i am AWARE of it. so you obviously know what your doing and thats the first step.

    my biggest success with this problem has just been mentally resisting the foods and when i feel like eating, just mentally being there and concious of whats going on.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    Oh! GUM. Chew gum....that helps.