30 year old mom/grad student with 50 pounds to lose (& binge eating hist.) looking for friends :)



  • Add me! On a mission to shift the kilos, will be an active member with lots of support to give! :)
  • lindseyloo72001
    lindseyloo72001 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! Add me if you like. I work full-time and have a 15-month-old. I know how hard it is to make time for yourself!
  • pizzuticutie
    pizzuticutie Posts: 3 Member
    ok, so I'm going to join the gym for 90 days and see how it goes. Last year, I paid for months without going so I'm not taking any chances. Be back to let you all know how it goes. I've burned through about 650 calories already and I haven't hit lunch yet. Jeez.
  • hrayala
    hrayala Posts: 73 Member
    Hi! I'll send you a FR. I'm also a mom of 2 kiddos, a student, and have a job. Good luck on your journey, you can do it!
  • erincuthrell
    erincuthrell Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me! 2 small boys, full time job! Luckily my sis in law encourages me to work out with her but I need extra motivation!