1200 Calories per day

chubswonky Posts: 195
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
Is anyone else at 1200 calories per day and losing weight?
Will you give me a sample of what your day in food looks like?



  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    My diary is open.
  • mdfeller
    mdfeller Posts: 135
    I think mine is open as well.
  • aquanet2
    aquanet2 Posts: 26 Member
    I am new here and have 1200 calories a day. I would love ideas. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner!!! Please!
  • aquanet2
    aquanet2 Posts: 26 Member
    How do you look at your diary?
  • BriMarie21
    BriMarie21 Posts: 13 Member
    I think mine is open as well! (Although I might not be the best to look at :/ ) Its honestly about a good mix of exercise with the food you eat. Try to get some cardio in like every other day (running is obviously best). Even if it's just a mile or so, you'll feel so much better and you'll see the weight start to come off! Good Luck!
  • Mine is open as well. :smile:
  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    How do you look at your diary?

    If you go to the person's profile, there is a button that says "view diary"
  • makeachange22
    makeachange22 Posts: 151
    same for me roughly, and really healthy foods 5 or less servings of bread,if you add me you can see my diary. except for tuesdays on which days i cheat my food is very well put
  • riley22
    riley22 Posts: 27
    I'm on the 1200 calories per day. I don't have set things I eat but I have kept to primarily fresh fruit, vegetables, salads and protein. If I eat bread it's one of the new sandwich rounds. I have Greek Yogurt for breakfast at times also. Eliminating the fast food, fried foods, pizza etc. has made a huge difference. Find what you like and create your own eating plan. Don't forget to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. I average around 10-12.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I'll do my best to help out.
  • CTK3989
    CTK3989 Posts: 109 Member
    My diary is open, add me as a friend. I usually eat 10-20 calories below 1200 but today, I am at exactly 1200.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    breakfast ideas:

    yogurt and granola

    bagel thin, morning star sausage patty (veggie), egg beaters

    "egg mugs" put veggies and egg beaters into a mug and microwave. add cheese if you like

    dinner ideas:

    chicken stir fry & brown rice

    pizza: flat-out wraps, spaghetti sauce, veggies

    I try to keep my breakfast and lunch to about 300 cals each. That leaves me with 600 for dinner and/or snacks.
  • msenior
    msenior Posts: 171 Member
    Hiya, I'm on the same as well. only started one week now, haven't checked my weight as yet. I am a bit frightened. Just in case I haven't lost
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    My base is 1200 but I exercise a lot so usually eat between 2000 and 2400 per day (yes I eat my exercise calories) and have been consistently losing. Lost over 4 this week.

    Diary is open.
  • cupfanncbms
    cupfanncbms Posts: 101

    1 Xtreme wellness tortilla: 71 calories
    3 egg whites, scrambled: 51 calories
    diced onions and peppers: 10 calories (ish)
    1/2 c. strawberries: 25 calories
    coffee: 5 calories
    creamer: 35 calories

    total: 197

    AM snack:
    1 oz. cashews or almonds: around 150-170 calories
    1 apple 95 calories

    total: 245-265


    grilled chicken strips: 100 calories
    Xtreme wellness tortilla: 71 calories (or a sandwich roll for 100 calories, or light bread for 90-ish calories)
    1 cup spinach: 7 calories
    1/2 tbsp light mayo: 23
    fruit of choice

    total: 201 plus your fruit

    PM snack:

    1/2 c. lowfat cottage cheese 81 calories (or a string cheese, 80 calories)


    4 oz. chicken breast 100 calories
    salad 25 calories (ish)
    light dressing 80 calories (ish)
    small baked potato with fat free sour cream 140 calories (plus sour cream-depending how much you use, 25 calories)
    1/2 c. steamed broccoli (or veggie of your choice) 27 calories

    total: 397

    I love these tortillas. They're so versatile as taco wraps or sandwich wraps. Other things I have are smoothies. I use frozen blueberries and strawberries, baby carrots, raw baby spinach, orange juice, and sometimes yogurt.

    I also drink a shake as a meal replacement on some days. I use the Naturade Total Soy Shake. It's 140 calories. Best with a portion of fruit or mixed with milk instead of water (I do water, for the 140 calories).
  • marly37
    marly37 Posts: 4 Member
    mine is open as well, i'm right at 1200 but i eat my exercise calories so that put me at about 1500 to 1600 a day. The days that i don't exercise i stick to the 1200. It seems to be working out good for me. I lost 4 this week and have been losing 1 to 2 on average other weeks. Good Luck!
  • ellenangel
    ellenangel Posts: 106 Member
    I break it down by meals- 3 a day, plus 1-2 snacks.

    Breakfast = 300-ish cals
    Lunch = 300-400 cals
    Dinner = 400-500

    snacks = fill in the gaps!

    Some favorite breakfasts- all around 300 cals:

    - 1 apple, chopped and microwaved, topped with 1/4 cup Bear Naked fruit + nut granola and 1 serving fat free Greek yogurt
    - 1/3 cup oats cooked in water w/ cinnamon and sweetener, then throw in some frozen blueberries and a serving of fat free Greek yogurt. Chill overnight and top with 1 tbsp almond butter (it's like a rice pudding texture)
    - oatmeal pancakes (1/3 cup oats, 1 egg white, tsp baking powder, cinnamon, 1/2 mashed banana and a splash of milk- mix well and fry in cooking spray like regular pancakes), top with fat free Greek yogurt and sugar free syrup

    Lunches and dinners for me are often sandwiches or wraps- so the carb part is around 100-120 cals, and fillings are around 200 cals):
    - 3oz grilled chicken (chopped) mixed w/ 1 tbsp fat free mayo + 1 tbsp Annie's Organics Goddess dressing (= 190 cals + wrap/bread)
    - 1/4 block tofu baked in walden farms BBQ sauce w/ 2 tbsp hummus + tomato slices
    - 3oz tuna + 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese + ranch seasoning
    - 3oz tuna mashed with salsa + 1/2oz sharp cheddar cheese (good on an English muffin- open faced)
    - roasted eggplant slices, 1/2 tbsp pesto (little goes a long way for flavor!) + 1 oz goats cheese
    - falafel (I buy a premade one that is 120 cals per serving) w/ 1 wedge of Laughing Cow extra light cheese + 1 little ketchup
    - 3oz grilled chicken, 2-3 tbsp tzatziki, tomato + cucumber slices

    All work great thrown onto a salad too- often switch up vegetables and add whatever is around. Asparagus, onions, cauliflower, broccoli, etc are all delicious seasoned and roasted (I use spray oil, salt and pepper and just baked for 20-30 mins until done- brussel sprouts are AMAZING roasted! I can't eat them any other way!) Or instead of bread/wraps, I use 1/2 cup rice/pasta/couscous or baked sweet potato.

    Snacks vary-
    - blueberries with fat free Greek yogurt (120 cals)
    - half a banana and 1/2 smores Clif z-bar (the kids ones) mixed into greek yogurt (210 cals)
    - Greek yogurt mixed with PB2 (powdered peanut butter) and 1/2 banana (200 cals).

    If I am eating snacks on-the-go, it's usually something like a protein bar (I love the new cookie dough Zone bars- 190 cals) or a mini Clif bar (100 cals).
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    Public diary, I recently changed it to 1300, but rarely go over it.
  • Calidaho
    Calidaho Posts: 110 Member
    I am at 1400 but something my nutritionist advocates is protein shakes for breakfast. One that is under 100 calories. I basically eat 200 calories with my breakfast and morning snack combined. Light string cheese is my morning snack--60 cals.

    A protein shake for any meal would actually help you fill up on fewer calories. Good luck!
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    i'm a pescatarian (veggie who eats fish) and my diary is open!!
    but here is some examples if you don't want to check it out

    - smoothies (1 cup frozen fruit, 1 cup fat free plain greek yogurt, 1/2 cup soy milk and 1 packet of truvia)
    - egg whites w/ mushrooms and baby spinach, organic whole grain toast
    - organic oatmeal
    - cottage cheese w/ sugar free perseveres and fruit w/ a side of toast

    - tofu noodles w/ light alfredo sauce & sauted mushrooms and spinach
    - homemade vegetable soup
    - veggie burgers, and steamable vegetable singles
    - tilapia sandwich
    - shrimp salad wrapped in romain hearts

    - organic rice crips with hummus
    - cottage cheese
    - almonds, pistachios
    - fruit

    - stuffed portabella mushrooms
    - tilapia w/ fresh veggies
    - salmon w/ fresh veggies
    - spaghetti squash w/ no salt added tomato sauce
    - veggie burgers
    - lentil sloppy joes
  • Feralsquirrel
    Feralsquirrel Posts: 12 Member
    Monitoring the serving size is more important than just focusing strictly on healthy foods. I tend to snack all day on small things like cereal bars or shakes to the point that I'm eating all the time at work. But I sit at a desk all day, a more active job wouldn't allow me that luxury. I wouldn't suggest meal bars or shakes, I find that they fill you up but in an uncomfortable way, kind of like eating an entire cake.

    My diary should also be open, but you may find my eating habits repetitive.
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