
cazz5 Posts: 11 Member
Just getting used to all this and hoping I can keep up with the excersise.....its not my favourite thing! Anyone feeling the same?


  • ADJulie
    ADJulie Posts: 605 Member
    It wasn't my favorite thing at first but now it has become second nature to me. I have been doing this since July of last year. You will get there. You will start noticing that you don't feel good when you don't work out. That helps motivate you. Good luck.
  • cazz5
    cazz5 Posts: 11 Member
    ive been walking and enjoying it, amazingly. But have dreadfull blisters which means i wont be able to go tomorrow!! Who would have thought id be dissapointed about that !! lol
  • riley22
    riley22 Posts: 27
    I'm not a big fan of exercise either. I recently joined the YMCA and started doing the Zumba classes. I love it and hate when I have to miss it. I'm always going to start taking their Turbokick class. I enjoy walking also.

    Ouch on the blisters! Let those heal.