What is your non-scale goal?

Hi guys,

Everyone says "I want to reach X weight," but the weight is more than a number-- it represents something bigger to us. I thought it would be fun to see what everyone is working for that has nothing to do with stepping on a scale and seeing the right number.

What is one non-NUMBER goal you have? A fitness event? Looking great a reunion?

As for me, I have, no kidding, 8 to 10 really nice pairs of jeans ($90 to 100 each) in a box in the closet, and I haven't worn them since 2010 or so. I'm wearing el cheapo jeans I don't even like and dammit, I want to bust out this PILE of awesome clothes I can't wear! I'm actually thinking of digging through them, finding the cutest pair, and leaving it somewhere I can see them frequently to keep me on track.



  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    My original goal was to fit back into my size 8 jeans and now I wear a size 6 at the same goal weight.
  • shadowloss
    shadowloss Posts: 293 Member
    My motivation is being able to put my helmet on when I go for a ride and not look like a have a sideways butt crack along my 4 chins. Also, so that I don't have to wear a Jacket riding when it's 95 degrees only to hide my gut. Can't wait for Spring!
  • Pandapotato
    Pandapotato Posts: 68 Member
    My original goal was to fit back into my size 8 jeans and now I wear a size 6 at the same goal weight.

    Nice! Congrats and good work!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    10XToughMudder status at the World's Toughest Mudder.
  • PSUtuna
    A PULL UP! I have crazy long monkey arms. I'm 5'11'' and have a wing span of 6'6''. Someday I will lose enough weight and gain enough mussel to actually do more that hang and struggle!
  • ems212
    ems212 Posts: 135 Member
    I want to fit back into my favorite size 8 pair of jeans...I haven't worn them in 6 years.

    I also have a really, really cute dress that I want to wear to a wedding this coming spring. It's a size 12 that I haven't fit into for 3 years.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Right now, it's run a 30 minute 5k. I'm currently just under 40 minutes.
  • Pandapotato
    Pandapotato Posts: 68 Member
    Right now, it's run a 30 minute 5k. I'm currently just under 40 minutes.

    Oooh, good luck! I ran May to Sept last year, lost 25 lbs and went from a 39 min 5k to 32. And then.... fell off the wagon. sigh. It's amazing though how fast you can improve with training!!
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    Size 6 or maybe even a 4
    No stomach overhang when I bend over
    Be a Bikini wearing fool
    Do century bike rides
    Do biathlons
    Achieve below 20% bodyfat
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    Qualify for Boston marathon in the 50 - 54 age group (3:30).
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Underwear Affair run (10K) in June.
    Mud Hero (6K) in August.
    Canadian Death Race in 2017.
  • stonegirldancing42
    Being able to shop nicely at my lower size, after finding more inner confidence at my higher size.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Mine are mostly complicated yoga poses.

    Here's one of them.

  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I want to do a Tough Mudder. I was hoping to do it this year, but pregnancy changed my plans. I'm now looking at Oct 10 or 11 of 2015.

  • Queen_1995
    To have a healthy relationship with food and stop binge eating once and for all :)
  • Jesssamesssa
    Jesssamesssa Posts: 116 Member
    Hi guys,

    Everyone says "I want to reach X weight," but the weight is more than a number-- it represents something bigger to us. I thought it would be fun to see what everyone is working for that has nothing to do with stepping on a scale and seeing the right number.

    What is one non-NUMBER goal you have? A fitness event? Looking great a reunion?

    As for me, I have, no kidding, 8 to 10 really nice pairs of jeans ($90 to 100 each) in a box in the closet, and I haven't worn them since 2010 or so. I'm wearing el cheapo jeans I don't even like and dammit, I want to bust out this PILE of awesome clothes I can't wear! I'm actually thinking of digging through them, finding the cutest pair, and leaving it somewhere I can see them frequently to keep me on track.

    ABS!!!!!! lol and toned everything. Basically to look like a fitness model. I have a wayyssssss to go! LOL
  • dangermooch
    dangermooch Posts: 23 Member
    walking on my hands.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    To become a triathelete and eventually an ironman. To be able to average 20mph cycling on a regular basis. To run a 25 minute 5k (think I am already there, but haven't raced it recently) and 55 min 10k. To get stronger and build more muscle...get rid of all the extra jiggle and then hopefully be able to get a mini tummy tuck instead of a full.
  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    1.To wear a size 10 again, (it's been 10 years)
    2. Go dancing in public
    3. Take up running

  • LunaMischief
    LunaMischief Posts: 166 Member
    edited December 2014
    To look my best for an Anime convention I'm dressing up/cosplaying for at end of January 2015. Both costumes I'm going with are pretty form-fitting, so I'm trying to slim down and look my best.

    Even after January, I have quite a few clothes that I'd love to fit into again. Like my favorite pairs of jeans that are size 1s..