Hello all!

New here and just wanted to say hi! I transferred from the Calorie Count website (CC), mostly because the app for CC sucks and the database of food here is huge. I hope to make some new support buddies here. :smile:

So a little about myself.

I love running, biking, walking, lifting heavy, and cooking. I am a recovering binge eater and trying to take things step by step. Lost 40lbs, gained 20 back. Getting married next year, so trying to use it as an incentive to get back into the good habits. My highest weight was almost 200lbs, which is not so flattering for a petite 5ft 2in frame. I just want to be able to eat and exercise normally without having to think about it. Been on this journey now for about 2 years and needed a change of scenery.

Any tips or suggestions for navigating/utilizing the website? :smile:



  • MsGrumble
    Hi KillerTofu! (Love your name.) Welcome to MyFitnessPal! I made the switch over from Lose It! for the same reasons . . . better food database and a community that really helps to keep you accountable.

    I assume you're using the app and not the site strictly, but if not *use the app* and take advantage of their design. Input your water all day and do your best to fill in all of your meals completely. You'll see the changes in yourself and habits soon enough.

    Keep it up!