21 Day Fix



  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    I use youtube for workouts and I use the mfp database for food or build my recipes ive not spent any money but I do agree what works for you is great. I must admit theres a lot of exploitation in the health fitness and diet industry
  • mizztanjo
    mizztanjo Posts: 153 Member
    Mel4Jesus wrote: »
    I am not a coach. I have used 21 day fix. It works. It's simple. I had good results. If you think it might help you then go for it.

    My point exactly. Thank you :)
  • barb_32
    barb_32 Posts: 73 Member
    I recently bought the 21 day fix myself after seeing the results my future sister in law was getting by following the plan. She lost 10 pounds in the first 21 days and another 7 in the next 21 days. She was a person that only needed to lose 20 pounds and did so in a healthy way. According to her she was never hungry and felt great during the whole 21 days. The main challenge is to organize the food and prepare a head of time. Anyways I started the 21 day fix today and would love to hear about your progress as you go a long. Feel free to friend me and we can support each other and share results. Congrats on the purchase and good luck.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Started last week (workouts) and liking it very much. Shortly after i would walk for 60-70 minutes and then 30 minutes elliptical at night.
    Once i am done with the 21 day then i will move on to P90 and then next year i will shift my focus to SL 5x5.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I have not used 21 Day Fix. I have a hard time spending the money for some containers and the workouts did not seem that appealing to me.

    I have done other workout programs at home so I have spent some money on this. Those and running are really all I do. If you want to spend the money and it will motivate you, go for it. I think as long as something is healthy and works for you, it will be worth it. I could have lost the weight doing other workouts or none and just watching my calories but they have motivated me. I also like that if I like the program, I have it there whenever I want to switch things up.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    barb_32 wrote: »
    I recently bought the 21 day fix myself after seeing the results my future sister in law was getting by following the plan. She lost 10 pounds in the first 21 days and another 7 in the next 21 days. She was a person that only needed to lose 20 pounds and did so in a healthy way. According to her she was never hungry and felt great during the whole 21 days. The main challenge is to organize the food and prepare a head of time. Anyways I started the 21 day fix today and would love to hear about your progress as you go a long. Feel free to friend me and we can support each other and share results. Congrats on the purchase and good luck.

    Stupid question. Does the plan have info on how to maintain your weight after you finish losing?
  • WantANuMe
    WantANuMe Posts: 9 Member
    I have a question for those that aren't fans of the 21 day fix ... I've always had a difficult time figuring out how many carbs/protein/fats I'm eating a day until the end where I see how off kilter I am! And this is by adding many colorful veggie/fruits to my daily intake. Seems like carbs are always my biggest problem followed by fats! There are days I can't even come close to eating the right amount of protein! I'm at a loss! Any advice???

    For those currently doing the 21DF - is this helping you along? All info greatly welcomed!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    WantANuMe wrote: »
    I have a question for those that aren't fans of the 21 day fix ... I've always had a difficult time figuring out how many carbs/protein/fats I'm eating a day until the end where I see how off kilter I am! And this is by adding many colorful veggie/fruits to my daily intake. Seems like carbs are always my biggest problem followed by fats! There are days I can't even come close to eating the right amount of protein! I'm at a loss! Any advice???

    For those currently doing the 21DF - is this helping you along? All info greatly welcomed!

    if you log all your foods into MFP you just scroll to the bottom to get a total of each macro at any point in time

    also you can look at the nutrition pie-chart if you want percentages
  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    What happens on the 22nd day?
  • Jenni_MFP
    Jenni_MFP Posts: 36 Member
    sheepotato wrote: »
    What happens on the 22nd day?

    You wake up and eat a balanced diet like you've been doing the previous 21 days. Life will go on as normal, but with better eating habits :)

    I dont think anyone actually on the program is expecting their problems to be solved in 21 days. Dont be so literal!
  • bd208
    bd208 Posts: 41 Member
    cubstter wrote: »
    After thinking about this for a while, I've decided to join the 21 Day Fix revolution and fight my way to looking/feeling better! My kit comes next week and after appreciating WW and Hungry Girl, I think I can do it! My problem has always been the portioning part of eating, so I think this can really help! I'm on a couple of 21 Day Fix FB sites and have seen/read about some pretty nice transformations. I want to be one of those transformations and post my own sleek pic! Anyone have any comments about the 21 Day Fix - good or bad?
    I got the 21 Day Fix off of Amazon, the basic kit. My husband and I did 3 rounds, he lost 21 pounds and about 9 inches, I lost 9 pounds and 14 1/2 inches. Keep in mind that everyone loses weight differently. The workouts are hard but you will get the hang of them, i love the fact that they use a moderator who's not a size 3! you can go on to Pinterest and get menu ideas, and what each cup represents as far as measurments for your food. It's a great program and you will get out of it what you put into it. I was part of a "Challenge Group", I won't do that again....long story. I am on another Beach Body program now, and love it!!! And no, I'm not a Beach Body Coach nor will I ever be one!!! I wish you great success in your journey!!!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I've started 21 day fix and love it. Would love to have more 21 day fix friends - feel free to send me a friend request.
  • slimandsmiling
    slimandsmiling Posts: 85 Member
    I think this whole process of losing weight is a personal one..I did something called diet chef two years a go but didn't like most of what they sent me as it tasted so processed. Mfp has finally taught me portion control..and I make cause and effect choices now..I also exercise at home or jog outside..I did try swimming in the sea around a month ago but couldn't bring myself to do it..just plan to cold. :blush: .. it is so easy to be unsure of your own capabilities.. if doing a programme is part of your process do it and we can always support you here to..good luck x
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    WantANuMe wrote: »
    I have a question for those that aren't fans of the 21 day fix ... I've always had a difficult time figuring out how many carbs/protein/fats I'm eating a day until the end where I see how off kilter I am! And this is by adding many colorful veggie/fruits to my daily intake. Seems like carbs are always my biggest problem followed by fats! There are days I can't even come close to eating the right amount of protein! I'm at a loss! Any advice???

    For those currently doing the 21DF - is this helping you along? All info greatly welcomed!

    I've spent a grand total of $15 on a food scale...anyway, to get a good idea of what your macros will look like before you get to the end of the day, pre-log everything. Then change things around as you see fit until you're satisfied.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Jenni_MFP wrote: »
    What works for one person isn't going to work for others. .

    I hate that saying. :\
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited December 2014
    Ha, this is the first I've heard of it. Just found a good review and breakdown of the portions in those tubs, and the target calories suggested.

    From that review:

    First, they have you calculate your target calorie goal using their formula:
    Your Weight (in Pounds) times 11, subtract 350 from that number = Your calorie goal.

    The acceptable range for your end number is 1200 to 2300. In other words, if you get less than 1200, round it up to 1200. If you get more than 2300, round down to 2300. This ensures your plan is both safe and effective.

    That is an extremely low target! 1223 for me, according to that site (I'm 5'7. That number just makes me laugh).

    So with a very low calorie diet, plus daily cardio workouts - I'd be netting ~1000 calories, with the exercise - for sure you're going to drop weight (some fat, probably lots of lean mass).

    Now, if you use a sensible calorie target instead of this near-starvation goal, the portion and nutrition part isn't that bad and might help you make better choices.

    From that link again:

    Green – Vegetable container: 1 & ¼ Cups
    Purple – Fruit container: 1 & ¼ Cups
    Red – Protein container: ¾ Cups
    Yellow – Starches & Carbohydrates container: ½ Cup
    Blue – Healthy Fats (Cheese, Nuts, Avocado) container: ¼ Cup
    Orange (2x) – Seeds, Dressings and Oils container: 2 Tablespoons (Each)

    How Much Should I Eat of Each Container?

    Now that you have your calorie goal identified, you’ll know how much of each container to eat each day. Find your calorie range below to see how much of each you’re allowed:

    1200-1499 Calories: 3 Greens, 2 Purples, 4 Reds, 2 Yellows, 1 Blue, 1 Orange
    1500-1799 Calories: 4 Greens, 3 Purples, 4 Reds, 3 Yellows, 1 Blue, 1 Orange
    1800-2099 Calories: 5 Greens, 3 Purples, 5 Reds, 4 Yellows, 1 Blue, 1 Orange
    2100-2300 Calories: 6 Greens, 4 Purples, 6 Reds, 5 Yellows, 1 Blue, 1 Orange

    You could do the same thing with Ziploc containers (which I have and love). They mark off measurements on the side. Put coloured stickers on them and you're good to go.

    But that calorie target is ridiculous.

    AND: it's low-carb, as well
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    If you fell in the 1200 - 1499 calories range that means you could eat up to 1499 each day by choosing the higher calorie choices off the food list. It is not designed to eat exactly 1223 calories a day. And you forgot the teaspoons. You get 2 teaspoons of either peanut butter, EV coconut (healthy fats) a day which can add another 400 calories on top of the containers. And the program tells you if you are burning more calories a day than anticipated or if you are still hungry at the end of the day to add a protein, or some more greens. It is geared toward leaning you toward eating more real food and less processed food and helping you to learn portion control. AND its not really low carb - at least in my opinion - I get 3 servings of fruit a day which is a healthy carb and 3 servings of other healthy carbs such as potatoes, whole wheat options of bread and pasta.

    And the workouts are great - 30 min. dvd's that will kick your butt. And you don't have to do them if you don't wish.

    Yep you could certainly design your own plan by buying ziplock baggies and proportioning it out yourself. I choose to simply pay a little money to have the convenience of the already proportioned containers. No different than joining WW or any other program that helps you do what you need to do.

    If your not doing this plan, I don't think you could really give a good and fair review of it.

  • 1_Ton_Lady
    1_Ton_Lady Posts: 46 Member
    Jenni_MFP wrote: »
    Straight calorie counting doesn't help you make sure you are eating enough veggies and protein though. Those are important too. What works for one person isn't going to work for others. If you need the structure of a program (I know I do), then go for it!

    I'm doing the 21 day fix now. It isn't just the containers you are paying for, it's also the workout videos. And any workout videos are going to cost you some money. These are intense, but manageable and I actually look forward to them! I like the program because it helps me not only with portion control, but on making sure I am eating the variety of things (fruits, veggies, proteins, etc) that I should be. I spent weeks logging my food on MFP and was still getting that part of it wrong. I could eat nothing but granola bars for a month, at a calorie deficit, and still lose weight but it's not going to mean I'm eating healthy... you know?

    And before anyone asks... no I am not a Beachbody coach, do not know any, and have no desire to be one.

    Well said!!!
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    edited December 2014
    The calculation includes the caloric deficit for the workout already (weight x 11, -750 + 400, they just wrote it with the calculation already done). So you really are eating the amount it said, not netting that. I'm also 5'7". When I started it, I weighed 215 and was eating over 2000 (2015 actually) calories and still lost weight and inches. Now I'm 168 so I'm eating about 1500. I've followed the plan about 80% through T25, and training for a half marathon. I'm on my third round of just the Fix now, and am down a total of almost 50 pounds and 32 inches since Feb 24. Like others have said, if it keeps you accountable to have a program to do it. If you can do it on your own (which many that are using MFP in the first place can't and that's okay...), then do it. Do what works for you! There's no exact science to the whole thing. And it's not just an "eat less, move more" mentality...I actually ate MORE while moving more and still lost. To each his/her own!
  • sgallagher1965
    sgallagher1965 Posts: 4 Member
    Did the whole program. Loved the workouts, but lost zero weight