Why am I stuck

I lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks by eating 1800-2000 calories a day and burning 200-500 calories a day I've recently started bicycling and I have not lost any weight I'm stuck at 297 I'm 6'1 and male btw. Any tips guys?


  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    Congratulations on starting your weight loss. There's usually a big drop at first. Most people stop eating a ton of salty food, and have a big loss of water weight in the first couple of weeks. After that you're in for the slow, steady weight loss.

    Don't worry about one or two weeks with no loss, it's not a stall until much more time has passed. If it's only one week with no loss, it might just be as simple as needing to poop. Keep eating at a deficit, make sure you are measuring your food correctly, and I hope you stick around.
  • SteveEighty
    SteveEighty Posts: 21 Member
    Losing weight is by no means linear and you must not worry if you're stuck at a certain weight for a few days.

    I would say reduce your cal intake, 1800-2000 seems really high to me, but then again I am of the low-cal school.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    9lbs. in 2 weeks is great. Weight loss is not linear. Keep up with what you are doing and have a little patience. Rome was not built in a day.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I don't think you should lower your calories. I'm a small female and can eat that much in maintenance, sometimes even lose. Bicycling is great, but why not add some sort of strength training? It will help you retain muscle mass as you lose weight, so that more of your loss will be fat.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Losing weight is by no means linear and you must not worry if you're stuck at a certain weight for a few days.

    I would say reduce your cal intake, 1800-2000 seems really high to me, but then again I am of the low-cal school.

    He does not need to go low cal. 20 year old 6'1 male shouldn't be eating less than that.

    Congrats on losing 9 lbs. How long has it been since you've lost weight? Can you open your diary it would help to see your logging to offer more suggestions. Do you use a food scale?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    You'll lose a lot at the beginning just from a change in diet, less sodium/carbs. It's mostly water weight, though. How long has it been since then? If no more than a couple weeks, that's probably just water retention from your cycling.
    I would say reduce your cal intake, 1800-2000 seems really high to me, but then again I am of the low-cal school.

    At his size, 1800 is already low enough
  • SteveEighty
    SteveEighty Posts: 21 Member
    We'd need to see his diary to fine-tune our advice. If he's been stuck for 1 or 2 weeks (we don't seem to know how long), there's got to be reasons for that, and it could be that it's not 1800-2000 cals but more.

    Log, log, log everything you eat is my message and see where you can reduce your intake at all, could be little things and even 150-200 cals less a day, maybe temporarily, will make a difference, believe me.

    You seem to do the necessary exercise, so the problem is probably your cal intake. I cycled over 2,000 miles in 5 1/2 months during my weight-loss prog, on a low cal regime, and I lost 80 pounds in spite of my muscling up.

    It's not much fun to be stuck in a rut! Do something about it.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I'm 6'5" and eating 1600 calories on non-exercise days. More than that when I do. It wouldn't hurt you to drop your calories a little more.