Question about Fatigue & Exercise

chinachao Posts: 3 Member
edited December 2014 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi! I hope this is in the right forum section.
This morning I felt like I was hit by a bus and could not or did not want to get up after 8 hours of sleep. I ended up waking up at the 11 hour mark! On Thursday we had a health screening at work and my stats were all healthy. I did jog 3 miles that same day and yesterday I worked out for 30 minutes in the morning with weights and then probably walked about another 4-5 miles that day because of Art Basel (i.e. walking around the museum, parking, walking to get to food, etc.). Despite this last night I did not feel tired nor was I tired when I went to bed. I exercise regularly about 4-5x a week. When they say rest do they literally mean more sleep or just not exercise or like sit there and be a couch potato rest?! As I'm reading this I think it was everything between Thursday and Friday, BUT I just thought it was odd that I didn't even start to feel exhausted last night, but rather in the morning! Because yeah, I'm usually tired by like 9 or 10pm on Fridays if I'm "exhausted". Really, I'm just trying to be more in tune with my body and live longer. Thank you all in advance.


  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I just saw an increase in my blood pressure........Seems I thought I was getting enough sleep, and the weirdest thing , I think my sleep apnea is coming back

    I know that even though I got 8 hours sleep ,I feel exhausted and tired..........Its like I didnt even sleep, or it felt like I only got 4 hours of sleep.......

    I used to have sleep apnea and its basically gone away ,but I have had 2 incidents that make me think I may have it.......Im going for my annual physical in 2 weeks, so Im going to talk to the Dr about it....

    and dont have to be over weight or old to have it......I have seen many, many young girls in shape that are dealing with sleep apnea

    There is a quiz online, check it out..........I hope this helps , wishes
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    note to my post.........I have had blood pressure that is averaging 114 / 74.......Excellent for my age and I dont take any meds.......but in the last 4 weeks, its been ,its now in the 130s and that has got me thinking , Im not getting enough sleep or sleep apnea is back in the picture..........just thought I would let you know this.........maybe, get your blood pressure checked,

    again ,you dont have to be old or be heavy to have it...........Good luck
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    chinachao wrote: »
    Hi! I hope this is in the right forum section.
    This morning I felt like I was hit by a bus and could not or did not want to get up after 8 hours of sleep. I ended up waking up at the 11 hour mark! On Thursday we had a health screening at work and my stats were all healthy. I did jog 3 miles that same day and yesterday I worked out for 30 minutes in the morning with weights and then probably walked about another 4-5 miles that day because of Art Basel (i.e. walking around the museum, parking, walking to get to food, etc.). Despite this last night I did not feel tired nor was I tired when I went to bed. I exercise regularly about 4-5x a week. When they say rest do they literally mean more sleep or just not exercise or like sit there and be a couch potato rest?! As I'm reading this I think it was everything between Thursday and Friday, BUT I just thought it was odd that I didn't even start to feel exhausted last night, but rather in the morning! Because yeah, I'm usually tired by like 9 or 10pm on Fridays if I'm "exhausted". Really, I'm just trying to be more in tune with my body and live longer. Thank you all in advance.

    If you rarely feel this way, I would not worry about it. Either it was all the activity from yesterday or else you're coming down with a bug. Probably the first.

    If you need "permission" to be a couch potato today, here it is.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    chinachao wrote: »
    Hi! I hope this is in the right forum section.
    This morning I felt like I was hit by a bus and could not or did not want to get up after 8 hours of sleep. I ended up waking up at the 11 hour mark! On Thursday we had a health screening at work and my stats were all healthy. I did jog 3 miles that same day and yesterday I worked out for 30 minutes in the morning with weights and then probably walked about another 4-5 miles that day because of Art Basel (i.e. walking around the museum, parking, walking to get to food, etc.). Despite this last night I did not feel tired nor was I tired when I went to bed. I exercise regularly about 4-5x a week. When they say rest do they literally mean more sleep or just not exercise or like sit there and be a couch potato rest?! As I'm reading this I think it was everything between Thursday and Friday, BUT I just thought it was odd that I didn't even start to feel exhausted last night, but rather in the morning! Because yeah, I'm usually tired by like 9 or 10pm on Fridays if I'm "exhausted". Really, I'm just trying to be more in tune with my body and live longer. Thank you all in advance.

    Keep what you're doing and see how it goes, if you continue to experience this then I think you've answered your own question. Unfortunately when it comes to training & exercise you need to pick one goal and stick to it. Any training that doesn't support that goal should be dropped from your training. Weight loss should not be the training goal, that's a nutrition goal. If improving your time in the 5K, then you should probably reduce any strength training and just focus on 3 or 4 compound movements at most for 2 to 3 days (at most). When it comes to training & exercise there is no such thing as giving 110%, your body can only give 100%.

    Rest days: A rest day might be a walk and / or flexibility and mobility work, but otherwise it should be focused on recovery. Other stressors in your life must be accounted for as well. How physical is your job? Other sources of mental / emotional stress? Other non-exercise activities? Etc? These are things you need to think about.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited December 2014
    Did you get a full blood panel? I felt like that all winter last year - turned out I was severely deficient in Vitamin D. Low iron or thyroid issues can make you feel that way too.

    (It was the first time anyone had ever tested me for Vit D - you have to ask for it, I guess.)
  • chinachao
    chinachao Posts: 3 Member
    edited December 2014
    Thanks everyone! I don't think I'm sick. That was last weekend I came down with a slight cold thing. Umm, since it was just a health screening it measured general things like cholesterol, blood pressure and good HDL or whatever. Plus I didn't fast. I keep hearing to ask for those during my annual. I should go next year as I already went this year but didn't test for all those things. I ran because it was just part of the fitness class that day on Thursday. My goal is to maintain my weight. I hate running actually. Umm, I take a multivitamin but yeah, probably should check that out. Also, my job is a desk job. I think the stress is doable. It's not a very stressful job but I have days like anyone else. Thanks, again everyone!
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    chinachao wrote: »
    Thanks everyone! I don't think I'm sick. That was last weekend I came down with a slight cold thing. Umm, since it was just a health screening it measured general things like cholesterol, blood pressure and good HDL or whatever. Plus I didn't fast. I keep hearing to ask for those during my annual. I should go next year as I already went this year but didn't test for all those things. I ran because it just part of the fitness class that day on Thursday. My goal is to maintain my weight. I hate running actually. Umm, I take a multivitamin but yeah, probably should check that out. Also, my job is a desk job. I think the stress is doable. It's not a very stressful job but I have days like anyone else. Thanks, again everyone!

    If you hate running then why run so much? I'm not saying to eliminate cardio because of course some basic conditioning should be done by everybody. I think if the issue persists then you need to sit down and evaluate what you want from your training and refocus your training to meet those goals.
  • splashtree5
    splashtree5 Posts: 210 Member
    I love to walk per kilometers, is relaxing I enjoy nature, I used to run, then I didn't like straight hips and I dropped I am byking now
  • chinachao
    chinachao Posts: 3 Member
    I feel better today, so I guess I'm just adapting & trying to recognize aging and body fatigue. I hate running but am doing it temporarily for a fitness program. Afterwards I'll do other forms of cardio plus I showed myself that I can run. I just don't enjoy doing it.
  • carencae
    carencae Posts: 25 Member
    My trainer told me to eats some carbohydrates before the work out and protein after the work out, I got up early and went to the gym before work.....uhg! it was TERRIBLE. I was dragging but all day and felt so weak. But the carb/protein thing worked!