Back on paleo/primal

I was really successful in both healing my body (eczema gone after 3 months cutting out sugar and grains) and losing almost 25 pounds being primal, but I keep getting sucked back into the gorgeous taste of bread and crackers :neutral_face: haha
it's been about six months since i've been solidly paleo again so just needing some friendly faces to remind me that it is totally worth it!
current weight: 162
lowest primal weight: 147
current lowest weight after muscle gain at gym: 153

looking to lose those pudgy ten pounds :)


  • blueakama
    blueakama Posts: 399 Member
    I'm mostly paleo. I cheat quite a bit :wink: and eat yoghurt for the probiotics It's a very healing way to eat, so keep at it.
  • princessnarmor
    princessnarmor Posts: 67 Member
    What is the difference between paleo and just a low carb diet?
  • kalinbeima
    kalinbeima Posts: 28 Member
    Hello! I do keto and it's similar. I loge everyday and am looking for like-minded friends but open to anyone who logs and is supportive. Anyone can add me :)
  • matthewjmercer
    matthewjmercer Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Kalinbeima
    I am on a keto diet as well so I will send you an add today. Would love to see what things other keto dieters are doing!
  • serafinelaveaux
    serafinelaveaux Posts: 45 Member
    I've lost 55 on primal. Would have lost more but got laid up for a couple of months with sports injuries and a couple of minor surgeries. It has literally changed my life... I went on it on a whim, friends were doing it and losing weight. Wasn't a huge change, didn't eat processed food or sugars anyway, and we already ate a lot of wild game and free range meats. Biggest change was cutting out wheat... it's in everything just like corn is. Well, come to find out I had a bit of an allergy to gluten. Or some grain. Don't know which it was, don't care. Within two weeks the allergies, endless sinus infections, and asthma were pretty much gone. Go figure.

    I don't want to go paleo... I like cheese and dairy too much.
  • zSandman
    zSandman Posts: 76 Member
    Man I dont know how you guys do it on Keto. Props to you. I lasted a full 1 week and a half lol.