how many calories do 'YOU' aim to burn for work outs?



  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Really it depends on the day, I tend to spend an hour to an hour and a half working out. Today is going to be my long run/heavy cardio day so I will aim for 800-1000 calories in 1.5 hours but tomorrow and thursday is my day with my trainer so I will probably be closer to 500 to 600 calories for 1.5 hours as 30 to 45 minutes of it is going to be weight training and then wed is a "light" day and I do yoga which burns about 340 calories for the hour per my HRM. So it really depends on what the activity is that I have set for the day on how many calories I aim to burn.

    I acutally set a weekly calorie burn goal of 3500 to 4000 and mix up my numbers per day. I am currently 5'5 157lbs.
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    I used to try to get a certain number, now I don't care. I have a strength training program that I do to maintain my muscle while I lose weight. I do cardio to improve my fitness level and eventually begin training for a marathon. I use my diet to meet my nutritional needs and to maintain my average 500 calorie per day deficit. I think shooting for a certain number on your HRM might cause you to focus on cardio and HIIT and neglect strength training, because those burn more calories while you are doing it. But, strength training preserves your metabolism, burns more calories AFTER you do it (which wouldn't be recorded on the HRM), and makes your body look great after you've lost the weight as opposed to "skinny fat".
  • Emi_chan
    Emi_chan Posts: 105 Member
    It depends on the day - on my cardio days, I aim for at least 400. On my ST class days, I aim for 350. :smile:
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I do not aim for a certain number "burn." I burn what I burn and I am happy with whatever it is. At least I got off my *kitten* and exercised is the way I see it.
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    My goal is 500/day, 7 days a week, or at least a total of 3500 in a week.
    On strength training days, that means a LONG workout. usually 1.5 hours to 2 hours bc i have to add a cardio in after i lift. On straight cardio days, I'm kicking some calorie butt doing Insanity, so I CAN burn over 600 in an hour (but not usually).
  • mazomama
    mazomama Posts: 138 Member
    thanks for the replies:flowerforyou:
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    When I go to the gym (3-4 times a week), I'm there for a minimum of an hour, usually 1.5 hours. I break my time between elliptical/treadmill, rowing, weight machines and burn 1000-1350 calories (according to Polar HRM).
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i will do 90mins cardio and burn between 900-1050cals...and then in the evening i do p90x which is an average of 550cals(except for yoga and stretch days)

    i know i do too much but i'm a number obsessive and even when i see i'm burning more than i anticipated i can't stop myself
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    I generally shoot for over 750... As the OP mentioned, you have to eat these calories back... So I found a 750 calorie protein shake that fits that bill. :)
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I hope to burn at least 500 per workout, but that doesn't always happen. Especially when I do shorter workouts like HIIT with TurboFire. I'm happy though if I get to 300 with a shorter workout.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    I have a polar heart rate monitor and find it really motivating during workouts! Not only do I like the calories going up but I enjoy seeing if I can push my max heart rate.

    If I do a step class or body pump I burn between 350-400 cals per class depending on the instructor and my effort level.

    If I go to the gym and use machines it generally takes me about 40-45 mins to burn 400 calories on cardio machines. I then tend to burn another 100 or so doing 20 mintues of weights and resistance training.

    I found mfp to be really underestimating the number of calories I was actually burning.

    im 5'6 and 105 btw if this helps - high numbers are possible for a low weight if you push yourself! Im literally dripping with sweat after every workout
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    I generally am at the gym for 45 mins and burn about 350 cals. I feel satisfied at 400 or more. It takes ALOT more for me to burn that much now, but it's worth the "high" I feel afterwords. I tend to break up my workouts during the week, and go longer on the weekends. I try to burn more than 450 at least once a week.

    I'm 5'6" and 160 lbs, btw.

    Wow!! You are such an inspiration!! Congratulations on your hard work and determination!! BTW, I am 5'6" also!
  • SquishyVicki
    SquishyVicki Posts: 280 Member
    To be honest I've never really thought about what my target burn should be in a workout as I've always gone for a reason; such as working on legs to try and build stamina for a mountain biking session or even to take my exam revision cards with me just to get out of the house for a while....the aim has always to make myself feel better or to de-stress in some way so I guess I see all exercise as a bonus and try to control my weigh via my food intake.

    Its been great to see everyone's responses though and it will make me think about setting myself targets to try and up my game!! So thanks mazomama for asking the question!! :smile:
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    I burn about 400cals but It's about cals burned anymore. I workout to sculpted my body now and doing that burns cals!
  • djhavoc
    djhavoc Posts: 43
    My goal is 500/day, 7 days a week, or at least a total of 3500 in a week.
    On strength training days, that means a LONG workout. usually 1.5 hours to 2 hours bc i have to add a cardio in after i lift. On straight cardio days, I'm kicking some calorie butt doing Insanity, so I CAN burn over 600 in an hour (but not usually).

    MIne is similar to this, 500 is GOAL on my only cardio/tread day (about 1/2 hour) but when I strength train I end with 12-15 minute cardio/tread and aim for 300
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    I don't think in terms of how many calories I'm burning, but how healthy I'm becoming. I try to set goals in my workouts to increase the exercise I'm doing. Sometimes this is just trying something new, sometimes it going faster, longer, on a more challenging path. Maybe I set the resistance a little higher on the elliptical, that kind of thing.

    I have overall goals I want to achieve. I see you're wanting to run a 10K. If that was my goal, I would be working out to make that goal a reality. But I also want my workouts to be fun- if there isn't some redeeming quality about it, I'm not going to continue this forever- and that is my ultimate goal.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I don't really aim for a certain number, I'm more about the activity / time spent.

    When I go to the gym, I average about 400. Otherwise, it's more like 300 (yoga, walking, etc.) If I burnt more than that, I'd never be able to eat enough!
  • HopeytheHopester
    HopeytheHopester Posts: 122 Member
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    I don't really walk into the gym with a set amount in mind. BUT........after my workout, when I check my HRM and it says I've burned around 500 cal, I feel really good about that.
  • RyanPerry2012
    RyanPerry2012 Posts: 47 Member
    I aim between 600 and 800.