Why do you binge/overeat?



  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    I think my issue is being able to afford stuff since i started working 25 years ago - if i want to eat there is lots of places that want to sell me something - that combined with beer and alcohol that started around the same time. I love food - carbs help me sleep :open_mouth:
  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    ....and I'm terrible with variety - i need to taste it all - bad at buffets and bad at Christmas parties with cookie platters in front of me.... and chicken wings (dont forget chicken wings), and poutine....that's it though - well except chicken nuggets and pogos don't help..... god i love food.....
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    chaokitty wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I can't say I've ever really had a binge problem, but I used to have cravings for things that probably weren't the best things to eat. BUT, once I went low-carb ALL of my cravings disappeared. I am satisfied by much smaller amounts of food and it is much better quality, IMHO.

    OP, good for you for recognizing that there IS a root issue that must be dealt with. If you can, see if you can find the Dec. 2014 issue of SHAPE magazine. There was an article in there titled "Cravings" written by Isabel Burton. I found it really interesting.

    Thank you, BZAH10! I am definitely going to do some research on Carbs / Binge triggers...
    And I will look up that issue! Thanks for pointing me to a new direction ♥.

    What do you mean by "It is much better quality"? Like, the food you crave is better quality? Or it is a better quality lifestyle?

    I meant that the food I eat now (is in my opinion) better quality than what I used to eat. A lot of people don't believe in the low-carb thing and that's ok. I'm not pushing it on anyone or saying it is the magic solution; it's not. But it worked for me.
  • karmabear06
    karmabear06 Posts: 62 Member
    I come from a large family where food = love and so much more. I use to eat my feelings etc. There is a new Weight Watchers commercial that explains the emotional eating that makes me giggle every time it comes on. I have tried desperately to eat to live not because I'm bored, happy, or it's what I should do at certain times. I'm by far not perfect and will never claim to be a good example but I agree with LaurenCheek my binge eating is mostly carb related. It's like a roller coaster for me the day starts out really good and then I think it's safe to have a sliver of cake, a cookie, muffin, pastry, roll, and misc bad carb choice and before I know it I'm all over the place I feel great until the day is over and I then realize I ate WAY TOO much for example 6 snickerdoodle cookies!!! Here it is nearly 24 hrs since my last snickerdoodle and my stomach aches still of course it could be from the brown n serve rolls I much on out of boredom after dinner. If I steer clear of the bad stuff I don't feel like a blob the next day.

  • BadassBride
    BadassBride Posts: 28 Member

    I am so addicted to sugar, and sugar triggers all-day cravings for me. And not just for sweets. For everything. And my willpower is like nonexistent. I think this is the same thing as the carb conversation - which I never thought about (good call @LaurenCheek).

    If I stay away from sugar for a couple days, or just cut way back, these cravings magically disappear and I'm able to stick to my diet much more easily.

    I also cut out artificial sweeteners which apparently also cause cravings. I hate water so I was using a ton of Mio and drinking Diet Coke and sugarfree Red Bull, etc. I was peeing CONSTANTLY. I think my kidneys were mad at me.

    Instead, I invested in a fruit infuser water bottle - I'm obsessed with it. If you also hate water and use Mio/something like it, I would highly recommend switching to homemade fruit water. I do lemon and mint a lot, but you can literally put anything in there. I got one like this:


    GOOD LUCK!! :)


  • ems212
    ems212 Posts: 135 Member
    My battle with over-eating started at a young age. My father (who I haven't seen in about 5 years now), was consistently picking at my weight. I was about 10, he started making comments about my body. I couldn't wear this because I didn't have the body for it. I couldn't wear that because it didn't look okay. It got worse and worse until I couldn't handle it. I told him that I loved who I was, and my appearance didn't change that. He began plating out my meals, not allowing seconds or snacks, yet continuing to eat them in front of me (mind you, my father was not even a remotely "fit" person...he used to joke about his ice cream baby belly). Then, he remarried to a woman with two kids of her own, both heavier than me. One of the girls was about a month older, and he allowed her to have whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. I grew depressed rather quickly, and began eating whenever I felt sad.

    A few years went by, and I managed to stop doing this. I moved in with a boyfriend, and he destroyed the world I had come to love. He was abusive, both verbally and physically, and I began hating myself. Food was the only thing in my life I had control over. So I began to eat...and eat...and eat.

    Now, I'm here. Mentally, I'm much more stable (and healthy). I'm now on the journey to be physically healthy. I still battle the urge to eat though, especially when I'm stressed. That was always my go-to.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    I don't binge!

    I overeat when and If i want to.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    edited December 2014
    chaokitty wrote: »
    this happens.


    Whaaaaat is that?! I want it.

    sorry, i don't know who that was, but, re: popcorners

    these are BAD FOR ME.

    because I eat the entire bag in < 2 hours. then I want to go buy another one.
  • eatnojunk
    eatnojunk Posts: 30 Member
    I don't know what started the binge eating but I learn in therapy that after a binge the guilt would make me starve myself and that would set me up to crave food and I would repete the cycle all over again

  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    well... Because of just about every reason you can think of. Including I just don't like where I am in life. Ive been a failure for far too long, but I can only blame myself because I've had many shots at success in the past. Maybe I just don't want happiness because it involves too much hard work.

    I never feel guilty after bingeing but instead empty or somewhat calm. Sometimes I feel like something, some feeling is growing inside of me that needs to be released. I can't quite put my finger on it, but this feeling along with my stuffed stomach, gives me something else to focus on.
  • jennymogirl
    jennymogirl Posts: 8 Member
    It's sugar, it's carbs it's anything that's good/bad. I have lost a lot in the last while and I guess I am thinking that if I don't eat it now it will be gone of taken from me. It's strange because what's been taken from me is money by an ex husband but I am now just feeding my desire to not lose anymore with food!
  • sweetest_potato
    sweetest_potato Posts: 53 Member
    I only ever binged when I was struggling with eating disorders for a span of 4 years. I wasn't putting enough nutrients in my body, not even close to enough, so I felt massive cravings and when I let myself eat, I'd eat everything.

    Now I weight-train, eat good food regularly and never deprive myself. I never over-eat because I end up nauseous.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    stress. For the time spent enjoying food consumption, nothing else to think about.

    First step is admitting it and then you are right that you need to get to the cause as opposed to just not buying the foods you overeat.
  • pleasepleaseno
    pleasepleaseno Posts: 166 Member
    I really LOVE feeling full.
    it feels so good.
  • Venobambino
    Venobambino Posts: 35 Member
    Mine started when I was little. Being made to eat everything on my plate even when I wasn't hungry. I was pretty thin though until second grade when I got my tonsils out. Third grade, I got a little chubby and my mother panicked. Put me on diet shakes (at age 8), forced me to do a children's exercise tape, restricted what I could and could not eat, sent me to fat camps. I used to hide in the closet and eat chocolate and junk just to spite my mother. I went from being forced to eat, to having my food restricted, and on top of it grew up with a HORRIBLE body image unintentionally brought on by my mom. I never could figure out why I overate until I sat down with myself and looked at my childhood. I believe I overeat because subconsciously I'm still rebelling against my mother. It brings me a sense of control. I'm 39 years old now and don't know how to get rid of the little rebellious girl inside of me. I can be okay for weeks at a time, and then something will trigger that out of control feeling and I can stuff it down inside of me with food. Makes me feel better to eat. It makes me calmer, or something. Then I feel out of control with my eating and I'll get it back under control until I get that feeling bubbling up to the surface again, that I control with food. It's a vicious cycle I'm trying to break. I probably need some therapy. Just haven't made it that far.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    -the sads
    -the angries
    -the happies

    basically any strong emotion can make me wanna eat. it's bad.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    chaokitty wrote: »
    yoovie wrote: »
    cause it's so good I need another serving or two cause I want to keep tasting it.

    Yes I can really relate to this. sometimes I can't stop thinking about the flavor of what I just ate; it's almost insatiable. But slowly we open ourselves up to these urges and acknowledge them, and then we start to heal.
    Thank you for sharing ♥

    this happens.


    i love these

    i hate you for posting a picture of them
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I overeat if I have something near me that is full and open. Like if someone leaves a can of regular Pringles sitting open near me then I will eat the entire thing without even thinking just because it's there. It especially happens if I'm talking to someone while I'm eating. I live by myself, so I only buy 100 calorie packs of snacks so that I only eat one a day and I make sure to only have water in the fridge for drinks and low calorie everything else. I also plan out my MFP in the morning so that way I know what I'm eating all day and I pack my lunch for work as soon as I get home from work for the next shift. I also avoid anywhere that I know I will binge...I won't go near a Dairy Queen and if I have to be somewhere where I know I will eat the food then I only get the kids portions or senior portions. The sad thing for me is that I actually hate food, I hate eating, and I hate how I feel after due to my GERD and IBS. I also only like a very small list of foods due to an eating disorder that I've had since I was 2, so that makes it much more difficult. The only 2 foods I actually crave are DQ ice cream and sauceless cheese pizza, so I avoid both.
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    Anxiety and depression. I don't eat because of them, like comfort eating. Like, the other day I thought I'd do that. I had a bad day and I said 'Man, I'm so gonna get a pizza after work!' but I didn't. That kind of thinking usually leads me around to realizing that stuffing my face with junk is only gonna make things worse. But when I get really anxious and my mind gets preoccupied, it's often so emotionally exhausting that it feels like I have zero energy left for smart food choices or to keep myself from binge sessions. It sounds silly but sometimes I eat a whole bag of...something, and I don't even realize I've eaten so much before it's too late. I have yet to find a reliable solution for this problem.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    bulbadoof wrote: »
    yoovie wrote: »
    chaokitty wrote: »
    yoovie wrote: »
    cause it's so good I need another serving or two cause I want to keep tasting it.

    Yes I can really relate to this. sometimes I can't stop thinking about the flavor of what I just ate; it's almost insatiable. But slowly we open ourselves up to these urges and acknowledge them, and then we start to heal.
    Thank you for sharing ♥

    this happens.


    i love these

    i hate you for posting a picture of them

    i hate myself for it too.