college students

How do you guys fit in working out and eating right during the last few weeks. ive had no time to exercise just sit in the library and study. i feel unproductive in excercise but really productive in my homework and studying


  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I just do my workouts first thing in the morning before I get into "school" mode. It is hard though.
  • MrsJazi
    MrsJazi Posts: 17
    You have to get it in anyway you can. It's a sacrifice. But it's worth it. I have to watch tv right before bed. It's how I wind down, so as I watch tv, I jog in place or around my bed for at least 20/30 minutes. If I feel real good, I'll do a few sit-ups after wards. It's a sacrifice and it's not easy, but it's worth it.
  • ari_27
    ari_27 Posts: 88 Member
    It's definitely hard, but what I tell myself is that nothing is as important as taking care of myself first. There is no way I'll study from the moment I wake up till the moment I go to sleep. What i did during my finals week is that I exercised either in the morning or at night as a study break. Even if it's 30 min. that's better than nothing, going for a walk to clear your head, or squeezing in a short gym workout will make you feel better and more clearheaded than sitting all day trying to cram all the material without breaks. Best of luck!
  • kmb2522
    kmb2522 Posts: 48
    i usually do it in the morning but i havent been sleeping much so its either sleep a little more or workout. i dont knwo which is more important at this point
  • joyfoolous
    joyfoolous Posts: 22 Member
    well it sucks, I try to take a walk at night to help desress, log onto here and add my food eaten as I go, and if i find myself wanting to eat unhealthy due to the emotional aspects I either try to distract myself with other things, Take a small break from studying because to much won't let your brain process! Finals are hard but inadquate nutrition and sleeping habits are worse for them than taking a break. Try to destress and relax.

    At night, if I am under my calorie goal and have not binges, I reward myself with a pudding cup, its 60 calories, and ever since my wisdom teeth had been taken out, i learned to eat all of my desserts with a little baby spoon, it makes them last, and you dont scarf it all down then wonder where it went!

    I feel as if i may be rambling but I had two finals today and my professor actually gave us the wrong we found out two hours in.....well needless to say we are all getting A's :)
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    I take my study guides to the gym and study there on either a bike, elliptical, or stair climber. The library is ALWAYS packed and the gym is empty because everyone is studying for finals.

    Good Luck!!!!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    The same way anyone else does, you make it a priority. You do it early in the morning, during a break or before bed. Buy healthy foods instead of junk. It takes work but you just do it because it's important to you and your health.
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    I agree, you have to make it as important as studying and fit it in. I'm in my last year of grad school and I'm busy analyzing data and writing my dissertation. Exercising feels like a HUGE waste of time when I could be writing, but my thinking is much clearer and focused, it's easier to get out of bed and I know if nothing else I'm healthier and better able to deal with the stress.

    If you can't take a solid chunk of time for the gym, you might try exercising during study breaks. For a while I would write until I was stuck, then do crunches until I want to write again. You could also do push ups, stretch out, do squats, jog in place, jumping jacks... you get the idea. It's hard to do in a public place like the library. Some libraries have private study rooms you can check out for a few hours where you can have quiet and a closed door to focus on work and sneak in some exercise. You might also want to check your school gym hours; mine opens at 6am and closes at midnight i.e. open almost any time I even consider going to the gym.

    Another way I squeeze in workout time is to workout right after rolling out of bed with a DVD like Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. I set the volume way down or mute and listen to my own music and do the 20 minute workout before bfast. You can multi-task while you do this. I get the water boiling for coffee/tea, set the burner on low to cook my oatmeal, put the toast in the oven, etc.
  • kmb2522
    kmb2522 Posts: 48
    i usually do weights or stationary bike in my house in the morning then shower bfast and school. my problem is i go to school do homework go to work go to class go to my to my other job. somtimes i feel like my life is a workout since i walk to school most days (lately ive been getting rides) and walk to work which takes 15 minutes. im also carrying around my backback which weighs 20 -30 pounds and my 2nd job im atleast in the pool. i think my problem is i haven't had time to just do a workout. i love my morning workouts its just been so hard to get out of bed.
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    I find I have more energy to study when I work out. Still suffer from a lack of motivation for studying though lol. I try to fit in what I can during the week and kill it on the weekend, exercise wise.
  • livlinde
    livlinde Posts: 39
    I feel your pain! :(
  • ziggle_7
    ziggle_7 Posts: 81 Member
    One of the best ways to manage school and exercize is to plan out your time. start studying for exams or start essays a bit earlier instead of leaving them to the last minute so that you can take 30 minutes or and hour out of your day to work out. I know how easy it is to procrastinate because i do it alot too but im going into my third year of university now and i find the best way to manage my time is to start things a couple days or even a week before they are actually do. it feels nice not to have to run and cram all at the last minute. just hang in there! Good luck!