Can't Lose!

I've been on here two weeks and have not weighed in again since I started. I keep going up and down 1 lb from my initial weigh in! Ugh. My pants are getting lose on me though so something must be working, I hope. I found myself hungry all the time and been craving sweets! Any suggestions? I have upped my exercise this past week too.


  • amartin1204
    Try cutting back on your net carbs a little. Watch for hidden bad carbs ... if you look at the nutrition facts on your labels it will show your total carbohydrates and then your dietary fibers ... subtract the dietary fiber from the total carbs to find your net carbs.

    Your body craves sweets for several reasons, it is wanting bad carbs or you are dehydrated, most nutritional studies i have read say when you are craving sweets drink a glass of cold water wait 15 min or so and see if it passes.

    I hope this helps :)

  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    I too am having this issue. But I feel better then ever even with my increased exercise. So I'm just going to ride it out and see what happens.
  • AliBlake29
    AliBlake29 Posts: 12
    I read some where on the net the other day that eating too many processed foods will make you crave more sweets, which turn to fat and stay stored .... which is what we dont want. If you are craving something sweet, try fresh fruit like an orange or an apple. Couple of things I have found I really like is i mix grapes, apples, oranges and strawberries put in a bowl and freeze them... yummy snack and filling! Also I like peanut butter on an apple. These 2 things help my cravings because I am normally a big sweet eater myself.

    To help you hunger, try small meals 5 o 6 of them if you can. Eat lots of protein such as eggs, tuna or chicken, even drinking a glass of milk. We have to train ourselves to eat a lil here and a lil there to train our metabolism... smaller, protein packed, low fat meals ups your metabolism.

    I hope this helps and I saw on the Tyra show "if you bite it.... write it" make sure you are tracking your food, keep up your exercise and you will continue to do great! Best of Luck :)
  • b1delane
    b1delane Posts: 261 Member
    i feel like i can't lose either....last week i had on some pants and they fit better than they did since i bought them but for some reason today i put them on and they feet snug...i have kicked up my cardio in the last few weeks and i have even been eating my calories and trying to keep the % goal of sodium, fat, dietary fiber etc. Its just getting to point were i don't feel like it will pay off for me to continues
    ....i have only been working out for about 5 solid weeks and i have changed my eating habits drasticly...feeling a lil' discouraged
  • catsinblue
    catsinblue Posts: 2
    Well thanks everyone. I know I need to drink more water but sometimes that's tough at work and having to go to the restroom so much. I have been taking fruit to work for snacks. Been doing that a few months now, even before starting on this site. I'll just keep trying...... :o)