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Hey everyone. I've been a bit of a yo yo dieter for most of my life. I've had great progress, but then I'd falter and gain it back. I'm determined to continue losing weight and to keep it off. .   I'm 21 years old and at the current moment have over 100 lbs to lose. I'm slowly getting myself back to the gym. Anyway,  I'm always up for new friends. Let's motivate each other and keep each other accountable. :):D


  • blueakama
    blueakama Posts: 399 Member
    Hi. Welcome. Good luck on your journey.
  • sweetest_potato
    sweetest_potato Posts: 53 Member
    Hi! Feel free to sent me a friend inv :)!
  • khakstol
    khakstol Posts: 15 Member
    Willing to support anyone serious about reaching their goal and share their journey.
  • sassysniper
    sassysniper Posts: 156 Member
    Hi! You've got this! Send me a request if you want. :smile:
  • Hello everyone! New here as you can see and Needing desperately to lose about 25 lbs of unnecessary fat! I will do it with GOD's help! I am struggling with Glucose issues at the moment and Not a happy camper with ALL the diet restrictions! It is a daily struggle to get a proper balance. I hav1e always been a "different" eater. I like what I like and most of it seems to go against what my body needs. I am an ex-junk food junkie! I love and eat fruit first and foremost and really have to cut back considerably. Going to say good-night for now. GOD bless you all