5'4-5'6 girls!



  • DanaHerro
    DanaHerro Posts: 186 Member
    edited December 2014
    5'5" and a 1/2
    SW: 220 size 18/20
    CW: 150 size small in 80% of clothes (6 shirt/dress/skirt and 8 jeans)
    I'm 110% happy and fit and there's no way I want to lose any more
    I'm tiny in the middle with curvy hips/butt and I love it. If I lost more, I'd lose my shape and that would just be horrific to me.
  • eat_hike_b33r
    eat_hike_b33r Posts: 82 Member
    I'm 5'5
    SW -165
    Gw - 130

    Would love to add additional motivated & positive friends, feel free to add me :)
  • superbatgirl
    superbatgirl Posts: 1 Member
    SW: 145
    CW: 147
    GW: 125

    When I started university I didn't realize how fit&slim I had gotten (was running a few km pretty much every day).

    I thought I was overweight at 145. I had some medical problems and gained a lot of weight over a few months and hit 162.
    Now that I'm back at 147 I realize how I wasn't/am not that overweight.

    I would like to get back down to my thin/fit range. I could go into the 130's if I put on a lot of muscle.
  • slimandsmiling
    slimandsmiling Posts: 85 Member
    I was the same when first met my ex I was 116lbs.. and I thought I was fat.. for the last decade after 2 kids and divorce I have been around 140-146lbs.. I am finally and GW at the moment is 130lbs.. I am feeling a lot more in control of my body since joining mfp rather than feeling my body was controlling me.x I am 5'4" x
  • YoshiCow
    YoshiCow Posts: 77 Member
    SW 229
    CW 222
    GW 130

    Only started again recently so hoping that I can carry on losing.
  • ClintSeeber
    ClintSeeber Posts: 115 Member
    scorrea2 wrote: »
    sw: 226
    cw: 138
    gw: 125-130
    The weight loss has caused you to go from looking short and dumpy to looking kind of tall and fit. Which you're reasonably tall for a woman anyway, but you never would have looked when you were fat.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    SW 268
    CW 145
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    mamadon wrote: »
    SW 268
    CW 145

    Your hair cut/makeup are amazing in your after picture. You look so young and hot.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    mamadon wrote: »
    SW 268
    CW 145

    Your hair cut/makeup are amazing in your after picture. You look so young and hot.

    Thank you! :)
  • Jkj95
    Jkj95 Posts: 64 Member
    CW: 160
    GW: 120

    I'm thinking I might reevaluate the goal when I get closer, though. I'd probably be fine with being 125-130.
  • mizzougal11
    mizzougal11 Posts: 773 Member
    5'4. Mom of 2. Top weight post pregnancy was 191.
    CW: 140
    GW: 125 (Original goal, it's less about weight anymore; I may need to revise)
    I must say I feel like I look really good at 135 (I was 135 a week prior to Thanksgiving), and I wear a size 4 at that weight. I'm not looking to get any smaller than a 4.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    SW: 180 lbs
    CW: 150 lbs
    GW: 125 lbs
  • tallon5
    tallon5 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'6".

    SW - 186 lbs
    CW - 168 lbs
    GW - 110 lbs

    I've never been skinny and I want to know what it's like!
  • dericcarson
    dericcarson Posts: 78 Member
    SW: 204lbs
    CW: 137
    GW: 135 (I am pretty much just maintaining now)
  • CylMcK
    CylMcK Posts: 5 Member
    CW: 181
    GW: 135
  • ashtronomer
    ashtronomer Posts: 5 Member

    GW: 135-145 ? depends on how it all falls on me lol :)
  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    CW 140
    GW 140
    I started at 200 lbs
    I do not want to go below 140 because this is where I look and feel best! My BMI is right down the middle of normal and who wants to look like a stick! :)
  • katiediem
    katiediem Posts: 14 Member
    I weighed 117# (very close to bottom of BMI) and the doctor put me in an eating disorder clinic. I asked my doctors the other day if I should loose more weight or maintain because I was still considered overweight on BMI. they BOTH told me in no uncertain terms that I could not weigh any lower than 160#. Some
  • brntwaffles27

    SW: 144
    CW: 129
    GW: 110

    My goal weight will change depending on how my body looks, but I know I want to be a lot slimmer, because I'm currently carrying a lot of weight in my upper thighs.
  • katiediem
    katiediem Posts: 14 Member
    Oh.. and I am 5'6"