I have hypothyroidism. Would love to add friends that have this as well.



  • mustloseweight2015
    mustloseweight2015 Posts: 78 Member
    I have it too. I got diagnosed about 4 years ago and soon after the diagnosis, I got pregnant. So between the weight I had put on initially plus the baby weight, I have a bunch of weight to lose. What I have noticed is that for me, hypothyroidism has made losing weight difficult but not impossible. When I am very careful about my weight and stay under my calories and work out, the weight does come off. But somewhat slower. Also, I can't afford too many off-track days. I have a long way to go though, so we'll see. Feel free to add me....
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I was diagnosed over 20 years ago. My mom has it and when I went to her doctor because I did not have a primary at the time he tested me right away. I struggled with many different "diet" plans and losing a bit and then gaining back more than I lost until I came to MFP over 4 years ago. I found that moving more means the difference between losing/maintaining and gaining.
  • pntbttrsmomma
    pntbttrsmomma Posts: 14 Member
    I have it. I gained over 100 lbs in less than 18 months...my doctor agreed to check for that after i researched and researched - that was 13 years ago. I have a much more competent doc now...but have never lost the weight. Feel free to add me please, I need "friends" :)
  • ericarae33
    ericarae33 Posts: 211 Member
    I've been Hypo and on synthroid since 2002. I have an apt with an endo tomorrow. I feel horrible and have for years but they keep saying "you're in the normal range" I'm staring myself gluten free to see if that helps. Can anyone advise if you have had luck with this change?
  • klbrowser
    klbrowser Posts: 61 Member
    I've been hypothyroid since 2001, but it is just one ailment in a long list of them including autoimmune disease, diabetes, celiac disease, gastroparesis and fibromyalgia (there are more, but you get the general idea). I take a combination of Armour thyroid and Cytomel. I did well in the weight department for several years, but the TSH has been creeping higher though not yet out of the laboratory range, and now I find myself 30 pounds heavier than is comfortable. I had to get really restrictive with my diet, 1200-1500 calories per day, in order to lose any weight at all. I would probably have more success if I could do proper cardiovascular exercise, but my other ailments severely hamper my activity level (I have to use a wheelchair part time). So mostly, I focus on making my diet as healthy as possible, including being gluten-free since 2003, and exercise at a lower level as much as I can tolerate.
  • NerdieMcChub
    NerdieMcChub Posts: 153 Member
    I just went on an "add friend" spree from this thread! I have Hashimoto's. I have for about 7-8 years. Just starting to get on track now with my meds, underlying issues, and started gluten free. Feel free to add me, anyone!
  • MelanieRBrace
    MelanieRBrace Posts: 245 Member
    I am hypothyroid, diagnosed about 6 months ago. I bottomed out and gained 70 pounds in a very short amount of time. Finally, my doctor tested me. I am on meds now and slowly losing, it's tough but not impossible.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    Hi, I just found this post on a search trying to find a hypothyroid group. I have been struggling on an ongoing basis, so I think I have Hashimoto's based on what I have read. I also have Celiac and other GI issues and allergies. I just learned my TSH is up there again and I could have actually bet money on that based on how I have been feeling (sluggish, sleepy, like everything is an effort...hot and cold alternately, dry skin and lips, falling out hair). I am in "normal' range at 3.7, but that is way too high for me! I was down to 2.3 and still felt like I needed more meds. My doctor says a lot of patients feel best hovering around low normal. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • layhl74
    layhl74 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I have had hashimotos for 10 years now and I have a hard time losing weight, I lost 20 kg once and my doctor said I didnt need my thyroxine any more so I went off it but 2 years later I had put on 40 kgs and felt so bad that I saw another doctor and they said it was stupid of the other doctor to take me off them and now Im on 200mg a day and now have a huge anxiety problem because of the side affects which stops me from going out alot :(

    Does anyone else have a anxiety problem and any one can add me :)
  • LadyLots2Lose
    LadyLots2Lose Posts: 110 Member
    G'day, I am hypothyroid as well (diagnosed at 9 months) so I've never known a different life. Losing weight has been a constant battle for most of my adult life but, I'm closer to my goal than ever (4 kg to go) and feeling pretty fab at the moment. Happy to be added to your friends list.
  • bharatirats
    bharatirats Posts: 25 Member

    I have it too. I got diagnosed about 4 years ago and soon after the diagnosis, I got pregnant. So between the weight I had put on initially plus the baby weight, I have a bunch of weight to lose. What I have noticed is that for me, hypothyroidism has made losing weight difficult but not impossible. When I am very careful about my weight and stay under my calories and work out, the weight does come off. But somewhat slower. Also, I can't afford too many off-track days. I have a long way to go though, so we'll see. Feel free to add me....

    Same story with me. I got pregnancy and hypothyroid report in the same week, 4 years ago, followed by lot of weigh gain.

    Some how I managed to reduce to 6 Kgs in till sep. 2014.

    But now again I regaining it, means already gained back to 3 kg :'(

  • kevinkidder
    kevinkidder Posts: 7 Member
    Hashimoto's Thyroiditis here. I was diagnosed about 5 years ago. I am recently settling in to a dosage, probably due to the final and complete failure of my thyroid. My weight loss up until now has been a roller coaster.

    My thyroid activity has been on a steady decline for the past 8 years or so. That being said, when I was diagnosed 5 years ago, I was at my heaviest (220+lbs). I was put on a light regiment of Synthroid, and I felt better, slept better and was able to lose some weight. In the next 6 months, my thyroid continued to decline and the medication wasn't as effective and by 3 months after my appointment, my weight loss was stagnant again. After seeing the doctor again, he increased the dosage and repeat, repeat, repeat every 6 months. Fast forward 5 years, and for the first time, my dosage hasn't needed to be increased.

    I finally feel like I have a shot at losing the weight this time. It is frustratingly difficult to come to grips with the idea that no matter what you do, your body is working hard to make sure you have trouble with it.
  • dacspace
    dacspace Posts: 109 Member
    Hi all! I was diagnosed 2 years ago by my GP. It's been a struggle to get him to understand that just because my levels are now on the high "normal" side that I still don't feel right. My weight has yo-yo'ed for the past year or so despite my efforts. I'm planning a visit to an endo next month. I'd love to hear any advice on how to handle that appointment. Feel free to add me!
  • Realtree2429
    Realtree2429 Posts: 81 Member
    annie422 wrote: »
    I was diagnosed about 8 years ago....you can add me :) I'll be honest, I haven't had my levels checked in over a year (bad me!) but I feel great when I take Armour Thyroid. Felt horrible on Synthroid!

    Hi Realtree, what were your side effects on synthroid vs. Armour if you don't mind me asking? just starting to look into this and hope to talk to my doctor later today. they automatically prescribed me levothyroxine, but I get the feeling it's their default and not really specific to the patient.

    Sorry, I lost track of this board :/ When I was on Synthroid I felt "off", heart racing, shaky, and my hair started falling out. I only went on it because my pharmacy was having trouble filling my Armour....after about 2 months on Synthroid I found another pharmacy that could fill my Synthroid and vowed I would never ever go back!!!!!
  • Realtree2429
    Realtree2429 Posts: 81 Member
    Oops, fill my Armour....
  • Azulsky
    Azulsky Posts: 2 Member
    I was diagnosed with Hashimotos and hypo when I was ~12.

    The most common side effect for me is the cold intolerance.
  • ekztawas
    ekztawas Posts: 114 Member
    You can add me! I've been hypothyroid for about 4-5 years. My hypothyroidism is fairly minor; my prescription is just 50 mcg's now that I've lost most of the weight I gained.
  • bdawso88
    bdawso88 Posts: 13 Member
    You can add me :) I have hypothroid as well (due to Hashimoto's Disease) and was diagnosed in 2009. I also was just diagnosed with PCOS. I need more MFP friends.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    MFP has a hypothyroidism & hyperthyroidism group: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/753-hypothyroidism-and-hyperthyroidism

    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). Thyroid meds (in my case, Synthroid & Cytomel) reduce the fatigue so I can be more active. But I still kept gaining & gaining until I learned to log everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly.

    Anyone can add me, and/or PM me with any questions.
  • ksolksol
    ksolksol Posts: 194 Member
    A couple of people on this thread were testing normal but at between 3 and 4.5. You might want to know there is some debate on what "normal" is, with some doctors believing it should be .3 to 3.0. I kept testing on the high end of what was considered normal and they kept saying I was fine, even though I had other symptoms -- extreme fatigue, weight gain, dry hair and skin, and thyroid nodules.

    So if you are having symptoms, and you're testing high-normal, you might want to seek a second opinion.