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Help a Picky Eater Build a Salad

gramarye Posts: 586 Member
So, I'm a picky eater. I have a lot of textural issues with (raw) vegetables and anxiety about trying new things, including food. (Woo!) I've been making efforts to try new vegetables and push myself out of my comfort zone over the past two years, with mixed success.

All that context in, I do not understand how one constructs a salad. I want to try one for real, and I'm trying to come up with things I can eat for lunch at work that I enjoy. I do leftovers a lot, but I tend to make heavy dinners, and don't always want that in my lunchtime.

So far I've got that I like spinach, feta cheese, and vinegar. Friends have suggested dried berries and nuts -- but which ones? I don't even understand what various salad dressings are/taste like. I'm totally in unknown waters, and would love for some advice on how to navigate this world of, "What the hell goes in a salad?"


  • cecesquats
    cecesquats Posts: 166 Member
    I'm not a salad lover, but when I do make salad, I always make the same one. I use some type of greens, shredded cheese, chipotle cheddar tortilla strips, and salsa. It's very basic, but it's really the only salad I like. It tastes really great with chicken, too :) I prefer salsa to salad dressing because I don't like the taste of most salad dressings and it's lower in calories than most dressings.
  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    Walnuts and dried Cranberries are commonly paired with spinach and feta, I prefer dried cherries because they have less added sugar. You may like pecans instead. People often add grilled chicken to a spinach salad, but it's optional.

    I like having a balsamic vinaigrette but it should work with just vinegar, if something is off try the vinaigrette instead because the creamier texture works well with the cheese.

    I don't want to sway you from spinach because it's one of the better salad greens but I really enjoyed the texture soft of bibb lettuce in my salads. Maybe you could try that when you are ready for a new combination.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    Thanks, y'all! :D

    I have never even heard of bibb lettuce, lol. I know I don't love iceberg, and that I'm okay with romaine when used in a wrap. I'll have to look into it. (It is very cute in pictures. I realize that's a moot point in nutrition, but I like it. XD)
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I have texture issues too! But my issue is any and all cooked vegetables.

    My salads generally have:

    Hard boiled eggs
    Sunflower Seeds
    Turkey breast

    I generally don't use dressing, because sogginess :)
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I also have severe textural issues with certain foods. I am a vegetarian for this reason... can't stand the texture.

    I have been eating the same exact salad for dinner for the past few days:

    2 servings of raw Pillsbury pizza dough baked in the oven at 425 plain until golden brown (amounts to 130g of raw dough before baking.
    After cooking, top with heaps and heaps of a good spring mix (I have found only one brand that I can stand the taste and texture of, it's from a local farm).
    Add craisins (I do 20-28g)
    Add 1 serving slivered toasted almonds (not whole almonds! Chop them up if you must!)
    40-56g plain goat cheese (the amount depends on how many calories you have to use for it)
    Top with 1.5 servings of Trader Joe's regular balsamic vinaigrette (NOT the fat free one, the fat free one is unedible to me).

    Eat and enjoy!
  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    gramarye wrote: »
    Thanks, y'all! :D

    I have never even heard of bibb lettuce, lol. I know I don't love iceberg, and that I'm okay with romaine when used in a wrap. I'll have to look into it. (It is very cute in pictures. I realize that's a moot point in nutrition, but I like it. XD)

    It is pretty cute, it's like a little baby head of lettuce and the leaves are really soft. It usually comes in a little box with the roots still attached.

    Here's the nutrition on it
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    ^^I can not stand the texture of cold hard boiled eggs at all. I can eat a hard boiled egg while it's still hot (and then, I eat it all by itself with a spoon right out of the shell). Funny how some of us can't stand certain foods and others love them! :) There are a lot of raw vegetables that I won't touch.
  • Mine usually consist of some sort of greens mixed (spinach, spring mix, romainne) cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet bell peppers, sunflower seeds, and chicken. Now I love to chop my salad. To me it just tastes better. Use and dressing you like. If it is a taco or fajita salad. I use romainne and iceberg, shredded sharp cheddar cheese, corn, peppers, jalapenos, and salsa! YUMMY!
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    Congratulations on trying new things!
    My biggest suggestion would be to just start adding things you like to your spinach and feta. Naturally I think of cranberries, pecans and turkey and you'll most likely like goat cheese if you like feta.

    One of my absolute favorite salads is cheeseburger salad, basically I make a salad with anything I'd put on a burger using mustard and ketchup as my salad dressing and yes I put pickles in my salad then toss warm cooked ground meat over the top.

    Another favorite is taco salad, anything you'd put in a taco eat as a salad and for that taco crunch I break up doritos or use chili cheese fritos in my salad. No dressing here either because I use greek yogurt, guacamole and salsa in the salad so it doesn't need anything else.

    If you don't like iceburg lettuce don't eat it but I would suggest you add some romaine with your spinach to add a little bulk to the salad.
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    I eat allot of my salads with seedless grapes. Grapes make everything taste like grapes! I suggest you try this salad topping combo that even my picky Asian family likes: walnut, chopped red or black grapes, and goat cheese all over bed of leafy greens. I eat this most mornings and the health benefits so far is amazing!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • samspam1023
    samspam1023 Posts: 36 Member
    My husband is a picky eater who hates all raw veggies except tomatoes (which he'll eat in salsas) and herbs (and spinach, since I sneak it into my pesto sauce). I tend to do grain and cooked veggie salads/salsas instead of lettuce-based salads. His favorite is a southwest-style with corn, black beans, tomatoes, green chile, sauteed onions, garlic, and spices. I'll use grains like quinoa in with pesto sauce with sauteed zucchini and carrots as a higher-protein substitute for a regular pasta salad.

    I love potato salads too, but the husband won't eat cold potatoes for reasons I'll never understand. He likes egg salad, but I'm allergic to eggs so we don't eat it at home.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    ^^I can not stand the texture of cold hard boiled eggs at all. I can eat a hard boiled egg while it's still hot (and then, I eat it all by itself with a spoon right out of the shell). Funny how some of us can't stand certain foods and others love them! :) There are a lot of raw vegetables that I won't touch.

    My husband is the exact same way! I can eat them either way.
  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
    You really can't mess up salad. If you like it, put it in. If not, skip it.

    I toss in leftover couscous or quinoa. Corn. Peas. Black beans. Chick peas. Hardboiled egg. Sunflower seeds. Flax. Apples. Grapes. It's all fair game.
  • beamie2687
    beamie2687 Posts: 95 Member
    Acg67 wrote: »

    Yes! Salads can be anything! Panzanella is amaze-balls, and it just tomatoes, roasted/grilled bread, garlic, and olive oil/vinegar.

    Literally anything can be a salad. I like warm quinoa with grilled zucchini, feta, olives, and basil with a little olive oil. I LOVE taco salads with spinach, beans, corn, grilled peppers and onions, tomatoes, ground turkey, salsa, and light sour cream. I tend to like my salads warm, or with at least one warm component (usually protein) because they're more satisfying that way.

    Anyway, this post is to say the brilliance of "salad" is that it can be anything. Bread salad, pasta salad, potato salad, cold salad, warm salad, happy salad. Like someone above said, just add foods you like to eat on their own and you think might taste good together on lettuce/spinach and dress it with a dressing/salsa you like. Done and done.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited December 2014
    My salads tend to be everything but the kitchen sink. I like to get a lot of flavor in there. I dont like vinegar dressings and rarely use the cream based dressings.

    The base of my salads are usually mixed greens (I buy a big tub of it each week) and mixed sprouts (I sprout the seeds myself, a mix of alfalfa, clover, radish and brocolli seeds). I like a little protein and fat in my salads, so I usually add an ounce or two of chopped turkey and a 1/2 ounce of cheese, and sometimes a little avocado. Other add ins I like to rotate in are halved cherry tomatoes (halving them allows the juice to mix in with the salad), cucumber, green onion, raw asparagus, shredded flowering kale (this a new one for me), roasted beets, shredded raw brussel sprouts, finely chopped brocolli (I dont like big chunks, so I chop it real fine), shredded carrots, mini portobello mushrooms, raw garlic, red bell pepper, halved red seedless grapes, pepita seeds, raisins, pecans, walnuts, salsa, garlic salt, black pepper. I dont care for egg white in a salad, but sometimes if I have a hard boiled egg, I'll save the yolk and crumble it in a salad.

    On the weekend I sometimes roast brussel sprouts, carrots, sweet potatoes, little red potatoes, butternut squash, etc., and keep them in the fridge to add to salads later in the week or add in sandwiches. They add a lot of flavor.

  • Ghoul97
    Ghoul97 Posts: 25 Member
    Well there are a lot of different salads u can try sautaed veggies I ur salad. U can just build one by putting lettuce (choped) in a bowl with ur choice of veggies or meats. I like these 2 salads alot : chicken ceasear - fresh broccoli, romaine , sautaed chicken in garlic and salt and pepper, and a little cheese I also love fetta! And the other is taco salad - mine has romaine lettace, cooked beef in taco seasoning and salsa , and a little bit of crumbled up tortia chips , with a little more salsa to taste for dressing. A salad really is just veggies tossed together in a dressing! U can try lemon juice , garlic , and a little oil as a substitute if ud like! I really like almonds and cashews for nuts and berries I like blueberries strawberries and cranberry
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Learn to make a basic vinaigrette. Then you can experiment with flavours you enjoy. For instance, I find the balsamic too strong so I use lime juice and olive oil.

    I can't stand soggy salads, so the dressing goes on just before I eat it.

    It sounds like you enjoy the more solid lettuces like Romaine. So you can try cabbage too, bok choy, anything dark and leafy.

    If you are a fussy eater, start with a base lettuce/cabbage you know you like and slowly introduce more vegetables. If you don't like a vegetable prepared one way, prepare another. I've used a fine shredder for my carrot, and sliced radish very thin with my mandoline.

    I add depending on what is in season; radishes, carrots, cucumber, chives, tomato slices, apple, bell peppers, sunflower seeds.
  • lonypony
    lonypony Posts: 130 Member
    A yoghurt dressing I make is really nice. 1 cup greek plain yoghurt, 1/4 cup lemon juice, 2tsp EVOO, 1tbsp dill, 1 crushed garlic clove. Mix altogether and pour over my favourite salad this summer - 4 beetroot roasted and peeled - chop into small wedges, 1/2 to 3/4 cup of toasted walnuts, around 100g of goats feta cheese, crumbled. Toss together with the dressing. I play around with the quantities just depends on how cheesy I want it or crunchy. You could use the yoghurt dressing for lots of other salads and it is aroun 150 cals a serve (I can usually get 10-15 servings)