Top 6 Exercises Excuses and How to Beat them!


The Gym I go to in Sacramento posted this feature from web MD and I found it quite helpful! My top excuses for not working out are 1) I don't have time and 2) I'm tired.

It helped me to know that even if i'm busy at work, just taking a ten minute break to walk or jump counts as a work out. Also, I have personally found that exercising wakes me up when i'm tired, so I don't let myself use that excuse anymore! Hope this helps others too!


  • SLHysell
    SLHysell Posts: 247 Member
    edited December 2014
    It's too hot.
    It's too cold.
    I'm too tired.
    My leg (or insert whatever here) hurts.
    I just ate.

    blah blah.....

    We all feel all those at some point, but some of us do it anyway.

    I always liked Nike's old ad campaign that said, "just do it."
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    LOL- I'm always tired- I'd never do anything if that was my excuse LOL.

  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    SLHysell wrote: »
    My leg (or insert whatever here) hurts.

    Wrong - pay attention to pain. A tiny little twinge just after running turned into tendonitis that made walking to the corner store an achievement for a few years, and cost me tons of time in doctor's and physio's offices.
  • jennidee12
    Yes...I agree to pay attention to pain. That is something I am horribly bad at. I have a shoulder injury and I thought I could swim on it because I wasn't in 'that much pain...' but I started to realize I was just making it worse and stopped cold turkey....

    But what I got out of this post is (DONT ignore pain, pay attention if you have/think you may have an injury) but pain doesn't mean you have to stop working out.

    Since I have a shoulder injury, I run/cycle. So 'my shoulder hurts' cannot be an excuse to not workout.

    If your leg hurts...SWIM! swimming is great for lower body injuries bc it's low impact.

    Main point: Don't do exercises that hurt an injury. But if there are other other exercises you can do that won't hurt you, do them. (unless under doctors orders)
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    My excuse...makes my muscles look fat.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited December 2014
    I havent made that many excuses yet, when i dont want to go then I dont go, I've been pretty good so far. Getting to the gym is half the fight. The weather and distance can be a big detrrent.

    If you are either commited or have established a routine then its just easier to go and do whats required.

    If I really dont want to go, then I reason it out with myself. Sometimes its counterproductive and its ok to take a break.

    I also monitor my own fatigue/ just being worn out levels. Rest days are needed.

    As for injuries im very hot on them as the most stupid thing you can do is make something worse by exercising and compromising it. That could put you in severe pain and take you out of exercising for a long time. That would be a disaster for me. When ive had muscle tears ive stopped and let them heal. Not had any ive had to take to the Dr yet.