Metabolism question

darthwein Posts: 37 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
Other then proper calorie consumption what else can I do to boost my metabolism? I do not want to take supplements or any kind of drugs/weight loss pills. I do exercise a few days a week, but I understand some foods can help boost metabolism and wanted to see if anyone could confirm this and recommend certain foods.

As always thanks again for your suggestions!


  • Simply having muscle kicks your metablism into turbo!!! That's why stregth training is so important.
  • lpirie
    lpirie Posts: 24
    Vitamin b's help turn food into energy and boost metabolism.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Being active seems to help more than anything.

    Anything else is going to be so miniscule it doesn't really make much of a difference.
  • I'm not sure about the food, I think cinnamon, spices help to boost metabolism. Also you have to eat small portions 5-6 times a day.
  • chunkydaze
    chunkydaze Posts: 2 Member
    I googled this just this morning!

    I am no expert - I know what seems to work for me and these are some that aren't ridiculous!

    Grapefruit juice - freshly squeezed
    Brocolli - it's high in Vitamin C
    Water - help flush the system of sluggish toxins
    Cayenne pepper (and similiar spices)
    Lemon juice - squeeze a wedge in to a cup of hot water (helps the liver - best first thing in the morning)
    Green tea
    Nettle tea is very good at speeding up the transition of food thorugh the body (!)

    Eating a little and often keeps the metabolic rate up too - obviously this doesn't really work with a chocolate bar every half an hour!

    I hope this helps :)
  • jessicaj_824
    jessicaj_824 Posts: 114 Member
    Adding muscle and making sure you get about 8 hours of sleep are the top 2 things you need to be doing.
  • wyo_mom
    wyo_mom Posts: 10 Member
    Boosting your exercise program up sweat, sweat, sweat!
    I was over 200 and I ran into this problem I did insanity helped alot the elliptical is great too! You can do it!
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