hi looking for help

My name is Sandra. I'm a 45yr old mother of 5 grown children an the grandmother of 6. This is my first try ever of dieting. Im 5 ft tall an currently weigh 134lbs. I would love to lose 15 to 20lbs. I work as a night time stocker at a major retail store so my eating habits are all over the place plus The position I have is a very physically demanding one with a lot of walking some nights. The problem I have though is I have tore my rt rotator cuff back in early July an have been put on light duty till after my surgery an healing are complete. I still walk around 8000 to 10000 steps each evening I work. If anyone can give me any help it would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks!!!


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Boy oh boy you have a great job for keeping you fit.

    I suggest get used to measuring and logging first, just eating as you always have. There are studies that show the very act of measuring modifies dieter's behavior.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Hi Sandra,
    I am 5'1 and started my weight loss journey at 130, I have been maintaining at 102-105 for 4or 5 years now.
    Not sure what kind of help you are looking for, so fire away with specific questions.
    Cheers, h.
  • sandi2369
    Im so new to this that I need any an all help lol.. I would love some ideas on some easy meal ideas. I'm having a lot of trouble in that area because I have never had to pay attention to what I eat. Then also the man in my life is a diabetic an he actually needs to gain weight. Plus what are some nice excersing tips.
  • bellINC
    bellINC Posts: 2 Member
    Sandra, I find myself in a similar situation. I have now been "logging in" for about 30 days and I am seeing some changes, SLOW is the key. On exercise, I walk, I notice you do also, but 2 times a week I use a recumbent bike, easy on the knees, and don't get stranded away from home. You may be surprised at the results, but the intensity should be easy at first and work up to it. Like I said, about 30 days now, 2X a week, I can now get 7.0 miles in 32 minutes. GOOD LUCK TO YOU.
  • sandi2369
    Thanks for the good luck wishes. I will try the bike idea as soon I can. That just may be a few months away though. I tore my rt rotator cuff in my shoulder back in July. I'm currently waiting on surgery so I'm in a shoulder brace for awhile. Do you have any nice an easy recipes. I'm having issues with that. Its not only hard cause I work nights but the man in my life is a diabetic an extremely thin. So while I'm trying to lose weight he is trying to gain it.