I guess I'm ready

Ugh, it's so hard to even create this topic but I want and need to. The amount of times I've said to myself I want to change my lifestyle is uncountable. Somehow I can't stay motivated, find loopholes to treat myself, feel guilty about it and say to myself that it doesn't really matter.

Bit about myself. I'm a 19-year-old girl living in the UK who absolutely loves sport. For the past 3.5 years I've seen my weight increasing slowly, didn't notice it at first but can't look away anymore. I don't have the energy anymore to do the things I like, could stay in bed forever and it's not even like I eat that much but I eat very unhealthy. My weak spots are chocolate (caramel), ice cream, strawberry gateau and pasta with chicken and cheese. I could literally live on that. Had days I didn't eat anything and stayed in bed to then go tesco's and chip shop, buy caramel cholocate, gateau and pasta and finish it. Not in one go but I'd be finished before the next day. I'd feel so miserable after that and find my comfort in food. Not a good habit.

I'm far from happy with my body, I can look at myself in the mirror and I do accept myself but I'm simply not happy with what I see so I'm going to do something about it. I want to be healthy and feel energic, sleep properly again. That's my main motivation. I'm finally ready to really lose weight.

This week I've started to workout again and changed my diet, the difference this time is a change in my mindset. After my workout on monday I was about to go chip shop again but I didn't, tuesday same thing again. It was so hard to not buy pasta, same excuses as always going through my head but I didn't give in. I felt so great when I woke up wednesday, if I had given in I knew I'd be like 'ah, this week is already wasted. I'm gonna start again next week'. I'm not giving in to my cravings and when I do, I'll make sure I don't go to the shop and buy whole lot of other things. And since yesterday I leave my card home when going uni and take no money with me. That actually helps :#

I wrote this for myself, I'm planning on updating it regularly and I believe it'll help me to sort out everything and stay motivated. It's gonna be a battle but I'm finally ready for it. I also hope to find some support here :smile:

Wauw, it took a day to write this post but hey, I did it. That's a start.


  • Phia77
    Phia77 Posts: 5 Member

    - Lowering body fat percentage
    - Size 12 UK (currently size 16)
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Thank you for sharing your struggles with us. You are by no means alone in this. It is super tough to get going on this journey. I'll throw in that it's those daily healthy behaviors that will revolutionize your life. You don't have to be perfect, we all stumble and fall, you just need to push through the hard times.

    I had troubles getting started too. I met some other people on this journey and started a Facebook support group. It's been amazingly helpful to me and the other people in there. We are all helping to support and encourage each other in there with exercise and proper nutrition (no gimmicks, just healthy eating habits).

    If you need any help, support, or whatever, I'm always happy to do what I can. You've got this!

  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Welcome!! You can do this!! All you have to do is stay under you calorie limit and add a little exercise like walking. Don't crazy with cutting back on calories which is unsustainable. Best wishes :)
  • ispyabetterworld
    You go girl! :D
  • Phia77
    Phia77 Posts: 5 Member
    Cheers guys, really appreciate it.

    So far, everything is going well. I've been working out 4 times a week and lost a kilo by doing weight training and eating healthier. This week I want to start doing proper cardio aswell, I love weight training and absolutely hate cardio but I can't keep avoiding it so I'm going to start today. 2minutes of running on the treadmill and walking a minute and repeat that 10 times. I know I can easily do 5minutes of running but somehow I just can't push myself when doing cardio. Thinking about it right now, I think it's time I started doing that so I'm going to run 5min and walk 2min. Repeat 4 times, I know I can do it.

  • Phia77
    Phia77 Posts: 5 Member
    And the best thing; my cravings are getting less. I still do have cravings but compared to a week ago it feels like nothing. Life is so much easier :#
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    One day at a time, you've got this!
  • angiedwill
    angiedwill Posts: 873 Member
    I don't know you, but I am so proud of you!!!!

    I want so much to do the same in my own life. Like you, I don't like what I see in the mirror. I plan to change that!