*closed group* Flab to Fab 3, Part 2!



  • mixmastermolly
    Kerri, that was great information, thanks! Although, calculating my BMI according to her suggestion means that I still have a lot to lose. Can you explain the calorie portion more? Did she say if eating the number of calories plus a zero is for maintenance or for losing, also? It seems like WAY too many calories for me to eat to try and lose weight.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I was looking for some strength training info on line and found this website. It has a lot of exercises that can be do at home with just handweights and/or stability ball

  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    GREAT Info Kerri!!! I think I am/have been screwing up on my calories. I will recalculate and see what happens!:flowerforyou: Thank you for always giving us ladies the hook up. xoxo


    Ok, I got your attention =)
    I just wanted to share some info that I learned today. I also plan on meeting with this woman again on Tuesday so hopefully I will have more to report!

    I met with a woman I know who is very smart. She has a phd in biochemistry, microbiology and 2 masters degrees. She teaches nutrition to MD students at Wayne State University in Detroit (my alma mater ;) and has a whole other long list of credentials. If you're me, you like FACTS and not some load of crap or band wagon people jump on, ESPECIALLY when it comes to diet and exercise. I told her everything there possibly is to know about me, JUST focusing my diet/exercise that is. I'm going to try and type out what I learned today and I hope it makes sense.

    BMI=crap she said. It does not take into consideration anything important. She said it's a good "litmus test" for Dr.'s but other than that you need to take into consideration body fat % and your frame.

    So for me, I am (rounded up) 5'9" and have a "medium body frame" so my GOAL weight should be calculated this way. 105 lbs to start at 5'0" then 6# every inch. For SMALL body frames it's 100 pounds to start at 5'0 then up 5# with every inch. SO I URGE ALL YOU LADIES TO USE THIS AND FIGURE OUT YOUR GOAL. Be honest about your frame. So for me, I am near my goal. She also said that this can be +/- 5%. SO, I would be great at 152-168 lbs.

    Moving along, in terms of nutrition. She had this to say. "If you want to lose weight, eat your weight + a zero. SO for me being in the 160's, I should be eating 1600 calories a day to LOSE WEIGHT. This does NOT work if you are working out. SHE DEMANDED that I eat 80% of my exercise calories daily as well. SO if you know me before, you know I was eating 1400 a day and NOT eating (or tryiing to eat) my exercise cals. She said your body will hold on to FAT if you don't feed it. EEK. I had been given advice by a personal trainer and a nutritionist but they never explained the physiology to me.

    All post workout meals should be about a 5:1 carb:protein ratio. I was eating way too much protein. The body can not store protein, it turns it to fat.

    Finally I learned that warming up and cooling down during workouts is VERY important. She gave this analogy......
    If you hop on a treadmill or start doing a high intense class/video you're heart rate SHOOTS up, which causes a spike in adrenalin, "like you're being chased by a bear!" and then you're body does something with it's cortosil levels (fat) and immediately starts to "hang on to the fat".. "so you're being chased by a bear and your body starts to freak out and hang on to the fat first".... lol, it made more sense when she was explaing it to me, sorry guys, I'm a bad story teller!
    SO, get in the warm up to warn your body and same with cool down.

    SO, that's what I learned today. She didn't really answer my questions about how much cardio/weights to do but that is on my agenda for our meeting on Tuesday! =)

    Happy weekend everyone! I am working on the spreadsheet but I'm missing over 1/3 of the measurements and weights!! where is everyone!?!? =)
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    May 2nd 4 minute challeng results:

    Jumping Jacks- 70
    Sit ups- 32
    Push ups- 33
    Mountain climbers- 80

    Of course I have no idea what I did the first time, I am fairly certain I went up in at least 3 of 4. I will have to go through and figure out what my last time was so I can compare :-)
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Alright, real quick post so I can get a workout in and get the dogs walked. My goals for the week:

    - Burn 3500 calories by Friday
    - Walk 10 miles (a mile each day (Mon-Fri) with each dog).
    - 100oz of water each day

    I have to walk each of the dogs separately because they're kind of naughty and react to each other when walked together, and they're 180lbs together which could just be dangerous if they decide to take off after a squirrel together haha. I'm about to do the Insanity Fit Test (Kerri, maybe a challenge idea?) for the second time. Wish me luck!

    Ok so I totally forgot I have to have a planters wart removed on the bottom of my foot on Wednesday. So my goals may be a little high. I'm going to keep them though! I haven't ever had a wart before, totally blaming my husband for this haha :smile: So I'm not sure how the bottom of my foot is going to feel afterwards. It's right on the ball of my foot too.. blah! But today went good and I should be able to get in a good workout tomorrow and Wednesday before I go in!

    Also, I up'd my calorie intake to 1600 a day. I know I weight 170, but I just couldn't do that much... I'm going to have a hard enough time finding good calories with this. Going shopping here soon after the little one wakes up from a nap. Hoping to find some healthy choices :happy:
  • jjeckels
    jjeckels Posts: 57
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Lindz - what about oatmeal with some fruit? Or maybe even a bagel thin and cream cheese and a couple slices of turkey bacon? You could even make some sammiches with the bagel thins...with some fat free cheese and either turkey bacon or turkey sausage? Yogurt with fruit and maybe some Fiber One cereal crushed up in it?

    Sorry I never replied! I read it and actually bought a few things at the store. Thanks :) I'm not creative for breakfasts hah.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I'm meeting again with Sharon tomorrow morning SO if you have specific questions you'd like me to ask just private message me! I told her I was bringing a pen and paper! I'm hoping to learn a lot and get some good info for us.
  • KristieKRN
    KristieKRN Posts: 71 Member
    sorry I don't post often... been so busy I am usually just checking in from my phone to see how everyone is doing. Too hard to type all the replies I'd like to. and the next 6 weeks are going to be even worse. As much as I would love for my kids to stay little forever, I also cannot wait for them to be able to get themselves wherever they need to be, and to make the money needed to sustain all of their endeavors!

    A bit disgusted at myself for the way I've been eating and not working out. So I shouldn't be surprised that the depression is back in a big way, and that I'm not losing. Just home from work and sitting down to make some doctor appointments, and work on my motivation. Going to see Water for Elephants this afternoon with a friend... we both need an escape. (I loved the book and am anxious to see it)

    My goal is to get back to my C25K training (using the new running shoes I bought last week), and to do 100 crunches and push-ups every day.

    I am so happy to see everyone doing so great! I hope you all have a productive week!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Well Im back, exhausted. Had an amazing trip with my family and my boyfriend. Got plenty of the 'You're next' wedding talk from my aunts and uncles! haha They would do anything for a day out! :) Also got more compliments than I knew what to do with. When I met my mom and sister at the airport Thursday morning they literally let out a gasp and didn't recognize me! I was actually shocked by their reaction because I didn't think I had changed THAT much given that I had seen them a month before! haha but it felt amazing! They kept telling me I looked great and what ever I was doing in the gym was working. I felt really proud of myself right then.
    Then I met the rest of my relatives and they all said the same thing (but only after asking my mom who I was cos they almost didn't recognize me either! haha) What a great feeling :)
    Soooo after a great few days of showing off my new wardrobe and getting compliments from my family Im going to have to admit to all of you that I DID fall off the wagon :( I was great for first two days but then I completely lost control. When we landed I was choosing food carefully ordering salads and staying away from bold things...but the night before the wedding everyone went out and there was a free bar at our hotel. So I allowed myself some drinks (vodka and diet coke) and before I knew I was drunk! Having only eaten salads all day and not having drank alcohol in about 2 months it went straight to my head. So that was the end of my 'staying on track' plan. The next day was hangover/wedding day! Wedding wasn't until 4pm so needed hangover breakfast. Then the menu was set for the wedding reception, no choice + another free bar! Oh and I also forgot there were tapas and nibbles floating around the hotel for about an hour and a half before the meal (while the bride and groom were taking photos so... of course I nibbled on them to cure the rest of the hangover!) I didn't drink alcohol for the rest of the trip, just the night before the wedding...Im a complete lightweight and the sight of drink was enough to make me run for the hills after my 'big' night out! haha
    So then after wedding day everything just went out the window for me. I ate so much on wedding day that my stomach had stretched and so I was constantly hungry for the next few days :( I had steak and chips, ice cream, cheese...all things that I haven't eaten in ages and all of a sudden they're right there in front of me within arms reach and Im back to my old ways of 'treating myself' with food binges. That's the thing I hate most about myself. I have no willpower at times and I give in only to feel bloated and sluggish and crap....but does it stop me? NO! I'll go and do the same thing for dinner and then for breakfast the next day. Aw well, Ive no one to blame but myself.
    On a positive note, I didn't realize how great I felt before the trip thanks to my new eating habits. Once I starting eating crap foods, I really did feel like crap. I was seriously bloated and was exhausted all the time and I think I might even have seen a spot on my face this morning! So Im definitely going back to my proper eating habits right now because I feel so much better that way.
    I knew last weekend wasn't going to go to plan food-wise and I knew with all my talk of trying to stay on track that I was going to fail at some stage over the trip because that is who I am and what Ive been doing for over 20 years of my life and I know Im not going to stop being like that over night. I did try for the first day or two but then caved but.... I suppose what Ive learned is that I was aware of what I was doing over the weekend. I was conscious of each bit of crappy food I put into my mouth, I knew what damage it was going to do and I was prepared to suffer the consequences (which Im doing right now!) I was up 4lbs this morning. Im hoping some of that is water retention as I didn't drink next to near enough water the last few days.
    So Im hoping that this week will bring me back down to my pre-holiday weight of 150lbs or as close to it as possible. As I will be celebrating my birthday Friday night (actual birthday on Sunday) and I want to feel good so Im going to work hard for the rest of the week to get myself back into the zone.

    Goals for this week Mon - Fri:

    1. Back on track with food
    2. Drink at least 12 cups water each day
    3. Run/Gym/Walk/Weights everyday
    4. Burn 3500 calories
    5. Run/walk 20 miles
    6. Feel great for my birthday!

    Thanks for all your encouragement for last weekend and Im sorry I failed you all on the weekend pact. It all got too much for me and I couldn't stop myself from caving in :( Next weekend will be alot better!

    And finally CONGRATS to everyone on their fantastic losses this week and month! I had a quick read through everyone's post and you are all doing so unbelievably well! I can't believe how far we've all come in just a month! Who knows what numbers next month will bring!! :happy:

    Keep up the great work ladies :) x

    Here's a pic from the wedding. Myself and my beautiful baby sis :)

  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    Lorraine - you look awesome! I love that dress! And you have done SO well....a little falling off the wagon isn't bad. Sometimes you just need it! You'll get right back up on that horse. :) xoxo
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Lorraine, I love those shoes!! You look great! Like everyone else said, don't worry about the weekend, it's nice to just get away and enjoy yourself. I know you're getting right back to eating right and working out, and if you don't, you know we'll be here to remind you! :bigsmile:
  • DianaM1020
    DianaM1020 Posts: 98 Member
    Lorraine, you look beautiful!!!! You are doing so great! And i'm so extremely jealous of you living in Dublin and traveling around. Glad you had fun at the wedding, it's alright to fall off every once in a while.

    Tomorrow is our big meeting at work, meaning awful catering and desserts!! My goal is to grab only a salad and eat half of it (they're huge)!!

    Then dinner at Bonefish tomorrow... uh oh..
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Lorraine, you look beautiful!!!! You are doing so great! And i'm so extremely jealous of you living in Dublin and traveling around. Glad you had fun at the wedding, it's alright to fall off every once in a while.

    Tomorrow is our big meeting at work, meaning awful catering and desserts!! My goal is to grab only a salad and eat half of it (they're huge)!!

    Then dinner at Bonefish tomorrow... uh oh..

    3 words - BANG BANG SHRIMP! =) mmm
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Thank you everyone! Im feeling so much better now and Ive done what was always impossible for me to do before MFP and that is not to stress over slip ups and just get back on track straight away. Im slowly flushing all that crap from the weekend out of my system and it feels brilliant! It's tough to get back into a routine after a break away and even though it was a struggle to find the motivation to workout yesterday and today, I did it and Im definitely feeling alot better.

    And you are all so wonderful with your lovely comments. They made completely lifted my spirits and made my day! Thank you so much, I really appreciate the support :flowerforyou:
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Lorraine - you look fabulous, girl! All those compliments are well-deserved! Good for you!

    I had great workouts Monday and Tuesday, but last night I was up about every hour with one child or the other. They both have a terrible cough, so I slept right through my alarm until my son was up. No elliptical as of yet, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to get on it or not. I'm going to try to find the time. My daughter stayed home from school and is cranky and tired, and my son is his normal self, but will most likely be cranky and tired closer to dinner/bedtime. Add to the fact that I am tired, and using every ounce of patience not to be cranky ... argh! Now neither of my scales is working. I'm SO irritated. Oy!

    I hope everyone is having a good week.
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    Lorraine - you look fabulous, girl! All those compliments are well-deserved! Good for you!

    I had great workouts Monday and Tuesday, but last night I was up about every hour with one child or the other. They both have a terrible cough, so I slept right through my alarm until my son was up. No elliptical as of yet, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to get on it or not. I'm going to try to find the time. My daughter stayed home from school and is cranky and tired, and my son is his normal self, but will most likely be cranky and tired closer to dinner/bedtime. Add to the fact that I am tired, and using every ounce of patience not to be cranky ... argh! Now neither of my scales is working. I'm SO irritated. Oy!

    I hope everyone is having a good week.

    Bridget - GIRL! I get you on sick crabby kids! I hope they are both feeling better and I hope you get caught up on some rest. It's a bummer when our kids are sick. :( Hopefully you can get in a workout of some sort to help with the cranky! :) xoxo
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    Got my first work out in last night in 5 days. Way too much slacking for me! Tonight is just bowling...last week of the season, finally, so I can do other stuff on Wednesdays now.

    Anyone have a tasty low cal veggie dip recipe? I just volunteered to bring a veggie tray to my brother's house on Sunday for Mother's day, and at least 3 of the people there are watching their calories. :-)
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Got my first work out in last night in 5 days. Way too much slacking for me! Tonight is just bowling...last week of the season, finally, so I can do other stuff on Wednesdays now.

    Anyone have a tasty low cal veggie dip recipe? I just volunteered to bring a veggie tray to my brother's house on Sunday for Mother's day, and at least 3 of the people there are watching their calories. :-)

    I like to dip my veggies in guacamole or hummus OR I know Dean's makes a light french onion dip that is decent!!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member

    Goals for this week Mon - Fri:

    1. Back on track with food
    2. Drink at least 12 cups water each day
    3. Run/Gym/Walk/Weights everyday
    4. Burn 3500 calories
    5. Run/walk 20 miles
    6. Feel great for my birthday!

    1. Definitely back on track with food today and it felt great!
    2.12 cups water drank today :)
    3. Run/Walk/Weights today
    4. Burned 2469/3500 so far
    5. Ran/Walked 19.1/20 miles so far! (Had veryyy long walk today!)
    6. It's looking like Im going to be on top form for my birthday! Feeling great already! :)