Weight Watchers?



    TC4IOWASTATE Posts: 64 Member
    I am going to meetings right now and I use both sites for tracking. I just found the link to add points along with my calories on MFP and I am extremely happy that it works on my new computer.
    I have an amazing leader and you can tell by her meetings and the additional Facebook page she has started. To be sitting in the meetings and see someone reach a 100 lb loss and I am not talking about one person I am telling you many, many throughout her meetings in the city. They continue to come and share their success. They don't stop going, and I think that might be the key as they continue attending meetings. I know they get it free at that point when they make lifetime.
    I really dislike their phone app, as it is awful. I am so excited that I can track my points and calories together now. I think that is going to be key.
    I need the meetings right now as I have met some great people and they have become friends to me. I think I need the meetings in my life as much as I like the computer I need human contact too. :)
  • italysharon
    italysharon Posts: 195 Member
    I lost 20 pounds (my goal) on Weight Watchers. There were some meals and granola bar type snacks at the meeting that you could buy, but they definitely were not pushed on me. The meals are there for convenience, they are not part of the program. It is very similar to MFP but with meetings and counting points instead of calories. I did it after all my children. Now I do MFP because it is free and it is working for me. Try out a meeting. I think you can try it out for free.
  • shortnsassy1981
    shortnsassy1981 Posts: 154 Member
    Nicola8989 check out skinnytaste.com. It's a wonderful blog of healthy recipes that include the weight watchers points. It also includes calories and macro breakdowns. This would give you an idea of what you could eat for your points. It may even work if you choose to just use MFP because there are lots of great recipes already available with the calories listed.
  • quizeyfbaby
    quizeyfbaby Posts: 6 Member
    I did weight watchers for about 2 months and immediately lost weight. I stopped doing it and wanted to start again. The thing that helped though was going to the meetings and having a friend do it with me. You might find that it helps having someone to do it with you. I am starting soon but without a friend this time. I wouldn't mind staying in touch if you decide to do it.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited December 2014
    I joined WW several years ago after the birth of my second child and got to goal and into maintenance after 3 months by following their program. I've been at goal ever since. I would never discourage anyone from joining as I do think the program works as long as a person follows it correctly and excercises as well.... MFP is good as well and is a free alternative to WW for those who would rather not pay to lose weight.
  • shewanna
    shewanna Posts: 32 Member
    I attend weight watchers and I also track on my fitness pal..I like and need physical support and you learn a lot attending weight watchers meetings
  • I love WW. I lost 39 lbs in 2014. About to hit another 4 for 2015! I'm lucky in the fact that my work pays for it as long as I attend the meetings. But I don't think I could have lost the weight with out the support I get at the meetings. Also, I don't eat any of the WW meals or snacks, and I don't feel pressured to either.
  • how do you use this program to include ww points?